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SSWG7b Describe the location of major physical features and their impact on Latin America.

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Presentation on theme: "SSWG7b Describe the location of major physical features and their impact on Latin America."— Presentation transcript:

1 SSWG7b Describe the location of major physical features and their impact on Latin America.

2 I can (Learning Target)
I can describe the location of Latin America’s major physical features. I can describe how the major physical features impact people and societies in Latin America.

3 Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean

4 Mexican Plateau Surrounded by Sierra Madre Mountain ranges.
Large arid-to-semi arid plateau. arid-little water in soil Densely populated Attracted Human settlements Mild climate Fertile volcanic soil Adequate rainfall

5 Mexican Plateau

6 Mexican Plateau

7 Rio Grande 5th longest river in North America.
Snow fed mountain river. Colorado Mountains Forms natural border between United States and Mexico. Important to semi-arid region Human consumption Agriculture wildlife

8 Rio Grande

9 Rio Grande

10 Gulf of Mexico Mild Mediterranean climate
Partially landlocked Ocean basin 33 Major river systems empty in Mississippi River Rio Grande Major deposits of oil and natural gas 50 million people inhabit

11 Gulf of Mexico

12 Panama Canal Isthmus of Panama Man made waterway
a narrow strip of land with sea on either side, forming a link between two larger areas of land. Man made waterway Built to shorten travel time between Atlantic and Pacific Ocean Important trade route 10% of all U.S. shipping goes through canal

13 Panama Canal

14 South America

15 Andes Mountains Formed by Pacific Ring of Fire
High Plateaus and high peaks Longest mountain chain Has several cordilleras Ranges running parallel to one another Ideal settlement location Cool climate Rich natural resources (water, volcanic soil, timber and minerals) 20 million people dependent on mountain resources

16 Andes Mountains

17 Pampas Vast plains (from Argentina to Uruguay) Two zones
Dry zone (saline areas, brackish streams, sandy deserts) Humid zone (temperate, well watered, fertile soil) Produces large quantities of wheat and corn for region. Cattle and sheep ranges

18 Pampas

19 Amazon River Originates in Peruvian Andes-> Brazil-> Atlantic Ocean Longest River in Western Hemisphere Ocean going ships can travel 2,300 miles up stream Hundreds of smaller rivers help form the Amazon Basin Used for trading, fishing, farming, and mining Many countries have built roads to river for trade purposes

20 Amazon River

21 Rio de la Plata Estuary known as “River of Silver”
the tidal mouth of a large river, where the tide meets the stream Originates at junction of Uruguay and Parana Rivers Provides important commercial water routes between cities Provides hydroelectricity power Fishing ground for region Water sources for most populated parts of South America

22 Rio de la Plata

23 Amazon Basin Largest reservoir of fresh water.
Drains an area of more than 2 million square miles. Amazon Rainforest Unique and Various Flora and Fauna species found here

24 Amazon Basin

25 Llanos Plains Grasslands in Northern South American
Western Venezuela- northeastern Colombia Form extensive platforms between rivers Cattle herding important to region Oil Field in Venezuela

26 Llanos Plains

27 Orinoco River Flows through Venezuela Contains large amounts of Gold
Rich in mineral deposits Iron Bauxite Chrome Petroleum and natural gas

28 Orinoco River

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