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Presentation on theme: "BUSINESSES OPPORTUNITIES"— Presentation transcript:

Frank ROBERT, Trade & Business Consulting


3 Haiti – Infrastructures
AIRPORTS 2 international airports: Port-au-Prince and Cap Haitien Interconnection with major Airline companies 4 domestic airports An international airport is under consideration (Southern Peninsula) 11 additional runways providing access to smaller cities

4 PORTS 8 ports: Port-au-Prince, Cap Haïtien 72 hours by sea to the U.S. market 1,750 km from Port-au-Prince to Miami’s port facilities ROADS 3,608 km national road network extended 950 km of trunk roads connecting main cities 1,315 km secondary roads 1,343 km rural roads

5 Haiti- Business Operating Costs
Income tax for companies → 30% Income tax for individuals → 10% to 30% Average daily wage → USD for the sub-contracting and clothing sectors Average hours worked per week → 48 hours Average electricity cost → USD 0.33 / kWh Eg.: Industrial North zone (Caracol) 0.22 / kwh

6 Rebuilding Haiti – An Opportunity
Rebuilding Haiti requires heavy capital and investment but also represents a significant business opportunity The estimated cost : over 10 billion USD → Stimulate economic development → Rebuild infrastructure → Modernize agriculture

7 KEY SECTORS Construction. Houses and infrastructures Agro-Business
Assembly Export and Re export Arts & Handcrafts Tourism and related services Free economic zones Others special sectors identified by the government of Haiti (BPO,

8 Why invest in AGRO-BUSINESS?
Most arable lands in Haiti are under-utilized Local market relies mostly on imports Significant potential to export fruits and vegetables to other Caribbean markets Proximity to the largest consumer market in the world Favourable regulatory environment

9 Haiti – exportations



12 Centre for Facilitation of Investments ( CFI)
The CFI is an autonomous State organism, operating under the auspices of the Ministry of Commerce & Industry. Created by Decree on January 31st, 2006 Inaugurated on July 13th 2007 Public / Private Partnership Structure : 3 Main Pillars - Department of Promotion - Department of Facilitation AfterCare Unit - Department of Research Public Advocacy Unit (Investment Climate) - Administration & Finances - General Direction

13 Centre for Facilitation of Investments ( CFI)
MISSION Promote and facilitate private sector development in Haiti Provide personalized service to the local and international investors, during the process of incorporation, awarding of incentives and post investment VISION To be recognized as the institution of reference with regards to growth and development in Haiti To participate in the economic development of Haiti through the continuous improvement of the investment climate, the promotion and facilitation of investments

14 CFI The CFI Board (joint Commission – Public / Private)
Ministry of Tourism Hotel and Tourism Association - ATH Ministry of Economy and Finances Association of Free Zones CFI Chamber of Commerce and Industry - CCIH Ministry of Commerce and Industry Ministry of Agriculture Regional Chamber Haitian Manufacturers Association - ADIH Ministry of Public Works

General Direction COO DG D. Promotion D. Facilitation Research D. D. Administration and Finances Communications Unit Lead Generation Facilitation Research Execution Project Unit Outreach Aftercare Policy Advocacy Incentives

Sectors eligible for investment under the code: EXPORT AND RE-EXPORT AGRICULTURE CRAFTS NATIONAL INDUSTRY TOURISM AND RELATED SERVICES FREE ECONOMIC ZONES OTHER (special sectors identified by the government of Haiti, such as housing)

17 Main Incentives Total exemption from income tax and municipal taxes for up to 15 years Accelerated depreciation Exemption, up to 20 years, from customs duties on raw materials Exoneration from payroll taxes and other direct internal taxes for up to 15 years Exoneration of sales taxes on exported products Temporary admission for inward processing of raw materials and packaging materials General exemption of bond or deposit under temporary admission Fee waiver verification tax

18 Procedures for Incentives Award
Department of Facilitation at CFI Project sent to sectorial ministry to be analyzed (feasability) Project (feasible) sent to the Inter Ministerial Commission (CII), composed of 4 permanent representatives + 1 sectorial representative Incentives are awarded based on several criteria: Cost of Investment Number of jobs Location of investment Priority Sector Convention is established between the Investor and GOH outlining rights and obligations of each Party

19 Governed by the Free Zone Law
Economic Free Zones Governed by the Free Zone Law PROMOTOR AND/OR OPERATOR OF FREE ZONES Corporate tax exemption for 10 years Exemption from individual taxes for up to 15 years Exemption from customs duties INVESTOR OR WORKER IN FREE ZONES Transfer without restrictions of profits and other revenues generated in Free Zone Exemption from individual taxes on revenues generated by investment in a free zone, for up to 10 years

20 WHY HAITI? Unexploited business opportunities Strategic location
A fully liberalized economy Pro-business government (mainly agriculture) Access to 600 million consumers through free trade agreements and preferential access Situated at the crossroads of transatlantic and Pan-American trade routes through the Panama Canal Ratification of international conventions for dispute settlement, investment guarantees and protection: ICSID and MIGA conventions National arbitration chamber Bilateral reciprocal protection of investments with France, United States, Germany, United Kingdom, Mexico and Spain Free repatriation of dividends and other income Guarantee of property rights CFI support

21 Main Investors in Haiti



24 Muchas Gracias !


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