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Text Complexity in High School

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1 Text Complexity in High School
Global Neutral a Global Warm Neutral d3d1c8 Global Accent On Dark ffbf00 Global Accent on Light ff9800 Global Accent Alt 97c410 ELA - Coral ff5147 Math 009f93 Leadership 7872bf Leadership Pathway Text Complexity in High School 87 minutes for this session Materials: Post-its ® on tables Markers (6 colors) Chart paper 5 sheets of chart paper prepared with the following headings on them Shift 1: What and Why? Shift 2: What and Why? Text Complexity: What and Why? Text Complexity: How? Relationship of Shifts 1, 2, and Text Complexity Day 3 Handouts packets Winter 2017

Participants will be able to Define the three components of text complexity Analyze texts to determine complexity Determine text complexity appropriateness Agenda: The Standards Model of Text Complexity Features of Complex Text Determining Complexity Mini-Team Time 1 min. Speaker’s Notes:

3 TEXT COMPLEXITY IN HIGH SCHOOL The Standards Model of Text Complexity
1 min. Speaker’s Notes: The State Standards delineate three factors for measuring text complexity (page 31) of Appendix A (page 4+). Let’s talk about what goes into these 3 factors. IMAGE CREDITS: 3

4 TEXT COMPLEXITY IN HIGH SCHOOL What Are the Features of Complex Text?
Any and all of these features in many combinations: Meaning Text Structure Language Features Knowledge Demands 1 min. Speaker’s Notes: You saw this slide in our previous presentation, but it is absolutely worth returning to. These features cover both quantitative and qualitative aspects of text complexity. Meaning – examples of meaning complexity include: Multiple and/or subtle themes and purposes Density of information Text Structure – examples include: Subtle and/or frequent transitions Lack of repetition, overlap or similarity in words and sentences Lack of words, sentences, or paragraphs that review or pull things together for the student Longer paragraphs Any text structure that is less narrative and/or mixes structures Language Features – such as: Complex sentences, including abstract, ironic or figurative language A variety of sentence structure Knowledge Demands – such as: Unfamiliar settings, topics, or events Uncommon vocabulary Too often, less proficient students are given texts at their level, where they do not see these features, where the demands of vocabulary and sentence structure are lowered. 4

5 Quantitative evaluation of the text
TEXT COMPLEXITY IN HIGH SCHOOL Explanation of the Text Complexity Factors Quantitative evaluation of the text Readability measures and other scores of text complexity Qualitative evaluation of the text Levels of meaning, structure, language conventionality and clarity, and knowledge demands Matching reader to text and task Reader variables (such as motivation, knowledge, and experiences) and task variables (such as purpose and the complexity generated by the task assigned and the questions posed) 1 min. Speaker’s Notes: We’ll be exploring these factors in depth, with a special focus on the first two. 5

There is no single method for determining text complexity. The quantitative dimension of text complexity refers to those aspects that are difficult for a human reader to evaluate when examining a text. These factors are more efficiently measured by computer programs. Quantitative measures of text complexity generally measure word difficulty (frequency, length) and sentence length. Some metrics add other features of words, sentence syntax, and text cohesion, creating a broader range of text and linguistic measures. 1 min. Speaker’s Notes: Point out word frequency and length, sentence length (and remember Paine with regard to the latter, and Melville with regard to the former). But also think about multiple-meaning words, especially common ones. SOURCE:

7 The Lexile Framework from Metamatrix:
TEXT COMPLEXITY IN HIGH SCHOOL Free Quantitative Measures of Text Complexity ATOS Analyzer from Renaissance Learning: Degrees of Reading Power from Questar: The Lexile Framework from Metamatrix: Reading Maturity from Pearson Knowledge Technologies: (Beta site) SourceRater from Educators Testing Service: Flesch-Kincaid (part of your Microsoft Word) 1 min. Handout: Access_to_Quantitative_Analysis_Tools Speaker’s Notes: Mention Lexile as the “dominant” metric, but that the others are very usable and provide data to help plan instruction (e.g., RMM and the pulling out of “maturity words” – words that are among the more challenging in the passage). 7

