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GSICS Baseline Review: Tools – e.g. GSICS Bias Plotting Tool

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1 GSICS Baseline Review: Tools – e.g. GSICS Bias Plotting Tool

2 Overview of Purpose of the Review
Overview of existing (and required) tools developed in the GSICS GDWG GSICS plotting tool by EUMETSAT (Java and GWT) SRF netCDF converter by NOAA (python) netCDF metadata checker by NOAA (Java and shellscript) GRWG GIRO (GSICS Implementation of the ROLO model) by EUMETSAT (C) GIRO input/output handling utilities by EUMETSAT (IDL) GIRO output netCDF checker: GRWG requirment in Dec. 2014 GLCWS_14.10 The GSICS Data Working Group is asked to develop a procedure for verifying users’ implementation … would be achieved using netCDF generation tool (next agenda item) Purpose of this presentation To discuss resources for maintaining/updating existing tools, if needed

3 GSICS Calibration Products Plotting Tool
GPRCs have their own product monitoring/plotting websites “GSICS Plotting Tool” has been developed at EUMETSAT Common look and feel (easy comparison among multiple products) Dynamical plotting (no need to prepare lots of figures) At present, GEO-LEO-IR is only supported Requirement documents would be prepared by GRWG for new GSICS products (i.e. GEO-LEO-VNIR) … to be discussed at agenda item 6g

4 Tools regarding netCDF generation/check
SRF (Spectral Response Function) netCDF converter (python) Developed by NOAA (Aleksandar Jelenak) to support GRWG activities Updated by JMA (Masaya Takahashi) The SRF netCDF is actually used in GIRO as one of the input data NetCDF metadata checker (Java and shellscript) Developed to support the generation of GSICS products by each GPRC Helpful for Convention check (GSICS and/or CF Convention), but NOT actually used FYI: CF-convention checker These function could be incorporated to netCDF generation tool So, we may not have to develop/maintain these two tools. What do you think?

5 Any other issues to be discussed here?
Discussion Resources for Developing new Tools: would be discussed in 6f Updating existing Plotting Tool: would be discussed in 6g Any other issues to be discussed here?

6 Agenda item summary; assign action identifier, make EP recommendations and propose a lead for the action (to be updated in the discussion) Action Identifier: GDWG e.1: XX to … Substantial effort if required by the GDWG, GDWG chair should inform this activity to GSICS Executive Panel, and ask for feedback regarding: The GDWG estimates XX week of resources is needed to support this action. Identify the Working Group Member Taking the Lead on this Action: XXXX

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