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BTEC Assessment rules
Rules for Internal Assessment from 1 Sept 2014 BTEC Firsts and BTEC Nationals
Geoff Harvey, Head of Vocational Assessment, Pearson, writes: Since we introduced our next generation BTEC qualifications in 2012, you’ve asked us for more support so you can prepare really high quality assignments. You also told us we need to be much clearer about what assessment best practice looks like for BTEC – and you need to feel confident that it will be applied consistently for all BTEC centres and learners. So we’ve designed the new assessment framework of rules, guidelines and support to cover: giving effective, constructive feedback to support learning and progression preparing your learners to undertake an internal assessment submission of evidence and post-assessment support, including assessment feedback, resubmission and re-takes. What is changing – and why? High standards of assessment are essential to support learner progression. Teachers have been asking for definitive rules so they are confident of best practice. As a result, we are introducing new rules for internal assessment. These rules cover all BTEC Firsts and Nationals (QCF and NQF). The rules come into effect from 1 September 2014. What is changing? We know how important it is for learner progression that BTEC qualifications are delivered and assessed to the highest standards, and many teachers have been asking us for clear, definitive rules which will empower them to undertake internal assessments following the very best practice. We have been reviewing our guidance and as a result, from 1st September 2014 we are introducing new rules for internal assessment which will apply to all BTEC Firsts and Nationals on the National Qualifications Framework (NQF) and the Qualifications and Credit Framework (QCF). What are the new rules and how do they build on existing practice? These new rules build on the existing requirements for next generation BTEC Firsts which we have also been recommending as good practice for all BTEC Firsts and Nationals (QCF). We’ve outlined the new rules in this letter – they cover: how teachers and tutors should give feedback once learners have started on an assignment how learners should work independently on assignments to create their own, authentic evidence for assessment submission, resubmission and retakes.
Internal assessment and feedback for BTEC Firsts and Nationals
1. Taking an assessment Once the learner is ready to take an assessment, they must work independently. What feedback can I give at this stage? Give feedback and support around knowledge, understanding and skills Supervise learners if they are undertaking any assignment work in class. Before the learner submits their evidence for assessment, submission, your feedback must stop short of: providing specific feedback on the quality of the evidence confirming achievement of specific assessment criteria or grades. 2. Submission of evidence and assessment Each learner is allowed one submission of their evidence for each assessment – see also resubmission. What feedback can I give at this stage? Formally record the assessment result and confirm achievement against specific assessment criteria (each criterion is assessed once only). Confirm the evidence submitted is authentically the learner’s own work (they need to sign and date a declaration to this effect when they submit). Confirm the assessment criteria the learner has and has not achieved (explaining the reasons for the assessor’s decision). Your feedback must stop short of: providing feedback or guidance on how to improve the evidence to achieve higher grades, e.g. you cannot provide a list of specific action the learner needs to take to achieve a higher grade if they are allowed an opportunity to resubmit. 3. Resubmission of evidence The Lead Internal Verifier may authorise one opportunity to resubmit evidence for each assignment. When can the Lead Internal Verifier authorise a resubmission? If the learner has met all the initial deadlines or agreed extensions. The teacher or tutor judges the learner will be able to provide improved evidence without further specific guidance. The assessor has confirmed the evidence originally submitted was authentically the learner’s own work. How does a resubmission work? Record evidence of the Lead Internal Verifier’s decision on the assessment form Set a resubmission deadline within 10 working days of the learner receiving the original assessment decision (within the same academic year, within term time). Stop short of giving the learner any further specific guidance or coaching on how to improve their grade Your Standards Verifier will need to see evidence of the resubmission decision and that the resubmitted evidence is authentically the learner’s own work. 4. Retakes Retakes are available to learners studying BTEC on the QCF. Retakes are not available to learners studying BTEC on the NQF. When can the Lead Internal Verifier authorise a retake? If the learner has met all the conditions for Resubmission of evidence. How does a retake work? Set a new task or assignment targeted only at the pass criteria not achieved in the original assignment. The assessor cannot award a merit or distinction grade for a retake. Same procedures for submission and authentication of evidence. Standards Verifiers will need to see evidence of retakes in sampling. No further submissions or retakes are allowed. Applies to all new learner registrations starting a new BTEC course from 1 September 2014
Rules for Internal Assessment from 1 Sept 2014 BTEC Firsts and BTEC Nationals