8 TEXT COMPLEXITY IN HIGH SCHOOL Text Complexity Grade Bands and Associated Ranges from Measures
Common Core Band ATOS Degrees of Reading Power Flesch- Kincaid The Lexile Framework Maturity SourceRater 2nd–3rd 2.75–5.14 42–54 1.98–5.34 420–820 3.53–6.13 0.05–2.48 4th–5th 4.97–7.03 52–60 4.51–7.73 740–1010 5.42–7.92 0.84–5.75 6th–8th 7.00–9.98 57–67 6.51–10.34 925–1185 7.04–9.57 4.11–10.66 9th–10th 9.67–12.01 62–72 8.32–12.12 1050–1335 8.41–10.81 9.0– 13.93 11th–CR 11.20–14.10 67–74 10.34–14.2 1185–1385 9.57–12.00 12.30–14.50 3 min. Speaker’s Notes: This is a handout: E0813_CCSS_Grade_Bands_and_Quantitative_Measures Note: The overlap in the indices between grade levels. Background: The major comparability finding of the research was that all of the quantitative metrics were reliably and often highly correlated with grade level and student performance based measures of text difficulty across a variety of text sets and reference measures. No one of the quantitative measures performed significantly differently than the others in predicting student outcomes. While there is variance between and among the measures about where they place any single text, they all climb reliably – though differently – up the text complexity ladder to college and career readiness. Choosing any one of the text-analyzer tools from second grade through high school will provide a scale by which to rate text complexity over a student’s career, culminating in levels that match college and career readiness. 8

9 TEXT COMPLEXITY IN HIGH SCHOOL Text Complexity: Qualitative Measurements
3 min. Speaker’s Notes: Handout: Text Complexity Rubric Mention this is adapted from PARCC; also has one <Click> to circle that this is for Literature. Talk through the criteria and the differences from VC to RA 9

10 TEXT COMPLEXITY IN HIGH SCHOOL Practice Evaluation of Text Complexity
Individually and silently, read literature Text #1 (Steinbeck) and rate where it might fit in terms of the following qualitative criteria in the text complexity rubric: Meaning Text Structure Language Features Knowledge Demands THEN, using the quantitative measures provided, place it in a grade band for instruction and assessment 7 min. Speaker’s Notes: This will be an individual and then group task. We want to give you a chance to use the rubric individually first. 7 min. – Read and apply rubric individually and use the quantitative measures (handout). 10

11 TEXT COMPLEXITY IN HIGH SCHOOL Practice Evaluation of Text Complexity
Count off by fours. Group 1 – Meaning Group 2 – Text Structure Group 3 – Language Features Group 4 – Knowledge Demands Discuss and agree on a rating. Chart your results and prepare to share. 10 min. Speaker’s Notes: Discuss and agree on your Text Complexity Factor on the rubric. Chart results and prepare to share. 11

12 TEXT COMPLEXITY IN HIGH SCHOOL Practice Evaluation of Text Complexity:
Steinbeck  Criteria Very Complex Moderately Complex Readily Accessible Notes Meaning Multiple levels of meaning that may be difficult to identify, separate, and interpret; theme is implicit, subtle, or ambiguous and may be revealed over the entirety of the text. Multiple levels of meaning that are relatively easy to identify; theme is clear but may be conveyed with some subtlety. One level of meaning: theme is obvious and revealed early in the text. 5 min. Speaker’s Notes: During share-out, ask for that group to share their determination and rationale. The Meaning group goes first. Next slide has “our” answers. NOTE: This a late-in-the-day session. If energy is flagging, have folks get up and stand near the group presenting. 12

13 TEXT COMPLEXITY IN HIGH SCHOOL Practice Evaluation of Text Complexity:
Steinbeck  Criteria Very Complex Moderately Complex Readily Accessible Notes Meaning Multiple levels of meaning that may be difficult to identify, separate, and interpret; theme is implicit, subtle, or ambiguous and may be revealed over the entirety of the text. Multiple levels of meaning that are relatively easy to identify; theme is clear but may be conveyed with some subtlety. One level of meaning: theme is obvious and revealed early in the text. 4 min. Speaker’s Notes: “our” answers Moderately Complex Multiple levels of meaning that are relatively easy to identify; theme is clear but may be conveyed with some subtlety. 13

