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F O R G E D I R O N D O O R S.

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1 F O R G E D I R O N D O O R S

2 I N T R O D U C T I O N Originally established by selling iron lighting components to manufacturers Expanded into iron doors to meet the growing demand for quality forged iron doors Presently operating 2 manufacturing facilities in the U.S. & China - 500,000 total sq.ft. with both distribution & value added production capabilities In addition to iron doors, Memphis Steel & Iron Works produces fencing, security doors, mailboxes and decorative iron casting parts shown above: Napoli Series 72” x 96” Standard Double Door (p/n ) with 7” oval medallions (p/n RMEDOV07)

3 K E Y S T A F F Memphis Steel & Iron Works currently employs over 90 people both in the U.S. & China Knowledgeable staff ensures outstanding customer service before, during and after the sale Management team with over 125 years combined experience in the manufacture, distribution and installation of millwork & forged ironwork products Randy Miller Eastern Region Sales Manager Dave Rizk Western Region Sales Manager Jerry Lee Owner, President Ryan Hollis Building Products Manager Jade Tang Inside Sales Manager

4 C O M P E T I T I V E A D V A N T A G E S
Door-centered, not ornamental, so Memphis Steel & Iron Works understands the needs of the market Architecturally correct products – 1-3/4” doors vs 2” doors; Memphis Steel & Iron Works units are sized for the industry Options that cater to buyers (sweeps, sill risers, hardware) Quick ship program for stock units shown above: Roma Series 72” x 96” Radius Double Door (p/n )

5 P R O D U C T C O N S T R U C T I O N Unit construction is second to none allowing Memphis Steel & Iron Works to provide a 5 year limited warranty and achieve an impact rating of DP65 or better (Florida code approved - #13958)

6 S P E C I F I C A T I O N S 14 gauge steel frames and panels
All scroll work is 5/8” solid steel All doors are e-coated & powder coated Interior glass panel opens for ventilation and cleaning 5/8” Low-E insulated glass (clear or obscure available) for inventory doors Heavy duty barrel hinges with grease fittings Door frames are 1-1/2” x 6” (with 8” available) Door panels are 1-3/4” x 5-1/2” tubing Frames and panels fully insulated with polyurethane foam All units are 2-bore with holes 2-1/8” x 2-3/4” setback (5-1/2” on center) Door frames are standard - inserts interchangeable Weatherstrip for door frame, glass frame and sweep shown above: Seville Series 72” x 96” Radius Double Door (p/n )

7 M A N U F A C T U R I N G Memphis Steel & Iron Works utilizes old world craftsmanship combined with new world technology to create stunning doors with proven, consistent quality Forging iron grille patterns CNC cutter Dip Tank Bending radius frame for half round transom

8 P R O D U C T O F F E R I N G The complete line of Memphis Steel & Iron Works forged iron doors is available for review in both print and digital form as well as online at

9 W E B S I T E F E A T U R E S Complete product offering shown
High resolution product images High resolution beauty shot images Downloadable PDF CAD drawings Downloadable PDF forms Online ordering capability Warranty service center

10 P R O D U C T O F F E R I N G - S t o c k D o o r s
Memphis Steel & Iron Works stock doors come in a variety of configurations in both double and single doors 8’0 tall stock door sizes are: - 64” and 72” wide double - 39-1/2” and 44” wide single Greystone Series (Segment ¾ Lite shown) Dellatorri Series (Segment ¾ Arch Lite shown) Roma Series (Radius shown) Monticello Series (Standard ¾ Lite shown)

11 P R O D U C T O F F E R I N G - S t o c k D o o r s (c o n t i n u e d)
In addition to 96” tall doors, 81” retrofits and 108” are available as well Memphis Steel & Iron Works stock doors provide a price point below custom entries while still providing much more than stock residential doors can offer Venice Series (Standard Retrofit shown) Seville Series (Segment ¾ Lite shown) Napoli Series (Segment 9’0 ¾ Lite shown) Capri Series (Eyebrow shown)

12 P R O D U C T O F F E R I N G - W i n e D o o r s & T r a n s o m s
Sized as 81” retrofits, wine doors are perfect as a front door as well as a wine cellar 72” wide stock radius transoms add grandeur to any entrance Grapeleaf Pattern (Standard shown) Lattice Pattern (Segment shown) Seville Series (Standard ¾ Lite with Ttransom shown) Venice Series (Eyebrow with Transom shown)

13 P R O D U C T O F F E R I N G - R e l i a n c e D o o r s
98” tall single and double units designed to maximize value while creating stunning curb appeal 81” retrofit units available Cascade Series (Segment Double shown) Heritage Series (Segment Single shown) Forte Series (Standard Double shown) Rendevous (Standard Single shown) Reminisce (Standard Single shown)

14 P R O D U C T O F F E R I N G - C u s t o m D o o r s
Memphis Steel & Iron Works designers will make your vision a reality with assistance from concept to installation 50% deposit required on custom units

15 P R O D U C T O F F E R I N G - H a r d w a r e
All metal and brass construction, no plastic provides additional security Solid one piece lock housing for extra strength and durability Easy action latch with soft spring for easy closing and solid door support Oval Entry Handle Key/Key Deadbolt Thumbturn/Key Deadbolt Round Entry Door Knob

16 P R O D U C T O F F E R I N G - A c c e s s o r i e s
A wide array of accessories allow customers to make their door uniquely theirs Custom accessories available upon request Medallions Door Pulls

17 P R O D U C T O F F E R I N G - O p t i o n s
Options such as finish and glass type further customer’s ability to make doors one of a kind Custom colors and glass are available upon request Antique Bronze Antique Copper Clear Low-E Glass Aquatex Low-E Glass (also called Hammered) Flemish Low-E Glass (also called Glacier)

18 A S S E M B L Y / S H I P P I N G Shop Assembly Pallet Construction
By assembling in-house, Memphis Steel & Iron Works maintains unit integrity as well as assisting in ease of installation Pallet Construction Memphis Steel & Iron Works doors are pre-palletized prior to shipping, allowing for less damage due to handling issues Pallets are sized to fit on standard full-sized pickup bed Lead Times 2 week lead time on stock units 14 week lead time on custom units (50% deposit required)

19 I N S T A L L A T I O N Complete installation instructions provided with each door as well as available on line Installation kit comes standard with all Memphis Steel & Iron Works door units

20 C O L D W E A T H E R D I S C L A I M E R
Forged iron doors are designed for use in mild and/or moderate climates and the use of forged iron doors is not recommended in cold climate applications Door panels and frames are polyurethane foam filled to provide the best insulating properties available but are not thermally broken which will allow for heat / cold transfer Memphis Steel & Iron Works, Inc. offers no warranty as to the suitability of using this product in a cold climate

21 P R O G R A M S - M a r k e t i n g S u p p o r t
Memphis Steel & Iron Works Sales & Marketing support includes: - Display program - 12” wide x 16” tall Minidoors - Catalogs & Sell Sheets available as print and as pdf 12” x 16” Minidoor Showroom Display Stand

22 F O R G E D I R O N D O O R S 4300Concorde Rd., Memphis, TN 38118

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