The new rules will become mandatory requirements from 1 September 2014 and apply to: Qualification Framework Learners Suite name Qualifications & Credit Framework (QCF) National Qualifications Framework (NQF) New learners Registrations for courses starting from 1 Sept 2014 Existing learners who are part-way through a course on 1 Sept 2014 or who “top up” to a larger size of the same qualification BTEC Firsts BTEC Nationals We’ve listened From 1 September 2014, the new rules will apply to: the internal assessment of all units for BTEC Firsts and Nationals (NQF and QCF). The rules will not apply: retrospectively to the internal assessment of units completed before 1 September learners who are already part-way through their course on 1 September The rules will support learner progression by: stating clearly how teachers and tutors should give feedback once learners have started on an assignment. providing clear guidance on what is and what is not allowed when assessing learner work to the national standard providing clear rules which ensure authenticity of learner evidence indicating clearly how learners should work independently on assignments to create their own, authentic evidence for assessment providing clear rules for submission, resubmission and retakes. Waiver of rules for on-programme leaners - felt to be unfair on current cohorts of learners. We are therefore: Waiving the new internal assessment rules for mid-programme learners This includes those ‘topping up’ to a larger qualification in the next academic year (evidence of top-up required) It does not include learners who are registered early for brand new programmes for the 2014/15 academic year (i.e: before 1st September 2014) An FAQ: If a centre has already moved a cohort onto the new rules in anticipation of the change, they are not forced to change back in September – they can carry on this term with the existing or new regime, and continue with that rules regime from September 2014. We’ve listened
BTEC Feedback Stages - Summary
1. Teaching and learning During teaching and learning, you are using your best professional judgement about the nature, quantity or level of feedback. The assessment rules for BTEC do not cover formative feedback – only feedback during and following assessment. Feedback could include: 2. During assessment While learners are working on an assessment, you can continue to give general feedback and support, particularly around the development of knowledge, understanding and skills. Feedback could include: 3. Following assessment On the assessment record, you should give clear feedback on: the criteria the learner achieved (explaining the assessor’s decisions) the criteria not achieved (and why) although you should not provide a list of instructions on how to get a higher grade. Feedback could include: Identify areas for learner progression, including stretch and challenge Explain clearly how BTEC assessment works and what learners need to do to achieve a Pass, Merit or Distinction. Set “dry run” or “mock” tasks and scenarios to help learners understand what level they have reached and prepare for assessment. Feedback on how to improve knowledge, skills, understanding, behaviour, approach, grammar etc. Guidance on how to improve knowledge, skills and understanding. Guidance on appropriate behaviour and approach, confirmation of deadlines etc. Confirmation of which criteria the assessor is targeting and clarification of what the assignment brief requires. Which assessment criteria the learner has achieved and what the learner has done well. Which assessment criteria the learner has not achieved and what was missing. Information or guidance available to the learner they could have drawn on to (e.g. class notes; handouts; resources in assignment brief etc) General behaviour and conduct, approach, grammar etc. Teaching and learning can be ongoing during assignment work and the teacher can continue to give general feedback and support. However, they cannot assess the specific assignment evidence being generated, nor can they confirm achievement of specific assessment criteria, until formal assessment takes place. Teachers should supervise learners when undertaking assignment work in class, but the work must be produced by the learners.
Rules for Internal Assessment from 1 Sept 2014 1. Assessment rules
Providing feedback to learners The teacher or tutor must decide when the learner is fully prepared to undertake the assessment. Once learners are working on assignments which will be submitted for assessment, they must work independently to produce and prepare evidence for assessment. Before starting the assessment Before starting an assessment, the tutor or teacher must ensure each learner understands the: assessment requirements nature of the evidence they need to produce importance of time management and meeting deadlines. Once the learner begins work for the assessment, the tutor or teacher must not: provide specific assessment feedback on the evidence produced by the learner before it is submitted for assessment confirm achievement of specific assessment criteria until the assessment stage. 1.1 Providing feedback to learners The tutor must decide when the learner is fully prepared to undertake the assessment. Once learners are working on assignments which will be submitted for assessment, they must work independently to produce and prepare evidence for assessment. Before starting an assessment, the tutor must ensure each learner understands the: assessment requirements nature of the evidence they need to produce importance of time management and meeting deadlines. Once the learner begins work for the assessment, the tutor must not: provide specific assessment feedback on the evidence produced by the learner before it is submitted for assessment confirm achievement of specific assessment criteria until the assessment stage.