14 TEXT COMPLEXITY IN HIGH SCHOOL Practice Evaluation of Text Complexity:
Steinbeck  Criteria Very Complex Moderately Complex Readily Accessible Notes Text Structure Prose or poetry includes more intricate elements such as subplots, shifts in point-of-view, shifts in time or non-standard text structures. Prose includes two or more storylines or has a plot that is somewhat difficult to predict (e.g., in the case of a non-linear plot); poetry has some implicit or unpredictable structural elements. One level of meaning: theme is obvious and revealed early in the text. Prose or poetry is organized clearly and/or chronologically; the events in a prose work are easy to predict because the plot is linear; poetry has explicit and predictable structural elements. 4 min. Speaker’s Notes: Text Structure group shares. Next slide has “our” answers. 14

15 TEXT COMPLEXITY IN HIGH SCHOOL Practice Evaluation of Text Complexity:
Steinbeck  Criteria Very Complex Moderately Complex Readily Accessible Notes Text Structure Prose or poetry includes more intricate elements such as subplots, shifts in point-of-view, shifts in time or non-standard text structures. Prose includes two or more storylines or has a plot that is somewhat difficult to predict (e.g., in the case of a non-linear plot); poetry has some implicit or unpredictable structural elements. One level of meaning: theme is obvious and revealed early in the text. Prose or poetry is organized clearly and/or chronologically; the events in a prose work are easy to predict because the plot is linear; poetry has explicit and predictable structural elements. 4 min. Speaker’s Notes: Moderately Complex Prose includes two or more storylines or has a plot that is somewhat difficult to predict (e.g., in the case of a non-linear plot); poetry has some implicit or unpredictable structural elements. 15

16 TEXT COMPLEXITY IN HIGH SCHOOL Practice Evaluation of Text Complexity:
Steinbeck  Criteria Very Complex Moderately Complex Readily Accessible Notes Language Features Language is generally complex with abstract, ironic, and/or figurative language, and regularly includes archaic, unfamiliar, and academic words; text uses a variety of sentence structures including complex sentences with subordinate phrases and clauses. Language is often explicit and literal but includes academic, archaic, or other words with complex meaning (e.g., figurative language); text uses a variety of sentence structures. Language is explicit and literal, with mostly contemporary and familiar vocabulary; text uses mostly simple sentences. 4 min. Speaker’s Notes: Language Features group shares 16

17 TEXT COMPLEXITY IN HIGH SCHOOL Practice Evaluation of Text Complexity:
Steinbeck  Criteria Very Complex Moderately Complex Readily Accessible Notes Language Features Language is generally complex with abstract, ironic, and/or figurative language, and regularly includes archaic, unfamiliar, and academic words; text uses a variety of sentence structures including complex sentences with subordinate phrases and clauses.  ✓ Language is often explicit and literal but includes academic, archaic, or other words with complex meaning (e.g., figurative language); text uses a variety of sentence structures. Language is explicit and literal, with mostly contemporary and familiar vocabulary; text uses mostly simple sentences. 4 min. Speaker’s Notes: “our” answers Very Complex Language is generally complex with abstract, ironic, and/or figurative language, and regularly includes archaic, unfamiliar, and academic words; text uses a variety of sentence structures including complex sentences with subordinate phrases and clauses. 17

18 TEXT COMPLEXITY IN HIGH SCHOOL Practice Evaluation of Text Complexity:
Steinbeck  Criteria Very Complex Moderately Complex Readily Accessible Notes  Knowledge Demands The text explores complex sophisticated or abstract themes; text is dependent on allusions to other texts or cultural elements; allusions or references have context and require inference and evaluation. The text explores several themes; text makes few references or allusions to other texts or cultural elements; the meaning of references or allusions may be partially explained in context. The text explores a single theme; if there are any references or allusions, they are fully explained in the text. 4 min. Speaker’s Notes: Knowledge Demands group shares

