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Warm-up What is the difference between asexual and sexual reproduction? Give two ways Would cutting pieces of plants off and replanting the pieces be.

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Presentation on theme: "Warm-up What is the difference between asexual and sexual reproduction? Give two ways Would cutting pieces of plants off and replanting the pieces be."— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm-up What is the difference between asexual and sexual reproduction? Give two ways Would cutting pieces of plants off and replanting the pieces be asexual or sexual reproduction? What about a lizard that can grow another tail?

2 Asexual vs. Sexual Reproduction

3 Asexual Reproduction Requires only one parent
Offspring are identical to parent In other words, the offspring are exact “clones” of the parent. Mitosis

4 Asexual Reproduction Binary Fission Bacteria Protists
Binary fission where everything is copied and the organism divides in two.

5 Asexual Reproduction Plant cuttings

6 Asexual Reproduction Budding Hydra
Budding is a means of asexual reproduction where a new individual develops from an outgrowth of a parent, splits off, and lives independently.

7 Asexual Reproduction Fragmentation
Fragmentation is a means of asexual reproduction where a single parent breaks into parts that regenerate into whole new individuals.

8 Asexual Reproduction Regeneration
Regeneration occurs when a body part has broken off and the organism grows a new one. Example: some lizards

9 Asexual Reproduction Yeast
Examples of organisms that reproduce asexually Hydra Sea Star Strawberry Archaebacteria Eubacteria Paramecium Yeast

10 Sexual Reproduction Meiosis
Requires two parents that each share ½ of the genetic information from each parent reproduction involving the union or fusion of a male (sperm or pollen grain) and a female gamete (egg or seed) Offspring share the characteristics of each parent. Meiosis

11 Sexual Reproduction Examples of organisms that reproduce sexually
Chickens Iguanas Lobsters Sharks Humans Butterflies Sunflowers Roses

12 Sexual Reproduction Happens 2 ways Internally (inside)
The egg is fertilized by sperm inside the female Mammals, birds, reptiles, insects, spiders Externally (outside) The egg is fertilized by sperm outside the female The female lays the eggs and then the male fertilizes them. Fish and some amphibians Plants and fungi (pollen and spores)

13 Types of reproduction in living organisms
Asexual Reproduction Sexual Reproduction Both Types of reproduction in living organisms

14 Mendelian Genetics

15 Gregor Mendel Went to school to be a priest, then attended University of Vienna where he learned how to study science through experimentation and mathematics Worked in a monastery-cared for a garden and taught high school Did experiments with pea plants in his garden crossed multiple different colors of pea plants and found that sometimes you get different colors than you would expect

16 Why pea plants? Easy to grow-short life cycle Easily observable traits
Self-pollination when a single flower contains male and female parts, and uses them to fertilize itself Mendel removed male parts so he could select which flowers mated with which For all seven traits of pea plants, found a 3:1 ratio for the F2 generation


18 Vocabulary Organisms have two genes for the same trait
One from mother and one from father, this is called a homologous pair. Represented by letters (Bb) Recessive=little letter (b) Dominant=big letter (B) Individual can be BB or Bb or bb

19 Organisms have a pair of alleles for each trait
Alleles: term for the letters. Can be used interchangeably with the term gene. Organisms have a pair of alleles for each trait Ex: BB or Bb or bb Homozygous: means both genes or alleles are the sameBB or bb Heterozygous: means both genes or alleles are different Bb or bB

20 Rules Random segregation or Law of segregation each pair of alleles (from each parent) is separated, and the offspring has an equal chance of receiving either allele from each parent Law of Independent Assortment during gamete formation, the alleles of each trait segregate independently Ex: you may get hitchhiker thumb from mom, rolling tongue from dad, but your sister can get hitchhiker thumb from mom, but non-rolling tongue from mom as well. Each trait is independent from each other This is what makes siblings different

21 More vocabulary Genotype term for the letter combination
Combination of alleles or genes Phenotype physical traits-appearance Hybrid same as heterozygous Gene linkage genes come as a “package deal” Ex: If your dad has 4 genes all on chromosome #4, dangling earlobes, tongue rolling, curly hair, and freckles. Therefore, you would inherit all 4 of his alleles for all 4 traits, and get none from your mom for those traits. Opposite of independent assortment Genes that are closer together tend to stay linked, and ones further apart tend to independently assort

22 Probability 1B stopped here

23 Punnett Square 4B stopped here

24 Chromosome Theory of Inheritance
genes are located on chromosomes and that the behavior of chromosomes during meiosis accounts for inheritance patterns, which closely parallels predicted Mendelian patterns. Explains those things Mendel did not understand Independent assortment Segregation Gene linkage Crossing Over Incomplete Dominance Codominance

25 What Mendel didn’t know
Polygenic inheritance Incomplete dominance Multiple alleles Codominance Genes affected by the environment

26 Polygenic Inheritance
Polygenic Inheritance when several genes affect the trait instead of a single gene as with Mendelian genetics Ex: eye color, hair color, height, skin color, weight Most traits are polygenic only one gene affects the trait is very rare in nature


28 Incomplete Dominance In Mendelian genetics, one allele is completely dominant over the other, as with pea color In most cases, offspring has a phenotype that is the intermediate of the two parents Ex: A female flower is red, and a male flower is blue. They mate, what color will all of their offspring be? A red flower and a white flower make a _____________ flower. In a problem, I would indicate this in some manner

29 Incomplete dominance

30 Multiple Alleles In Mendelian genetics, there were always two alleles for every trait There are certain cases where this is not true, and there are three or more alleles Best ex: blood type has three alleles: Combinations in these different alleles produce four different blood types (ignoring the +, -)

31 Codominance A condition in which both alleles for the same gene are fully expressed, they are both dominant no recessives Ex: Checkered chicken, roan cattle, many others In a problem, I would indicate this in some manner

32 Monohybrid Cross All punnett squares with one trait and two possible phenotypes Basically all punnett squares we have done so far. Any punnett square with four squares

33 Dihybrid Cross 16 squares You are crossing two traits at once
For example: Two traits could be tall/short and green/yellow In other words, a plant can be tall and green, tall and yellow, short and green, or short and yellow. FOIL method from algebra to do the outside of the punnett square.


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