Rules for Internal Assessment from 1st Sept 2014 1. Assessment rules
Submission of evidence Only one submission is allowed for each assignment. The assessor must formally record the assessment result and confirm the achievement of specific assessment criteria. Each learner must submit: an assignment for assessment which consists of evidence towards the targeted assessment criteria a signed and dated declaration of authenticity with each assignment which confirms they have produced the evidence themselves. The assessor must: formally record and confirm the achievement of specific assessment criteria complete a confirmation that the evidence they have assessed is authentic and is the learner’s own work. The assessor must not: provide feedback or guidance on how to improve the evidence to achieve higher grades. 1.1 Providing feedback to learners The tutor must decide when the learner is fully prepared to undertake the assessment. Once learners are working on assignments which will be submitted for assessment, they must work independently to produce and prepare evidence for assessment. Before starting an assessment, the tutor must ensure each learner understands the: assessment requirements nature of the evidence they need to produce importance of time management and meeting deadlines. Once the learner begins work for the assessment, the tutor must not: provide specific assessment feedback on the evidence produced by the learner before it is submitted for assessment confirm achievement of specific assessment criteria until the assessment stage.
Rules for Internal Assessment from 1st Sept 2014 1. Assessment rules
Opportunities for resubmission Because every assignment contributes to the final qualification grade, it may be appropriate for the Lead Internal Verifier to authorise one opportunity for a learner to resubmit evidence to meet assessment criteria targeted by an assignment. The Lead Internal Verifier can only authorise a resubmission if all of the following conditions are met: the learner has met initial deadlines set in the assignment, or has met an agreed deadline extension the tutor judges that the learner will be able to provide improved evidence without further guidance the assessor has authenticated the evidence submitted for assessment and the evidence is accompanied by a signed and dated declaration of authenticity by the learner. If a learner has not met these conditions, the Lead Internal Verifier must not authorise a resubmission. 1.1 Providing feedback to learners The tutor must decide when the learner is fully prepared to undertake the assessment. Once learners are working on assignments which will be submitted for assessment, they must work independently to produce and prepare evidence for assessment. Before starting an assessment, the tutor must ensure each learner understands the: assessment requirements nature of the evidence they need to produce importance of time management and meeting deadlines. Once the learner begins work for the assessment, the tutor must not: provide specific assessment feedback on the evidence produced by the learner before it is submitted for assessment confirm achievement of specific assessment criteria until the assessment stage.
Rules for Internal Assessment from 1st Sept 2014 1. Assessment rules
Procedure for resubmission If the Lead Internal Verifier does authorise a resubmission, it must be: recorded on the assessment form given a deadline for resubmission within 10 working days* of the learner receiving the results of the assessment undertaken by the learner with no further guidance. * 10 working days must be within term time, in the same academic year as the original submission. Our Standards Verifiers will require you to include evidence of resubmitted work in sampling, including: evidence of Lead Internal Verifier authorisation, signed and dated, with the resubmission deadline clearly stated the initial assessment record the resubmitted learner evidence, accompanied by a signed and dated declaration of authenticity by the learner the resubmission assessment record, detailing the additional learner evidence submitted and showing any related changes to the assessment decisions confirmation from the assessor that the resubmitted evidence is authentic and is the learner’s own work. 1.1 Providing feedback to learners The tutor must decide when the learner is fully prepared to undertake the assessment. Once learners are working on assignments which will be submitted for assessment, they must work independently to produce and prepare evidence for assessment. Before starting an assessment, the tutor must ensure each learner understands the: assessment requirements nature of the evidence they need to produce importance of time management and meeting deadlines. Once the learner begins work for the assessment, the tutor must not: provide specific assessment feedback on the evidence produced by the learner before it is submitted for assessment confirm achievement of specific assessment criteria until the assessment stage.
Conditions for re-taking a new assignment (QCF)
Rules for Internal Assessment from 1st Sept Retakes for BTECs on the Qualifications and Credit Framework (QCF) Conditions for re-taking a new assignment (QCF) The Qualifications and Credit Framework (QCF) does not allow for compensation – this means that BTEC Firsts and Nationals on the QCF require learners to achieve every pass criterion in order to successfully achieve the qualification. If a learner has met all of the conditions listed in Opportunities for resubmission but still not achieved the targeted pass criteria following resubmission of an assignment, the Lead Internal Verifier may authorise one retake opportunity to meet the required pass criteria. The Lead Internal Verifier must only authorise a retake in exceptional circumstances where they believe it is necessary, appropriate and fair to do so. The retake must be a new task or assignment targeted only to the pass criteria which were not achieved in the original assignment. Please see the BTEC Centre Guide to Assessment for further information on writing assignments for retakes ( The assessor must agree and record a clear deadline before the learner starts a retake. The learner and the assessor must sign declarations of authentication as they both did for the previous submissions. The assessor cannot award a merit or distinction grade for a retake. The learner will not be allowed any further resubmissions or retakes. Standards Verifiers will require you to include evidence of any retakes in sampling. 1.1 Providing feedback to learners The tutor must decide when the learner is fully prepared to undertake the assessment. Once learners are working on assignments which will be submitted for assessment, they must work independently to produce and prepare evidence for assessment. Before starting an assessment, the tutor must ensure each learner understands the: assessment requirements nature of the evidence they need to produce importance of time management and meeting deadlines. Once the learner begins work for the assessment, the tutor must not: provide specific assessment feedback on the evidence produced by the learner before it is submitted for assessment confirm achievement of specific assessment criteria until the assessment stage.