19 TEXT COMPLEXITY IN HIGH SCHOOL Practice Evaluation of Text Complexity:
Steinbeck  Criteria Very Complex Moderately Complex Readily Accessible Notes  Knowledge Demands The text explores complex sophisticated or abstract themes; text is dependent on allusions to other texts or cultural elements; allusions or references have context and require inference and evaluation.  ✓ The text explores several themes; text makes few references or allusions to other texts or cultural elements; the meaning of references or allusions may be partially explained in context. The text explores a single theme; if there are any references or allusions, they are fully explained in the text. 4 min. Speaker’s Notes: “our” answers – note that there are very good reasons to rate this as either moderately or very complex Very Complex The text explores complex sophisticated or abstract themes; text is dependent on allusions to other texts or cultural elements; allusions or references have context and require inference and evaluation. Moderately Complex The text explores several themes; text makes few references or allusions to other texts or cultural elements; the meaning of references or allusions may be partially explained in context.

20 TEXT COMPLEXITY IN HIGH SCHOOL Practice Evaluation of Text Complexity:
Steinbeck  Criteria Very Complex Moderately Complex Readily Accessible Notes Meaning Multiple levels of meaning that may be difficult to identify, separate, and interpret; theme is implicit, subtle, or ambiguous and may be revealed over the entirety of the text. Multiple levels of meaning that are relatively easy to identify; theme is clear but may be conveyed with some subtlety. One level of meaning: theme is obvious and revealed early in the text. 2 min. Speaker’s Notes: Check for agreement by the group that Meaning is Moderately Complex. Moderately Complex Multiple levels of meaning that are relatively easy to identify; theme is clear but may be conveyed with some subtlety. 20

21 TEXT COMPLEXITY IN HIGH SCHOOL Practice Evaluation of Text Complexity:
Steinbeck  Criteria Very Complex Moderately Complex Readily Accessible Notes Text Structure Prose or poetry includes more intricate elements such as subplots, shifts in point-of-view, shifts in time or non-standard text structures. Prose includes two or more storylines or has a plot that is somewhat difficult to predict (e.g.: in the case of a non-linear plot); poetry has some implicit or unpredictable structural elements. One level of meaning: theme is obvious and revealed early in the text. Prose or poetry is organized clearly and/or chronologically; the events in a prose work are easy to predict because the plot is linear; poetry has explicit and predictable structural elements. 2 min. Speaker’s Notes: Check for agreement by the group. Moderately Complex Prose includes two or more storylines or has a plot that is somewhat difficult to predict (e.g.: in the case of a non-linear plot); poetry has some implicit or unpredictable structural elements. 21

22 Practice Evaluation of Text Complexity: Steinbeck
TEXT COMPLEXITY IN HIGH SCHOOL Practice Evaluation of Text Complexity: Steinbeck  Criteria Very Complex Moderately Complex Readily Accessible Notes Language Features Language is generally complex with abstract, ironic, and/or figurative language, and regularly includes archaic, unfamiliar, and academic words; text uses a variety of sentence structures including complex sentences with subordinate phrases and clauses.  ✓ Language is often explicit and literal but includes academic, archaic, or other words with complex meaning (e.g.: figurative language); text uses a variety of sentence structures. Language is explicit and literal, with mostly contemporary and familiar vocabulary; text uses mostly simple sentences. 2 min. Speaker’s Notes: Check for agreement by the group. Very Complex Language is generally complex with abstract, ironic, and/or figurative language, and regularly includes archaic, unfamiliar, and academic words; text uses a variety of sentence structures including complex sentences with subordinate phrases and clauses. 22

