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The Great War WWI “A Family Affair”.

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1 The Great War WWI “A Family Affair”


3 Wants From War Russia wanted to establish social order by finding a common cause France wanted Alsace-Lorraine back Germany wanted an “Empire in the Sun”


5 Russian War With Japan Both Russia & Japan were claiming Manchuria (China) and Korea In 1903 they went to war – Sino-Japanese War Japan won – asserting itself as a power in the Pacific able to compete with Europeans This also demonstrated Russian weaknesses to Germany

6 “Sick Man of Europe” Ottoman Empire had really weakened over the centuries European powers began to pick over Ottoman Territory Minorities in the Balkans began to rise up against the Ottoman Empire and declare independence: Greece, Montenegro, Bulgaria, Serbia…



9 Imperialism Competition for the world’s resources increased among European powers European powers were driven by wealth which brought them in conflict with each other as they carved up the globe They completed disregarded the people who lived in the places they sought to control

10 Nationalism Many minority groups within European empires resented rule by foreign rulers Minorities were often considered secondary citizens with fewer privileges Many minorities wanted to break free from foreign empires and form independent countries

11 Unification of Germany
Upon unification Germany became the 3rd largest industrial power in the world!!! Germany also began to built a large navy for trade and colonization England saw this as a threat to their control of the seas Some of Germany’s neighbors feared its power and strength

12 Alliance System Triple Entente
France and Russia formed an alliance to unite in protection from Germany’s strength England joined them forming the Triple Entente (Allied Powers)

13 Alliance System Central Powers
Germany saw the Triple Entente as a threat Germany and the Austro-Hungarian Empire joined to form their own alliance (Central Powers)

14 Von Schlieffen Plan Germany feared war was coming and was nervous to have enemies on each side Germany believed Russia would be slow to prepare for war They planned to crush France fast before Russia could mobilize Then move east and crush Russia


16 Balkan Powder Keg The Balkan Peninsula was home to many groups of different ethnicities and religions Many Serbs were still under control of Austro-Hungarian Empire Nationalism spread and many Serbs wanted independence from Austria-Hungary and to united with the country of Serbia

17 The Assassination Gavrilo Principe was a Serb nationalist who was part of a terrorist group The group was fighting for freedom from the Austro-Hungarian Empire The heir to the A-H throne, Archduke Franz Ferdinand, came to visit Sarajevo, Bosnia – home of the Serbs He was assassination by Gavrilo Principe

18 Who Is To Blame? The Austro-Hungarian Empire immediately felt that the nation of Serbia was responsible Germany pledged to support whatever action Austria-Hungary choose – a “blank check”

19 Declarations of War Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia
Serbia was protected by Russia because they are both of slavic ethnicity


21 Declarations of War Serbia and Russia were allied
Russia declares war on Austria-Hungary to honor its commitment to Serbia


23 Declarations of War Germany and AH are bound by an alliance
Germany declares war on Russia


25 Declarations of War France and Russia are bound by an alliance
France declares war on Germany


27 Declarations of War Germany invades France by marching through (invading) Belgium – shortest route to Paris


29 Declarations of War England has treaties with both France & Russia as well as an old treaty with Belgium England declares war on Germany


31 Declarations of War When England entered the war her colonies also entered including Australia, Canada, India, New Zealand and the Union of South Africa. The world was at war








39 US Neutrality US was led by President Woodrow Wilson
The US declared neutrality – choosing not to be involved in the European/world conflict

40 Weapons of Destruction
WWI was the first major war to occur in the industrial age The weapons were better at killing more people Tanks U-Boats Poison Gas Machine Guns Trench Warfare Grenades

41 Sinking Ships German U-Boats (submarines) attacked cruise ships that carried American passengers Sussex (French ship) Lusitania (British ship)

42 Neutrality Violations
Both sides were violating American neutrality England search many American merchant ships Germany torpedoed American merchant ships US still remains neutral!

43 Zimmerman Telegram German wrote a letter to recruit Mexico to the war
German promised that if they won Mexico would get the southwestern United States (California, Arizona, New Mexico, Nevada…) US was outraged

44 US Declares War Zimmerman Note was published in US newspapers
Germany continued bombing US merchant ships January 1917 US declares war against Germany

45 Russian Revolution Russia breaks into revolution in 1917
Russia withdraws from the war and signs a separate peace with Germany Treaty of Brest-Litovsk Germany now only has a one front war

46 War Ends An armistice (end to fighting) was signed on November 11, 1918 Major world leaders met in Paris for a series of conferences to create a peace treaty

47 Wilson’s 14 Points Woodrow Wilson gave a speech with suggestions for peace Right to self determination (people should rule themselves – no empires!) No secret agreements League Of Nations to promote peace His suggestions were mostly ignored

48 Treaty of Versailles 1919 Germany was forced to accept blame for the war Germany was stripped of its military Germany was to give France important resource-rich land Germany lost its colonies Germany had to pay reparations to winning countries (especially France)

49 League Of Nations The League of Nations was established
The US Congress refused to join – remaining isolationists The League of Nations would eventually fail to be able to keep peace (Japan, Italy…)

50 Collapsing Empires Empires of losing countries fell apart
Germany Austria-Hungary Ottoman Empire They were broken down into smaller countries


52 Mandate System The League of Nations gave England and France control over territories lost by the Ottoman Empire England gained control of: Palestine Jordan France gained control of: Syria Lebanon





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