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Nursing Care of Patients with Cerebrovascular Disorders

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1 Nursing Care of Patients with Cerebrovascular Disorders
The Nervous System Nursing Care of Patients with Cerebrovascular Disorders

2 Transient Ischemic Attack
Temporary impairment of cerebral circulation, deprives brain of glucose and oxygen, may last mins to hrs, resolve/24 24-29% have Stroke within 5 Years May be a forewarning for CVA S/S: depends on area of brain affected, visual/speech difficulty, weakness/paralysis

3 Cerebrovascular Accident (Stroke)
Pathophysiology Inadequate blood flow to brain, destroys brain tissue, permanent damage if not reversed Ischemic- death of brain tissue Thrombotic- circulation or Embolic-obstruction Hemorrhagic- rupture of a vessel, bleeding into the brain

4 Risk Factors Modifiable Non-Modifiable Hypertension Smoking
Diabetes Mellitus Atherosclerosis Atrial Fibrillation Obesity Hypercholesterolemia TIA Alcohol, Drugs Non-Modifiable Age Gender Prior Stroke or Heart Attack Heredity

5 Warning Signs CALL 911! Sudden Numbness or Weakness Sudden Confusion
Sudden Change in Vision Sudden Trouble Walking / Dizziness Sudden Severe Headache CALL 911!

6 Acute Signs & Symptoms Depend on Area of Brain Affected
Change in LOC, numbness, weakness Visual/ language disturbance One-Sided Weakness / Paralysis Dysphagia HA, N/V, resp compromise

7 Opposite Side Affected

8 Visual Disturbances

9 Cincinnati Pre-Hospital Stroke Scale
Have Patient Smile Have Patient Hold Arms out Straight and Close Eyes Ask Patient to Repeat a Phrase CT, MRI, Angiogram, NIH stroke scale, PT, PTT, electrolytes, CBC

10 Therapeutic Interventions
Thrombolytic Therapy Must be given within 3 hours to be effective to reverse stroke s/s TIME IS BRAIN! Treat cause of stroke Airway Management Control of Hypertension Seizure Prevention Anticoagulants and antiplatelets

11 Surgical Intervention
Carotid Endarterectomy- carotid artery is opened and plaque removed Balloon Angioplasty

12 Long Term Effects Impaired Motor Function Impaired Sensation Aphasia
Emotional Lability Impaired Judgment Unilateral Neglect Homonymous Hemianopsia

13 Cerebral Aneurysm/Subarachnoid Hemorrhage
Weakness in Artery Wall, result of trauma, disease, or congential Subarachnoid Hemorrhage AV Malformation Head Trauma

14 Arteriovenous Malformation

15 S/S of Hemorrhage Severe Headache Photophobia Vomiting Disorientation
IICP Dx: CT scan, cerebral angiogram Changes in LOC Seizures Nuchal Rigidity Pupil Changes Motor Dysfunction

16 Therapeutic Interventions
Craniotomy Clamp Wrap Remove

17 Therapeutic Interventions cont’d
Nonsurgical Thrombose Aneurysm Monitoring Blood Pressure Control

18 Complications Rebleed Hydrocephalus Vasospasm Others Similar to Stroke

19 Ventriculoperitoneal Shunt

20 Nursing Process: Assessment
LOC Restlessness Dizziness Vision Changes Pupils Vital Signs Pain SaO2 Paresthesias Weakness Paralysis Seizures Respiratory Status Swallowing

21 Nursing Diagnoses: Cerebrovascular Disorder
Ineffective Cerebral Tissue Perfusion Ineffective Airway Clearance Risk for Injury Impaired Physical Mobility Imbalanced Nutrition Disturbed Sensory perception Risk for Impaired Skin integrity

22 Nursing Diagnoses Cont’d
Incontinence Self-Care Deficit Impaired Verbal Communication Disturbed Thought Processes Deficit Knowledge Risk for Caregiver Role Strain

23 Ineffective Cerebral Tissue Perfusion
Monitor Neurological Status Monitor Vital Signs Monitor Coagulation Studies Monitor Medication Effects Report Changes

24 Ineffective Airway Clearance
Monitor Lung Sounds, Cough, Respirations Position to Maintain Open Airway Encourage to Cough and Deep Breathe Suction PRN

25 Risk for Injury Monitor Neuro Status and Report Changes
Administer Anticonvulsant as Ordered Implement Seizure Precautions Offer Toileting on Schedule

26 Impaired Physical Mobility
Refer to PT, OT Maintain Good Body Alignment Perform ROM Exercises Mobilize – Chair or Ambulate Turn q 2 Hours

27 Imbalanced Nutrition Keep NPO Until Swallowing Evaluated
Perform Dysphagia Screen Try Sip of Water Request ST Swallowing Evaluation Implement Aspiration Precautions Consider Tube Feeding if Necessary

28 Disturbed Sensory Perception
Assess for Sensory Deficits Teach Patient to Scan Environment Protect Skin

29 Risk for Impaired Skin Integrity
Monitor Skin for Breakdown Keep Perineal Area Clean and Dry Use Barrier Cream PRN Turn Patient q2 Hours Use Lift Sheet to Reposition Consider Pressure-Reducing Mattress

30 Incontinence Monitor for Incontinence
Determine Usual Elimination Patterns Provide Assistance with Toileting Schedule Respond Quickly to Requests for Help

31 Self Care Deficit Assess Ability to Perform ADLs
Encourage Independence Place Objects in Reach Provide Assistive Devices Assist to Learn Use of Non-Dominant Side Involve and Educate Family

32 Impaired Verbal Communication
Assess Verbal Ability Consult Speech Pathologist Answer Call Light in Person Listen Patiently Provide Communication Aids Keep Communication Appropriate Don’t Assume Patient Does Not Understand

33 Picture Board

34 Disturbed Thought Processes
Monitor Changes in Thought Processes Place Calendars, Clocks in Environment Reduce Stressors Maintain Patient’s Usual Routines Communicate Slowly and Clearly Involve Family

35 Deficient Knowledge Explain What Happened to Patient
Explain Tests and Procedures Orient Patient and Family to Setting Provide Instruction for Care at Home Evaluate Need for Home Nursing

36 Risk for Caregiver Role Strain
Assess Impact of Patient’s Needs on Caregiver Assist Caregiver to Identify Resources Consult Social Worker or Case Manager Consider Skilled Nursing Facility PRN

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