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Chapter 8 Digital Devices and Media: Managing a Digital Lifestyle

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1 Chapter 8 Digital Devices and Media: Managing a Digital Lifestyle
By: Madison Tapia Madison Tapia

2 Digital Convergence Digital Convergence: is the use of a single unifying device to handle media, entertainment, Internet, and telephony needs. Digital convergence is now seen in everyday appliances. The Digital Living Network Alliance or ( is an organization working to standardize different kinds of appliances and network devices used in our homes. (1:00-2:00) We see digital convergence in the evolution of smartphones, which now let you do just about anything a computer can do. Some examples of digital convergence is the Tesla model S car: it features a 17 inch touch screen display that can control all of the electronic systems of the car ( high def camera, internet access, and navigation systems) Another example would be refrigerators including LCD touch screen displays and network adapters so they can play music and display family photos. Madison Tapia

3 Smartphone Basics Smartphones incorporate functions and features such as: internet access, voice recording, GPS services, digital image and video capture, even the use of video-editing software. Feature Phones: have modest processors, simpler interfaces, and often no touch screen. A smartphone lets you do more than answering phone calls, in fact they illustrate a power of digital convergence. Not all phones are smart phones, there are some that are called feature phones. Data plans are usually purchased with smartphones. Madison Tapia

4 Smartphone Components
All smartphones and feature phones have the same components of any computer. Smartphones contain their own operating and application systems. Input Devices: microphone and touchpad Apple IPhone provides a software based keyboard that supports more than 40 languages. Output Devices: include a speaker and liquid crystal display (LCD). They both include processors, memory, and input and output devices. Processor coordinates sending all of the data among the other electronic components in a phone and runs the phones OS or operating system to change settings, play games, or store information. Apple iOS is the software used in apple computers. Newer on the market are OLED- which are shaper, brighter, and draw less power than LCD. Madison Tapia

5 How Cell Phone Technology Works
A set of connected “cells” make up a cellular network. Each cell is in a geographic area centered on a base transceiver station. The station then passes the request to a central location called a mobile switching center. As you move during a phone call, the mobile switching center monitors the strength of the signal between your cell phone and the closest base station. Digital Processing Steps during a phone call Sound enters the microphone as a sound wave. An analog-to-dialog converter chip converts your voice’s sound wave into digital signals. Digital data is compressed into smallest space possible by a digital signal processor. Digital data is transmitted as a radio wave to the destination. BTS: is a large community of communication towers with antennas, amplifies, receivers, and transmitters. When you place a call on a cell phone, a base station picks up the request for service. When a call is “dropped” it may be because the distance between base stations is too great to provide an adequate signal. Madison Tapia

6 Synchronizing Synchronizing: the process of updating your data so your to-do lists, schedules, and other files on your cell phone and computer are the same. Wired: uses a micro SD card or USB cable to directly sync data. Wireless: uses a wireless connection to transfer data. Transferring Data USB ports are the main way most devices transfer data. Wireless Data Transfer Bluetooth: use radio waves to transmit data signals over distances of approximately 300 feet. Google Sync: allows google , calendar events, and contacts are automatically backed up online instantly on the Google servers. Most smartphones on the market today are Bluetooth-enabled, meaning they include a small Bluetooth chip that allows them to transfer data wirelessly to any other Bluetooth- enabled device. Madison Tapia

7 Text Messaging SMS (short messaging service) or text messaging is a technology that lets you send short text messages over cellular networks. SMS uses a cell-phone network to transmit messages store-and-forward technology In order to send sound, video clips, or images an extension needs to be used called MMS (multimedia message service). Text messaging is usually included within data plans, but some still require an individual purchase for unlimited messaging. Madison Tapia

8 Mobile Internet there are 2 ways smartphones connect to the internet
Using Wi-Fi network Using the cellular phone system (3G or 4G connection) a major advantage with Wi-Fi is offers faster data-transfer speed, but cellular networks are much more widely available. To purchase internet time, a data plan is purchased and a monthly price is payed . if the data usage is exceeded the customer will have to pay a fee. companies like tmobil, at&t, verizon offer wifi hotspots and allow customers to use them for free. Madison Tapia

9 Transferring Digital Information
a smartphone will connect at a much slower speed than broadband speeds. Depends usually on which technology is being used (WiFi, 3G, 4G) 3G has a data-transfer rate of 3.8 Mbps 3G is more reliable than WiFi. 2. 4G has mobile connection speed up to 100 Mbps. however, most 4G networks deliver speeds of only 6 to 10 Mbps and is often called 4G LTE. The expansion of 4G will usher in a new generation of mobile devices. Madison Tapia

10 Smartphone Security Viruses can infect smartphone and compromise bank statements, personal s, and credit card information. Kaspersky, McAfee, and F-Secure are among leading companies currently providing antivirus software for mobile devices. Tip*- if there is no antivirus program for your phone’s OS then check for software upgrades regularly to patch security holes. To keep your number private a virtual number can be created in order to ring on existing numbers. Madison Tapia

