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Unit 3 Section B Period 1 (1a-1e). Unit 3 Section B Period 1 (1a-1e)

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2 Unit 3 Section B Period 1 (1a-1e)

3 1. After dinner, you need to _____________.
Brainstorm 1. After dinner, you need to _____________. 2. After the washed clothes are dry, you need to _______________ . 3. If the dustbin is full, you have to ___________________. do the dishes fold your clothes take out the trash

4 4. If there is lots of dust on the floor, you have to _____________.
Brainstorm 4. If there is lots of dust on the floor, you have to _____________. 5. After you get up in the morning, you need to _____________. 6. If your clothes are dirty, you need to _______________. 7. If your bike is dirty, you have to _______________. clean the floor make the bed do the laundry clean the bike

5 teenagers Q1: Do you help your parents do the chores at home?
Q2:Do you always ask your parents to do a lot of things for you? Q3:Do your parents ask you to do a lot of things for them? teenagers

6 What do your parents always ask you to do?
study hard do chores go to the store / supermarket to buy things for them

7 What can you ask your parents to do?
buy food drinks snacks invite friends to a party borrow money from your parents

8 What do teenagers ask their parents’ permission for
What do teenagers ask their parents’ permission for? What do parents ask their teenagers to do? Write parents or teenagers next to each phrase. 1a _____ 1. buy some drinks and snacks ___________ _____ 2. borrow some money _________ _____ 3. clean your room _________ teenagers teenagers parents 中国英语教师网

9 4. invite my friends to a party _________
5. go to the store _________ 6. use your CD player _________ 7. take out the rubbish __________ 8. make your bed __________ teenagers teenagers/parents teenagers parents parents

10 invite sb. (to sth.) 邀请某人 Have you been invited to their party? 你接到参加他们的聚会的邀请了吗? invite sb. to do 邀请某人做某事 He invited us to spend the holiday in the countryside. 他请我们去乡下度假。

11 1b Use the phrases in 1a to make conversation.
Parent: Could you clean your room? Child: Yes, I can. Child: Could I invite my friends to a party? Parent: No, you can’t have a party. You have a test on Monday.

12 PAIRWORK Work in pairs to make conversations using:
“Could you …? ” or “Could I … ?” between a child and a parent. 中国英语教师网

13 Parent: Could you make your bed? Child: Yes, I can.
Model conversation 1 Parent: Could you make your bed? Child: Yes, I can. Parent: Could you make your breakfast? Child: No, I can’t. 中国英语教师网

14 Child: Could I borrow some money? Parent: No, you can’t.
Model conversation 2 Child: Could I borrow some money? Parent: No, you can’t. Child: Could I take out the trash? 中国英语教师网

15 Listen to a conversation between Sandy and her mom
Listen to a conversation between Sandy and her mom. Check (√) the things in 1a that you hear. 1c ___ 1. buy some drinks and snacks ___ 2. borrow some money ___ 3. clean your room ___ 4. invite my friends to a party ___ 5. go to the store ___ 6. use your CD player ___ 7. take out the trash ___ 8. make your bed 中国英语教师网

16 What are they going to do?
Listen again. Fill in the chart. What are they going to do? Sandy’s mom Sandy invite her friends, Sandy and Dave go to the store, buy drinks and snacks clean her room, use the CD player move the big chairs to the bedroom, clean the living room

17 Make a list of the things you do for your parents at home.
go to the store buy drinks and snacks clean the living room take out the rubbish make your bed do the dishes do the laundry fold your clothes water the plants feed the animal

18 After dinner, what would your parents like to say?
Could you do the dishes? 2. Could you sweep the floor? 3. Could you clean the table? 4. Could you put the left food into the fridge? Questions How do you answer these questions?

19 1. —Could you do the dishes?
—Sure, Mom. 2. —Could you sweep the floor? —Sorry, Mom. I have a lot of homework to do. 3. —Could you clean the table? —Sorry, Mom. I have to listen to English now. 4. —Could you put the left food into the fridge? —Sure, no problem.

20 You want to go to your friend’s Jimmy’s birthday party, but you don’t know your parent’s idea. How could you ask them? 1. Mom, could I go to Jimmy’s birthday party on Sunday? 2. Daddy, could I stay out a little bit later? 3. Mom, could I ride a bike to Jimmy’s house? 4. Mom, could I go to the movies after the party? How does your parent answer these questions?

21 1. — Could I go to Jimmy’s party?
— Of course, you can. 2. — Could I stay out a little bit later? — Sorry, dear. You have to get home before 9 pm. 3. — Could I could I ride a bike to Jimmy’s house? — Yes, you can, but you must be careful. 4. — Could I go to the movies after the party? — Sorry, you can’t because it will be too late.

22 A Dialogue A: Daddy, could I ask you a question? B: Sure, dear. What’s that? A: Could I go to the movies this afternoon? B: Yes, you can. A: And daddy, could I stay out late? B: Sorry, you have a Chinese test tomorrow. You must get home before 7 p.m. A: All right. And could I ride my bike to the movies? B: Sure, but you must be careful.

23 What can teenagers ask their parents to do?
You are going to have a party. You ask your parents to do something for you. Child: Could I invite my friends to a party? Parent: Yes, sure. Child: Could I / you …? Parent: ... What can teenagers ask their parents to do?

24 Talk about these things.
go to the store buy drinks and snacks do the dishes clean the living room take out the rubbish

25 You are having a party. Ask your partner for help with these things:
go to the store buy drinks and snacks do the dishes clean the living room take out the rubbish

26 PAIRWORK A: Could you take out the rubbish? B: Yes, sure. 中国英语教师网

27 Do the other exercises in this part.


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