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Preparing for a successful upgrade

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1 Preparing for a successful upgrade
Preparing for a successful upgrade Bob McAdam | Dynamic Communities, Inc | Fargo, ND

2 What about Bob? Dynamics GP implementer & business development resource with two large partners for 13+ years Migrated from accounting gigs to Dynamics GP consulting in Jan 1998 (v4.0 then) Active w/ GPUG & GPUG Academy since inception (2007 & 2008, respectively) Former GP customer/end user at Microsoft Certified Trainer (circa 2004) Inaugural GPUG ‘All-Star Award’ recipient (Nov 2011) Inaugural ‘Richard Whaley Academy Award’ recipient (Oct 2014) Dynamics World (UK) ‘Top 100 Most Influential in Microsoft Dynamics’ (May 2012 / 2013) Dynamics GP Exam Certification Committee at Co-Host of ‘Enterprise Software Podcast’

3 Upgrade Preparation Why is preparing for an upgrade a priority?
Agenda Why is preparing for an upgrade a priority? Preparing a reliable backup strategy Database preparation Obtaining proper software Obtaining registration keys What happens if the upgrade fails – then what? Staging your new server (or are you going Cloud?)

4 Why is preparing for an upgrade a priority?
Upgrade Preparation Why is preparing for an upgrade a priority? Recent releases of Microsoft Dynamics GP: Dynamics GP 2013 (December 2012) Dynamics GP 2013 R2 (Fall 2013) Dynamics GP 2015 (December 2014) Dynamics GP 2015 R2 (Spring 2015) Dynamics GP 2016 (May 2016) Dynamics GP 2016 R2 (December 2016 perhaps??)

5 Upgrade Preparation

6 Upgrade Preparation Preparing a reliable backup strategy
Backups are critical Start this entire process with a database backup Then restore it someplace and verify it Always best to do backups first, even before regular maintenance, in case problems are encountered with the latter Items you also should consider in this strategy: Any Modified Forms dictionaries Any Modified Reports dictionaries Management Reporter Building Blocks Custom/Modified SQL Server Reporting Services reports

7 Upgrade Preparation Database preparation Database Console Commands DBCC CHECKDB (TWO) Probably the only db maintenance item you need Keeps the inner workings of SQL Server and Dynamics GP databases running at their peak levels: Check Links (maybe) Reconciling modules (possibly) reconcile.html Posting ‘Single Use’ batches (definitely) Consider these preparation items for each database you’re upgrading                                                     

8 Upgrade Preparation Obtaining proper software & reg keys
Make sure you know all of your application “inventory” ‘Customization Maintenance’ window has list of custom items ‘Customization Status’ window has module listing GP ‘AddIns’ folder lists any .Net customizations & installed products Review custom SQL objects (stored procs, views, triggers, etc.) in production databases (easier if using consistent object naming convention) Dynamics.set file (one for each GP code install – identical for all users?) Each ISV has it’s own compatible code Some are ready/compatible quicker than others – please double-check! Each ISV has it’s own registration key requirements Obtain help from your partner to get these items in order, if needed What about SQL Server? Which version meets compatibility requirements? (SQL Server 2016 RC1 recently released) What about Windows Server OS? (Windows Server 2016 due soon) What about workstation OS (if using local/fat clients)?

9 Upgrade Preparation What happens if the upgrade fails?
Roll back your original database from backup you took before this whole thing started Do your initial upgrade in a TEST environment so that you know what to expect when the real thing does rolls around You’re prepared – if it doesn’t succeed, you’re ready with a solid ‘Plan B’

10 Upgrade Preparation Staging a new server (or going to the Cloud)
Folder layout Staging software Obtain sign-offs during End User Testing Integrations Your ‘GPShare’ structure Performance issue here? Creating/Managing necessary logins Service Accounts Dynamics GP User IDs Review your GP Security matrix

11 Upgrade Preparation Recap… Prepare a reliable backup strategy Database preparation Obtain proper software Obtain registration keys Contingency plan if the upgrade fails Staging your new server Any software upgrade contains a certain element of risk. Plan well, prepare with your partner, and test, test, test.

12 Must Take Steps! Check out what we did for GP 2015:
Upcoming and past webinar recordings Attend quarterly webinars / Reno upgrade track

13 Questions? Bob McAdam Dynamic Communities, Inc. “Bob’s BloGPipes” periodically at:

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