11 VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol)
A VoIP is a fully digital phone service that turns a standard internet connection into a means to place phone calls. Example: Skype is a well known VoIP provider. requires both caller and receiver to have the companies free software installed in their device. Advantages: free or low cost, portable, convenient. Disadvantages: sound and quality issues, service can be interrupted, security risks. VoIP can be placed anywhere with internet access Madison Tapia

12 Smartphone GPS Today every cellphone has a GPS chip.
Global positioning system (GPS) is a network of 21 satellites that constantly orbit Earth. use an antenna to pick up signals from the satellites and transform the signals into latitude and longitude. GPS devices determine geographical location anywhere on the planet to within 3 feet. Example: AT&T’s Family Map service allows parents to track all phones in their data plan at any given time. Who ever Is being tracked on the Family Map is not authorized to be able to turn the application off. Madison Tapia

13 Tablets Tablets are light, portable devices such as: Apple iPad and Samsung Galaxy. come in screen sizes around 7 to 10 inches; however, some phones have screen sizes up to 6 inches. Features include: similar operating systems (iOS or Android), similar processors, touch screen interfaces, long battery life (10 hours), software applications, internet connectivity, bluetooth connection to printers, keyboards, and other peripherals. Tablets cannot make cell phone calls, but can video call and use VoIP applications when connected to WiFi. Madison Tapia

14 Netbooks & Ultrabooks Netbooks use traditional OS, like Windows 8.
Microsoft application can be operated on a netbook. Contains a physical keyboard and weighs 2 pounds or less. Cost: less than $300. Disadvantages: small screens, not a lot of memory, low screen resolution. Ultrabooks are newer category of full-featured computers (thin, lightweight) offer SSD drives with fast response times on boot ups and restoring hibernation. full size keyboards and screens from inches. Ultrabooks do not offer optical drives which is what gives them a thinner profile. Madison Tapia

15 Digital Publishing Electronic text (e-text) is textual information captured digitally to be stored, manipulated, and transmitted by electronic devices. E-readers are devices that can display e-text and have supporting tools like, note taking, bookmarks, and dictionaries. Features: a 1000 page book can be downloaded under a minute. dictionaries for foreign works. note taking and highlighting- (search own notes for specific words) Bookmarks are pushed through cloud technology so you can read on one device and pick up the most current book mark. less books are being sold and me e books are being made. examples are amazon kindle and barnes and noble nook Madison Tapia

16 Digital Music a MP3 file format is used to store digital music.
the number of songs and videos a device hold depends on the storage size. less expensive mobile devices use built in flash memory ranging from 2 to 64 GB. more expensive devices provide as much as 1600GB. If you want to add more storage to a device, purchasing flash memory cards allows to transfer data to make more room for new media. If you want to add more storage to a device, purchasing flash memory cards allows to transfer data to make more room for new media. Madison Tapia

17 Digital Photography Analog Photography: before digital cameras, 35-mm single-lens reflex cameras were used. included a shutter that would open to let light inside the camera. Chemicals on the film would react to the light and develop an image. digital cameras do not use film, but capture images on a charged-couple device (CCD). allows you to see the images immediately after captured. Quality is determined by: lenses used, image sensor size, file format and compression, color management, and resolution. File formating consists of flash drives, RAW, or JPEG (joint photographic experts group) Madison Tapia

18 Transfer and Printing Photos
Digital cameras have built in USB ports used to copy image files to your computer. Some camera models have wireless network connections so transferring is done easily with no cables. Printing Digital Photos Photo Printer: most popular and inexpensive are Inkjets. Photo Printing Service: Target, Walgreens, and Walmart all have photo gallery to print personal photos in high quality. and are also available for printing images. another option would be using a flashcard directly from the camera . some only print photos 4x 6, so need to be aware of that before purchasing one. Madison Tapia

19 Assigned Questions A popular Voice over Internet Protocol service is a fully digital phone service. It is a voice based internet communication that turns a standard internet connection into a means to place phone calls, including long distance. Madison Tapia

20 Assigned questions (cont)
2. Difference between a netbook and a tablet. Netbook: uses full traditional OS (windows 8) and allows programs like Microsoft Office. includes a physical keyboard and weighs less than two pounds under $300, but not as much memory as a tablet. Tablet: light, portable device (iPad) with a 7-10 in. screen. contains a virtual keyboard, long battery life, and bluetooth. Cannot access Microsoft applications. Madison Tapia

21 Assigned Questions (cont)
3. What is a smart phone? A smartphone is more than just answering calls, it illustrates the power of digital convergence. Functions and Features: Internet personal information management (PIM) voice recording GPS services digital image and video capturing computing power to run programs. Internet capabilities. Examples: iPhone or Samsung Galaxy. Madison Tapia

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