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Early Years Provider Information Evening June 2017

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Presentation on theme: "Early Years Provider Information Evening June 2017"— Presentation transcript:

1 Early Years Provider Information Evening June 2017

2 Welcome Elaine Hammans Group Manager Early Years Vicky Wright
Service Manager Early Years Team Lesley Yelland Senior Development Officer Joan Gibbons Childcare Sufficiency Development Officer Angela Caten Training/Finance Officer George Harrison Performance Analyst Data Team

3 Celebration We have much to celebrate in Early Years
It is one of the few areas of growth in local and national government Providers are delivering high quality care with 98% of our funding children accessing Good or Outstanding providers Southend providers have access to a Development Team who support you to continually review and improve your practice and guidance to make your businesses sustainable

4 Introduction 2 year old targeted funding
3 and 4 year old universal 15 hours Additional 15 hours (up to 30 hours) for working parents of 3 and 4 year old children Early Years Pupil Premium (EYPP) Disability Access Fund

5 Child Poverty End of Foundation Stage outcomes show a narrowing of the gap for more disadvantaged children Outcomes for more disadvantaged children reaching the expected standard increased from 25% to 57% 2013 to 2016 – better but not yet good enough 40% of Southend 2 year olds are eligible for funding meaning that their parents are earning less than £16,190 per year DfE estimate that over 1,160 3 and 4 year olds will be entitled to the additional 15 hours

6 Sufficiency We will be looking at sufficiency on a termly basis
All providers will need to return the questionnaires promptly each term with as much detail as possible It is expected that 30 hours will be demand led by parents and will see significant increases in 2018 As patterns of demand become more clear we expect providers to review their offers and admissions criteria Early Years will work with providers to support parents’ needs and to explore ways to ensure sustainability for providers

7 Provider Agreement Thank you for your feedback and comments
The final version will be sent to all providers, including schools with nursery provision, by 17/07/17 The Agreement will need to be signed, witnessed and returned electronically by 31/07/17 latest along with a copy of your Admissions criteria Please ensure the front page detailing your patterns of delivery are completed in full

8 Provider Handbook Thank you for your feedback and comments
The final version will be available to all providers by 17 July 2017 Final guidance on ‘reasonable’ deposit amounts and timescales for the return of the deposit will be included Consensus so far is for the deposit to be returned to parents no later than two weeks after Headcount deadline day Decisions on estimate and settlement payment details will also be included in the final document

9 Parent Declaration Form Why it needs to change
Includes details of: Whether hours are Universal or Extended funding Hours to claim for stretch funding Provision for split and cross border funding Disability Access Fund Declaration EYPP entitlement It is vital that the form is completed in full, signed by the parent and provider and retained

10 Parent Declaration Form: Setting and attendance details

11 Parent Declaration Form: Disability Access Fund

12 Parent Declaration Form: Early Years Pupil Premium
Early Years Pupil Premium is paid for the first 15 free hours (Universal) Funding claims and will be paid at 53p per hour pro-rata.

13 Parent Declaration Form: Parent must complete

14 Free childcare funding audit
During a routine audit the most recent complete funding period will be checked. This will include: attendance of all funded children who were on the Provider Headcount submission; Parent Declaration Forms are completed and signed copies of child identification for funded children copies of invoices clearly identifying the free entitlement hours funded by SBC

15 Estimate Form

16 Estimate Form

17 30 hours free childcare eligibility:
Parents must confirm eligibility for 30 hours free childcare by 31 August 2017 to be able to claim a free place in the Autumn Term By 31 December 2017 to be able to claim a free place in the Spring funding period 2018 By 31 March 2018 to be able to claim a free place in the Summer funding period 2018

18 30 hours free childcare eligibility: Grace Periods

19 30 hours free childcare eligibility: Grace Periods

20 30 hours free childcare eligibility:
Parents cannot claim their 30 hours in addition to a full time reception place in a maintained school, academy or independent school. Parents must confirm eligibility for 30 hours free childcare by 31 August 2017 to be able to claim a free place in the Autumn Term

21 Key eligibility and headcount dates
Before including a new 3 or 4 year old claiming 30 hours funding on the estimate claim providers must ensure that the Child is eligible

22 Provider Portal - Validating eligibility codes

23 Provider Portal - Validating eligibility codes
This eligibility code is valid from (DATE) to (DATE), with a grace period to (DATE) HMRC will manage the notification to parents of the need to reconfirm their eligibility

24 Provider Portal - Validating eligibility codes
To do a manual check providers will need to send a secure to containing the following information: The DfE Eligibility Reference Number (DERN) Parent’s national Insurance Number Child’s Date of Birth Early years team will check eligibility and will the provider the result by secure .  So providers have evidence the code has been checked. To send something by secure type [secure] at the beginning of the subject line We will not accept by phone to ensure data is accurate.

25 Provider Portal - Training
Portal currently being upgraded to include 30 hours and on track to go live by end of August Test system available from early July Training on line training will be available for providers during July Live system end of August School Training During the Autumn Term Live system end of August: Providers can contact early years team to check eligibility codes until system goes live

26 Governance and Delivery in maintained schools
EYFS 2017 has guidance on early years delivery in schools Where children aged three and over are registered pupils of the school the ratios are: At least one member of staff for every 13 children At least one member of staff must be a school teacher (as defined by section 122 of the Education Act) At least one other member of staff must hold a full and relevant level 3 qualification The school would then complete the schools headcount each term.

27 Governance and Delivery in maintained schools
Where schools have provision run by the governing body under section 27 of the Education Act then they have a choice of ratios: 1:13 ratio where a person with a suitable level 6 qualification is working directly with the children and At least one other member of staff must hold a full and relevant level 3 qualification OR 1:8 ratio where at least one other member of staff present holds a full and relevant level 3 qualification The school would then complete the early years headcount each term.

28 Governance and Delivery in academies and independent schools
They have a choice of ratios: 1:13 ratio where a person with a suitable level 6 qualification is working directly with the children At least one other member of staff must hold a full and relevant level 3 qualification OR 1:8 ration where at least one other member of staff present holds a full and relevant level 3 qualification At least half of all other staff hold a suitable level 2 qualification

29 Governance and Delivery in academies and independent schools
Where the nursery class operates a 1:13 ratio and is teacher led then the school headcount should be completed each term Where the nursery class operates a 1:8 ratio then the early years headcount should be completed each term Please contact the Early Years team for support with moving to the early years census if appropriate for your school.

30 How we will communicate with parents
We will use a number of routes to communicate with parents across Southend about Up to 30 hours free childcare - Extended Entitlement for Working Parents including: Southend Borough Council website: Social media including Facebook pages and twitter Leaflets and posters in Council and community buildings Press releases Children’s centres Providers, schools and partners in Job Centre Plus and health visiting teams We will also need to ensure that parents are aware of the HMRC appeals process if they receive an in-eligible response

31 How we will communicate with providers
A new resource available on the Southend Learning Network Early Years Provider Toolkit Documents, forms and guidance A dedicated address for early years providers to contact For the most effective support we encourage you to contact us via secure rather than phone (proofpoint or password protected document)

32 Tax free childcare
Tax free childcare has now started to roll out to parents.  Many providers in Southend have already signed up Don’t miss out if you haven’t signed up yet. To check if your childcare provision is already signed up for Tax-Free Childcare. Parents can use the Childcare Calculator to work out if they will be better off with Tax-Free Childcare/Tax credits or Universal Credit child vouchers

33 Thank you Early years providers in Southend are embracing up to 30 hours free childcare (extended entitlement for working parents). A range of creative delivery models are being developed. Workforce profile audit and GPC

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