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Warm-up What were your feelings about yesterday’s relaxation activity?

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Presentation on theme: "Warm-up What were your feelings about yesterday’s relaxation activity?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm-up What were your feelings about yesterday’s relaxation activity? BE VERY DETAILED. “It was good” is not a detailed answer. TSWBAT demonstrate proper relaxation technique TSWBAT describe two ways to relieve his/her personal stress. MATH CC: Reason abstractly using statistics

2 The joining of mind and body The word Yoga alone means to “unite”.
What is yoga? The joining of mind and body The word Yoga alone means to “unite”.

3 Is yoga a religion? NO! However, Yoga is used in Buddhist and other practices around the world.

4 Quick YOGA facts: - Yoga has no real known origins. Suggested beginnings are around B.C. or earlier. - There are THOUSANDS of poses or Asanas million people in the U.S. practiced yoga last year aged

5 Critical vocabulary: Asana – posture or pose Pranayama – breathing
Hatha – the type of Yoga we are doing!

6 Yoga is considered a medicine in several countries around the world.
Fun fact: Yoga is considered a medicine in several countries around the world.

7 IT IS IMPORTANT TO: *Keep your eyes closed * Breathe silently * Concentrate deeply on breathing * Ignore remarks made by others * Wear loose clothing

8 Asanas we will be using:
Cat and cow Mountain Corpse Diver (Liver detox) Cobra Warrior Reverse Camel

9 Fun fact 2 Q: Is Mr. McGoun a Yoga instructor? - A: No! But he knows what he is doing!

10 Your expectations for yoga
I expect you to complete one Yoga session with the class. It is worth fifteen points. However, if you are not mature enough to handle the session, you will be asked to leave and given a lengthy assignment.

11 What can yoga do for you? Greatly reduce stress Improve flexibility
Improved happiness Better breathing A significant relaxed feeling

12 Journal entry Come up with three ideal (healthy) ways to relieve your stress load. Why would they work?

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