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GISC Seoul Status TT-GISC, Melbourne April 2016

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1 GISC Seoul Status TT-GISC, Melbourne 18-22 April 2016
Submitted by LEE Okki, PhD for Republic of Korea

2 Tokyo-Seoul migration (31 Jan 2016)
Migration to RMDCN Tokyo-Seoul migration (31 Jan 2016) Leased line 128Kbps to RMDCN (4Mbps)*2 (HSRP) Socket-based to WMO FTP procedures Beijing-Seoul migration (30 November 2015) Frame Relay 32Kbps to RMDCN (4Mbps)*2 (HSRP) Socket-based to WMO FTP procedures(2009.7) Planning data exchange tests with Melbourne

3 GISC Seoul Current Status
Cache Exchange Virtual Data Centres GISC Seoul GISCs GISC Metadata Synchronization GISC GISC GEOSS WIS + GEOSS Metadata storage Harvesting GEOSS Metadata by OAI-PMH GISC GISC GISC Seoul Portal GISC GISC Cache/ Metadata Cache from VDC: 380K, 5G/day DCPC NMSC DCPC WAMIS DCPC LC/LRFMME NC Seoul 104/25Gb 69 107 165/45Mb (metadata/cache)

4 Data Providers Brokered (capacities, systems, networks, etc.)
WIS   GEOSS interoperability Data Providers Brokered (capacities, systems, networks, etc.) .. . GEO Home Page GEOSS Portal About 120 Supply Systems Semantic engines Registry (CSR) Brokering Framework GEOSS Community Portals WIS (GSIC Seoul) (DWD node) GCI 150K from GEO-DAB to GISC-SEOUL Metadata harvesting since Feb 2015

5 Software for GISC, DCPC and NC, being developed and maintained by
OpenWIS Software for GISC, DCPC and NC, being developed and maintained by Met Office Météo-France & Météo-France International Korea Meteorological Administration Australian Bureau of Meteorology NOAA/NWS, FMI and ECMWF Based on modern, proven, and open-source Java, Linux, Application Server, DBMS, etc.

6 GSIC Seoul Monitoring - Daily and monthly statistics of metadata, with addition/deletion - Daily and monthly statistics of cache data/size * past 7 days and last three months - Pie charts per category (%) - Grouping by CCCC, TTAAii, downloadable

7 OpenWIS


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