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Gender, Stereotypes and the Media

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Presentation on theme: "Gender, Stereotypes and the Media"— Presentation transcript:

1 Gender, Stereotypes and the Media
Shannyn Cunningham Mount Barker High School

2 The ‘Hook’

3 Student Perceptions

4 Gender Representations - Men

5 Gender Representations - Women

6 Advertising

7 Gender in Politics

8 Children’s Books (1963 and 1999)
Comparison between Busy, Busy Town the Best Word Book Ever

9 Children’s Television

10 Possible Questions In what ways are both women and men represented in children’s television (or texts) and do these representations either reinforce or challenge gender stereotypes? Is children’s television just for children? How might children’s television perpetuate gender stereotypes? (direct reference to KU3 – ways texts are created for a range of purposes and audiences, An1 purpose, audience and context shaping meaning and An3 intertextual connections) How might advertising impact upon a child’s self-image and their perception of what it means to be male/female? (KU1 – ideas and perspectives in texts)

11 ‘Teen’ TV

12 Current Media

13 The Article

14 Audi Ad

15 Challenging Stereotypes

16 Possible Questions Select two different forms of media (television, advertisement, picture book, poem). Compare and contrast the representations of gender in these media and analyse the degree to which they influence an audience response (Stage 1 - KU1,3 and An1,3) Select one form of media that reinforces gender stereotypes and one that challenges them. Analyse the ways in which these forms of media reflect the views of the author, and influence audience response(Stage 1 - KU1,3 and An1,3)

17 Stage 2 KU1 ideas and perspectives in texts
KU3 creation of texts for different purposes, audiences and contexts AN3 similarities and differences when comparing texts Responding to texts categories (5): media texts from newspapers, magazines, radio, television, the internet, or other digital sources such as advertisements, talkback radio programs, technical articles, news presentations, sports reports, political commentary or cartoons, editorials, websites, social media, blogs, podcasts, or gaming Links to Stage 2 Creating Texts: Transform a piece of media and to challenge gender stereotypes. Could also be a great writer’s statement task

18 Task Example

19 LAP

20 Intertextual Study analysing the relationships between texts
demonstrating how their knowledge of other texts has influenced the creation of their own texts. Taken from the Subject Outline

21 LAP



24 Resources with-the-times-progress mother/news-story/b9940ab441f c628dc53c3729 proves-it into-gender-stereotypes-shows gender-stereotypes

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