23 TEXT COMPLEXITY IN HIGH SCHOOL Practice Evaluation of Text Complexity:
Steinbeck  Criteria Very Complex Moderately Complex Readily Accessible Notes  Knowledge Demands The text explores complex sophisticated or abstract themes; text is dependent on allusions to other texts or cultural elements; allusions or references have context and require inference and evaluation.  ✓ The text explores several themes; text makes few references or allusions to other texts or cultural elements; the meaning of references or allusions may be partially explained in context. The text explores a single theme; if there are any references or allusions, they are fully explained in the text. 2 min. Speaker’s Notes: Check for agreement by the group. Moderately Complex The text explores complex sophisticated or abstract themes; text is dependent on allusions to other texts or cultural elements; allusions or references have context and require inference and evaluation. Moderately Complex The text explores several themes; text makes few references or allusions to other texts or cultural elements; the meaning of references or allusions may be partially explained in context.

24 Steinbeck Very Complex/Moderately Complex
TEXT COMPLEXITY IN HIGH SCHOOL Practice Evaluation of Text Complexity: Steinbeck OVERALL QUANTITATIVE COMPLEXITY RATINGS OVERALL QUALITATIVE COMPLEXITY RATING AND PLACEMENT Very Complex/Moderately Complex Appropriate for ____ instruction/ ____ assessment Metrics Measures Grade Band Lexile 990 4-5 and 6-8 Flesch-Kincaid 5.5 4-5 Reading Maturity Metric 6.1 2-3 and 4-5 2 min. Speaker’s Notes: One person’s evaluation Important thing is not that everyone agrees 100%—the important thing is the journey and process of discussing how the complexity manifests itself in each criterion, and what that means for students Transition: Before we leave this topic, we’d like to emphasize the challenge that text structures can mount for less-experienced readers. 24

25 Proficient vs. Less-Experienced Readers
Less-experienced readers have difficulty organizing and prioritizing text information. Students who can follow a regular narrative can be confused by other text structures. Proficient readers use awareness of text structures to understand key points of the text. When asked to recall or process what they have read, their summaries reflect the text organization. 2 min. Speaker’s Notes: Raise your hand if you like “beach reading” on vacation. Most of us are proficient readers—we understand these structures early on in our reading without even thinking about it. We know that when we pick up a science text, for whatever reason, that we can’t read it as we would our beach reading. We also understand that “beach reading” is a code for easy and enjoyable reading, reading we don’t have to deconstruct or work at. It has everything to do with text structure. As proficient readers, we use our knowledge about the ways these structures reveal the organization and interweaving of author ideas to influence comprehension and writing skills. This is a place where comprehension strategies can help to imbue struggling readers with the meta-cognitive strategies and habits they need to approach complex texts. Again, this is all about

26 TEXT COMPLEXITY IN HIGH SCHOOL Mini-Team Carousel Summarizer
In your Mini-Teams, rotate through the chart paper on the walls. Record your learning. Leave room on the paper. Your facilitators will give you the signal to move. Take your marker with you. Place a check mark next to any previous recordings to indicate agreement or “ditto.” Add your own learning. Carousel Topics Shift #1: What and Why? Shift #2: What and Why? Text Complexity: What and Why? Text Complexity: How? Relationship of Shifts #1, #2, and Text Complexity 15 min. Materials: Markers (6 colors) 5 sheets of chart paper prepared with the following headings on them Shift 1: What and Why? Shift 2: What and Why? Text Complexity: What and Why? Text Complexity: How? Relationship of Shifts 1, 2, and Text Complexity Speaker’s Notes: We’ve covered a LOT today. Let’s take some time to step back and revisit our learning. In your Mini-Teams… Have each group begin at one of the chart papers. Give each group one color marker that they will take with them. Timing: 4 min at 1st chart paper; 3 min at 2nd; 2 min at each for the last three. Remember to come to consensus along the way of what will be included in your ideal literacy program. Transition: We have used this last time to capture your learning from today. Tomorrow we will first go to a keynote and then come right back here to finish up with Rigor. We’ll leave these charts up to refresh and activate our learning in the morning. Now, let’s survey the day.

Slide Source 3 6 7,8 (Beta site) Flesch-Kincaid 9-16 17

Slides 3, 9, 10, 14, 15: Slide 21: Shutterstock/Syda Productions Slide 22:

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