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Responsible tourism.

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Presentation on theme: "Responsible tourism."— Presentation transcript:

1 Responsible tourism

2 What is responsible tourism ?
Responsible tourism is an approach to travel that includes respect of local natural resources, cultural heritage, and human value. Travelers are encouraged to be aware of their environmental, social and economic impact.

3 The Decalogue of ethical tourism

4 1. Be conscious about your actions
Don‘t do what you don‘t want other people to do to you. If you are in another country you shouldn‘t behave like you are in your own country – you should behave better.

5 2. Assimilate yourself into culture and society
Try to understand foreign cultures and be a part of the society of the country you are visiting: you can integrate pieces of other cultures to your own. One day you should teach what you have learned to other people and make them responsible tourists.

6 3. Respect nature Being a responsible tourist means also pay attention to the environment: Don‘t ruin the place. (e.g.: throwing your rubbish away; destroying monuments)

7 4. Think about your way of transport
Try to choose the more ecological ones, for example prefer the train to the plane. Both of them are fast but the train is better for the environment and it is mostly more comfortable. In addition to that when you’re travelling by train you can see the places in between.

8 5. Transports are not always necessary
If the weather is good you can go where you want by bike or on foot. When the way is too long you can use public transports instead of taxis or cars.

9 6. Be an informed tourist Try to get as much information as possible about the place you are going to visit. So you can take an ecological choice for your stay. In addition to that you can also get informed about the rules and other important points you have to know to be a responsible tourist.

10 7. Accept different traditions
Not all the people have the same points of view as you. Respecting other thoughts permit peaceful cohabitations. Lack of respect increases prejudices on the people from your country.

11 8. Be aware of the rules If you are a responsible tourist you have to look after the rules so you won’t have any problems with local laws. There are also lots of prejudices about foreign people: you are a little part of a country and you represent it abroad.

12 9. Don‘t exploit the population of poor countries
Some poor people can‘t survive with their manual work. So you mustn’t make profit from them, because they need your help.

13 10. Support the region‘s craftsmen and local economies by purchasing souvenirs
Objects made by manual jobs are sometimes more expensive than the ones you normally buy at the supermarket, but they are often of a higher quality. By buying them you can support the poor inhabitants.

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