No retakes available for internally assessed units on the NQF
Rules for Internal Assessment from 1st Sept Retakes for BTECs on the National Qualifications Framework (NQF) No retakes available for internally assessed units on the NQF Compensation is available for BTEC qualifications on the National Qualifications Framework (NQF). This means that BTEC Firsts and Nationals on the NQF do not require learners to achieve every pass criterion in order to successfully achieve the qualification. Retakes of internally assessed units are therefore not available to learners studying BTEC Firsts and Nationals on the NQF. 1.1 Providing feedback to learners The tutor must decide when the learner is fully prepared to undertake the assessment. Once learners are working on assignments which will be submitted for assessment, they must work independently to produce and prepare evidence for assessment. Before starting an assessment, the tutor must ensure each learner understands the: assessment requirements nature of the evidence they need to produce importance of time management and meeting deadlines. Once the learner begins work for the assessment, the tutor must not: provide specific assessment feedback on the evidence produced by the learner before it is submitted for assessment confirm achievement of specific assessment criteria until the assessment stage.
Support for implementing the new assessment and feedback rules
You can contact our support teams for advice and guidance: Learn more at Regional Quality Manager for quality assurance advice Curriculum Development Manager & Curriculum Support Consultant for curriculum and qualification advice. Subject Advisor subject-specific advice for teachers, tutors and Heads of Department. Your questions answered Answers to frequently asked questions around BTEC assessment. Where can I find out more about the new rules? I’ve attached a copy of the new rules to this letter, and you can find more detail –together with some FAQs – in our new Guide to Internal Assessment for BTEC Firsts and Nationals at Our BTEC Assessment team will be working closely with schools and colleges between now and 1st September 2014 to ensure you have all the information and support you need to implement these changes effectively. In the meantime, if you have any initial questions about these new rules, please do get in contact with our customer-facing support teams at Regional Quality Managers – for quality assurance advice Curriculum Development Manager – for curriculum and qualification advice Subject Advisor – subject-specific advice for teachers, tutors and Heads of Department. We look forward to working with you to on making these changes to support the highest possible standards in BTEC delivery.
More support coming in 2014 Onscreen tests – more feedback available from June Release individual mark as well as the grade. Develop a graded Level 1 offer - Accelerate development of graded Level 1 BTECs (for first teaching September 2015, subject to accreditation) More assignment briefs and sample learner work - In progress: update on what material will be available when later in the summer term. More training events to support implementation - More face-to-face and online training events focused on meeting specific support needs for new academic year in September More details and a list of events available late May 2014. 1. Onscreen tests Consistent negative feedback since introduction of next gen BTEC Firsts Challenging for customers and learners who are new to EA in BTEC Reminder that currently only grades are available We are therefore: Releasing the individual mark as well as the unit grade for each learner who takes these tests. This will be available from June (exact date tbc) Note: Conscious decision to wait until June in order to ensure appropriate support material is available at the time of the release. 2. Graded Level 1s Sept 2014 target date for accreditation to meet DfE submission deadline for 2017 List (subject to Ofqual accreditation) First teaching Sept 2015 (subject to Ofqual accreditation) An increasing issue for our customers New accountability measures have sharpened focus on grading at level 1 Current BTEC level 1 offer can only achieve points ‘equivalent’ to an E grade in performance tables Danger learners may be put onto a programme at an inappropriate level Accelerating the development of a graded level 1 offer – work already started. Targeting mid- September 2014 for accreditation in order to meet DfE submission deadline for 2017 List. More assignment briefs and sample learner work The more exemplar material we have the more support we can offer. Help centres in understanding and applying the new rules Help programme leaders scaffold teaching and learning that will support learner progress. Increasing the amount of material we are providing in this area. This material is resource-heavy to produce well, so not a speedy solution BUT We are looking to produce a comprehensive list of the individual pieces we are producing along with dates they will be available to enable a credible discussion with centres on this. 4. More training events to support implementation Volume and pace of change has lead to come customers feeling overwhelmed. We know our support hasn’t always been easy to find, and in some cases hasn’t been timely. Centres have specific issues and need an opportunity to talk these through. We want to provide as much opportunity to support centres as they prepare for the new academic year (and the new IA rules) Adding in a significant number of face to face and online events to support these interactions Details available within the next week.
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