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This project is co-funded by the European Union

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1 This project is co-funded by the European Union
I3U “Investigating the Impact of the Innovation Union“ Kick off meeting - 10 March 2015 Venue: ISIS – Institute of Studies for the Integration of Systems Largo dei Lombardi, 4 00186 Rome, Italy This project is co-funded by the European Union

2 WP11 Management, Dissemination, Exploitation & Communication
Objectives: Project and contract management, including financial management, production of progress/management reports, coordination of sub-contracting Internal and external project representation, including contacts with the EC and all other relevant stakeholders Dissemination of the results to the scientific community, to policy makers and to a wider public

3 WP11 Tasks Task 11.1 Administrative and operative management
Task 11.2 Communication and dissemination activities Task 11.3 Organisation of workshops and conferences

4 Task 11.1 - Administrative and operative management
Task leader: ISIS / Participants: all partners Task Administrative and operative management Day-to-day, operational management of the project activities; Establishing, finalising and managing all contractual arrangements arising from the progressive implementation of the Workplan; Administrating the financial resources of the project, in conformity with the rules and procedures set out by the Commission Supervising the organisation and implementation of the coordination meetings and other events planned throughout the lifetime of the project. Supporting the Project Coordinator (UM-MERIT) in the operational implementation, monitoring and follow-up of all tasks Scientific coordination is carried out by UN-MERIT under WP9 Integration – the European Innovation System

5 Task 11.2 - Communication and dissemination activities
Task leader: ISIS / Participants: all partners Task Communication and dissemination activities Subtask Dissemination plan (ISIS) To describe and define dissemination activities to be performed; the work division between partners and to specify dissemination means and communication channels. Subtask – Building and maintaining a project website (ISIS) to improve communication between consortium members to raise the image of the I3U project and to improve dissemination to specialists, potential users of the results, politicians and public funding authorities, as well as the general public. Subtask – Other dissemination activities (ISIS) Dedicated Electronic Newsletter (2-3 pages – once a year) Special issues will be published in scientific magazines Representatives of the consortium will participate in conferences and international dedicated events

6 Task 11.3 - Organisation of workshops and conferences
3 major European meetings (in conjunction with the project meetings) to present, discuss and disseminate the project findings to stakeholders from both the RTD and the policy community. To ensure maximum reach, podcasts of keynote speeches will be made available on the project’s website.

7 WP11 Deliverables D Plan for the dissemination and exploitation of the project's results (M3) D Project presentation, including leaflet (M3) D Inception Report (M6) D Data Management Plan (M6) (to specify which data will be open) D Conference minutes (M ) D Electronic newsletters (M ) Lead beneficiary: ISIS Participants: all partners

8 WP11 Deliverables D Plan for the dissemination and exploitation of the project's results (M3) D Project presentation, including leaflet (M3) D Inception Report (M6) D Data Management Plan (M6) (to specify which data will be open) D Conferences minutes (M ) D Electronic newsletters (M ) Lead beneficiary: ISIS Participants: all partners

9 I3U Identity (month 3): logo, ppt template, leaflet
Option 1 Option 2 Option 3

10 Acknowledgment of EU funding
Any communication activity related to the action must: display the EU emblem, and 2) include the following text: “This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon research and innovation programme under grant agreement No ” This project is co-funded by the European Union

11 Administrative duties
Consortium Agreement (due before the project start)  please sign the adhesion form! Periodic reports: RP1: from month 1 to month 12 (February 2015) - due by end of April 2016 RP2: from month 13 to month 24 RP3: from month 25 to month 36 Payments: one pre-financing payment EUR 967, – To be distributed by UN-MERIT 5% from the pre-financing (EUR 146,574.30) is retained by the Agency as ‘Guarantee Fund’ two interim payments, on the basis of the request for interim payments one payment of the balance, on the basis of the request for payment of the balance

12 Governance structure

13 Project Coordinator (PC) The Project Steering Committee (PSC)
Roles Project Coordinator (PC) UN-MERIT Overall scientific management, timely/high quality production of deliverables Liaison and interactions with the EC Administrating the financial resources Overseeing any ethical, gender related and societal issues the quality control of outputs, results and deliverables Project Manager (PM) ISIS Ensuring the day-to-day, operational management Management of all legal and contractual issues Ensuring that information is smoothly and effectively flowing within the Consortium Supervising the organisation the coordination meetings and other events Supporting the PC The Project Steering Committee (PSC) (all WP leaders) Monitoring the effective and efficient implementation of the Project including the scientific supervision of all actions; Identification of criticalities and approval of contingency plans; Implementation of red flag procedures; Taking decisions on contractual and financial matters Work package Leader Continuous monitoring of the implementation of the Tasks within the WP; Keeping regularly informed the PSC, the PC and the PM of the progress made in the WP and timely informing the PM of any problems arising therein; Ensuring that the interaction between the WP and other project WPs and Tasks are consistent with the specifications included in the workplan

14 Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC) Stakeholder Committee (SC)
External bodies Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC) meeting once a year To monitor the progress of the workplan implementation, assess the scientific value of the project achievements and their innovative contents with respect to the international state of the art, and suggest, as appropriate, re-orientations of specific tasks and methodologies; To contribute to the establishment of a network of specialists to ensure the scientific debate and ensuring the dissemination within the scientific world At least 5 members. Possible members: Luc Soete, (Maastricht University); Jean Luc Gaffard (Sofia Antipolis, Nice); Dominique Guellec (OECD); Bruno Van Pottelsberghe (Solvay Business School) 3 meetings Stakeholder Committee (SC) An open forum for discussion to encourage dialogues among key stakeholders who represent organizations, interest groups and agencies. No decision making authority, but mechanism for on-going consultation between the project partners and the public. Target attendance: ca. 15 participants Governance structure

15 Meeting timetable M1 (March 2015): Kick off meeting – Rome
M6 (September 2015): Project Steering Committee M12 (February 2016): Project meeting – SAC and SC meetings M18 (September 2016): Project Steering Committee M24 (February 2017): Project meeting – SAC and SC meetings M30 (September 2017): Project Steering Committee M36 (February 2018): Project meeting – SAC and SC meetings To be decided: Locations Format and division of roles among ISIS/UN-MERIT and SEURECO

16 WP11 Resources ISIS: 22 PMs UN-MERIT and Seureco: 3 PMs

17 Immediate actions By the end of March 2015 (M1) By June 2015 (M3)
Calculation and distribution of the pre-financing (ISIS / UN-MERIT) Finalisation of the Consortium Agreement (ISIS) Creation of templates (power point, word, etc.) (ISIS) By June 2015 (M3) Dissemination Plan Project website and Leaflet Definition of the format for the European meetings By September 2015 (M6) D Inception Report D Data Management Plan Missing: WIIW / ZEW / EIZ / WERI-SGH

18 Open points Any other considerations?

19 Thank you Loredana Marmora
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