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LearnerTrack usage guide

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1 LearnerTrack usage guide
Sep 2015

2 Wokingham Borough Council’s Community Learning team use an online management information system (MIS) called LearnerTrack. This is used to manage all courses and enrolments. It is a contractual obligation to use this online system, in order to enable the Community Learning team to complete compulsory ILR uploads to justify funding from the Skills Funding Agency. The URL for LearnerTrack is

3 Logging in You will be given a user name and password.
If you forget either at any point, please contact Jon White. 1. Enter your user name and password and click ‘Login’.

4 Your Dashboard This is the home screen. LearnerTrack uses a modular display. The ‘business rules’ module advises of errors or warnings, these can be caused if data is entered incorrectly or vital information is missing, i.e. a learner’s date of birth has not been entered.

5 Your Dashboard The ‘Data entry’ module is used to enter all information into LearnerTrack. Clicking on this will bring up a menu of different options. 1. learner: Use to search across all learners. When enrolling it is important not to create duplicate learners. 2. course: Use to search for a course type or a specific course instance. From here you are able to enrol learners, complete registers, mark achievements and close courses when they have finished.

6 Creating a new learner record
Before creating a new learner record you must first search for that learner to ensure no duplicate records are created. From the data entry menu click on ‘learner’. Put a name into the learner quick search, or click on ‘advance search’ to see more search options.

7 Creating a new learner record
1. If a learner record exists it will appear in this field. Click on the learner number to take you to their details. 2. If no learner record appears, click on ‘add new’ to create a new record.

8 Creating a new learner record
1. Using the enrolment form complete the relevant fields on the ‘personal’ tab. Verification type (ID type found on back of enrolment form) Title Given (First) name Family (Last) name Contact details Sex Date of Birth Ethnicity LDD National Insurance no. (optional) Postal address & postcode

9 Creating a new learner record
2. Using the enrolment form, complete the ‘Prior attainment’ field. (See Qualification guide table on next slide.) Complete Maths & English qualifications section. If no qualifications held enter [99]No qualifications. 3. Using the enrolment form, complete the ‘Last in learning’ field.

10 Qualifications guide Entry 1 2 3 4 5
Use this table to enter the correct level into the ‘Prior attainment’ field. Level Examples Entry Entry level certificates English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) Skills for Life at Entry level Function skills at entry level 1 GCSEs graded D-G NVQs at level 1 Key Skills level 1 Skills for Life Foundation Diploma BTEC at level 1 2 GCSEs graded A*-C NVQs at level 2 Key Skills level 2 BTEC at level 2 Higher Diploma 3 AS / A levels Advanced Extension Awards International Baccalaureate NVQs at level 3 BTEC level 3 Advanced and Progression Diploma Key Skills level 3 4 Key Skills level 4 NVQs at level 4 BTEC Professional Awards Certificates of higher education 5 Higher national diplomas Other higher diplomas NVQs at level 4*

11 Creating a new learner record
1. Click on the ‘privacy’ tab. 2. ‘ability to share’ must be set to ‘FPN Seen and able to share data’. Support tab – enter details if LDD if required. Yes/No will automatically populate from question on personal tab. 3. If you are aware of any contact restrictions ensure the correct boxes are checked. (i.e. If a learner has died they are not to be contacted) 4. Remember to click ‘Save’ when all the information has been entered.

12 Enrolling a learner Now you have created all your learner’s records, it’s time to enrol the learners on to the course. Go back to the main menu Click the ‘data entry’ module Select ‘course’

13 Enrolling a learner Search for a course code, by date or by location.
Additional search criteria To search for a course type by title, click ‘ct search’.

14 Enrolling a learner 1. Check the fields on the details and sessions tabs to ensure the information is correct. 2. Click on Enrol

15 Enrolling a learner 1. Using name, DOB or postcode, search for the learner you wish to enrol. NB. A list of learners you have recently modified are listed here to save you searching.

16 Enrolling a learner 1. Learners matching your search criteria will appear at the bottom of the screen. Click on the learner’s name to bring up the record (see below). 2. Check to ensure you have the correct learner, then click on ‘enrol’. Before enrolling you can enter fee information here, e.g. whether they receive a JSA concession.

17 Enrolling a learner 1. An orange bar will appear to show that the learner has been enrolled. A person will also appear here to show you how many learners have been enrolled on this instance. 2. Click on ‘clear’, and it will return you to the learner search page so that you can continue enrolling.

18 Completing the register
Once all the learners have been enrolled onto the course, close the enrolment screen to return to the course instance page. You will now need to fill in the course register. 1. Click on the ‘enrolments’ tab.

19 Completing the register - To be continued
1. All enrolled learners will be listed here. (You may need to click the refresh button below, for learners to show.) 2. Click on the red and green square to take you to the course register.

20 Completing the register
2. Remember to click ‘save’. Then close the register screen. 1. Complete the register for all learners. This can be done by 3 different methods: a) Left click on the square to be filled in and key in the correct symbol with the keyboard. Or b) Right click on the square to be filled in and select the correct option from the menu that appears. Or c) To quickly fill a whole row, select an option from the ‘Auto fill’ drop down box and left click on the square before the first date. This will fill in the whole row with the same selected symbol.

21 Completing the register
Updated slide When the register screen is closed it may not show that the register has been filled in on the course screen. You can click the refresh button to update the page.

22 Marking achievements Using the yellow Passport to Learning documents, you can now complete the achievements for all learners. 1. Select the Outcome drop down menu.

23 Marking achievements 1. Select the correct achievement option.
Updated slide 1. Select the correct achievement option. 2. Move on to the next learner, marking all the achievements. 3. Click the ‘Submit changes’ button

24 Closing the course When the registers and achievements have been completed, return to the ‘details’ tab on the course instance screen. 2. Tick the top two boxes to confirm the registers and achievements are complete. 1. Click ‘edit’.

25 Closing the course 1. Tick the ‘Provider OK’ box. 2. Click ‘save’.
This confirms to the Community Learning team that all data has been entered and you are ready to close the course. Someone from Community Learning will then check all the data and tick the final box. When the course has been finalised, the green banner at the top of the screen turns blue. 2. Click ‘save’.

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