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Presentation on theme: "SCHOOL YEAR SCHEDULING PRESENTATION"— Presentation transcript:


2 Guidance Counselor Assignments
By Student Last Names A-Co Mrs. Sislowski Cr-Ha Ms. Hussong He-Lo Mr. Young Lu-Pe Ms. Davidson Pf-Sr Mrs. Brzuski St-Z Mrs. Williams

3 Graduation Requirements

4 Earning High School Credits
Credits are earned each semester 1.0 Credit for full-year courses 0.5 Credit for one-semester courses EXCEPTION Physical Education =0.25 credit per semester Must earn 14 credits to reach 12th grade status

5 More information available on the website or in the student planner.
Semester Grades are Recorded on the Transcript (Your academic Record) A semester grade is comprised of two quarters and the semester exam. GPA is important for Post-High School Plans F’s earn no credit and are NEVER removed from the student’s transcript More information available on the website or in the student planner. Grades & G.P.A.

6 12th Grade MUST Take Courses Math
One credit of English Math Science if not completed (3 credits needed for graduation) Social Studies if not completed (3.5 credits needed for graduation) Required courses not yet completed (P.E., Health, Personal Finance, economics) Electives (Must have at least 5 classes per semester, not including Physical Education

7 English Options Options for Earning this Credit
12th Grade English Options You will need 1 full credit of English Options for Earning this Credit Survey of Brit Lit + 1 semester Elective on next slide English 12 Blended AP English Literature and Composition College Composition I or II (CCP)

8 12th Grade English Options
Earning the other ½ of English credit (may take more than one for elective credit) 12th Grade English Options Business English and Communication Communication Skills for the 21st Century Creative Writing Intro to Literary Drama Journalism –A Journalism –B Literature and Film Mystery and Detective Fiction Science Fiction and Fantasy World Mythology

9 12th Grade Math Options Computer Science Electives
Current Year Math Course Next Year Math Course Algebra 2 /Algebra 2 -Trig Quantitative Reasoning (Formerly FTS) Probability & Statistics Pre-Calculus AP Calculus AB AP Statistics Honors Pre-Calculus AP Calculus BC Multivariable Calculus / Linear Algebra Computer Science Electives Exploring Computer Science/Math AP Computer Science Principles AP Computer Science (Java)

10 12th Grade Science Options
*There are math Pre-reqs or Co-Reqs for some of these courses. Earth Systems Science Biology II Astronomy* Anatomy & Physiology Physics* Chemistry Honors* AP Chemistry* AP Physics (Algebra Based) * AP Physics (Mechanics) * AP Biology AP Environmental Science Forensic Science and Criminalistics Forensic Science Investigations Modern Science

11 12th Grade Social Studies Options
Electives AP European History AP Microeconomics /AP Macroeconomics AP United States History Criminal Justice and Civil Law AP Comparative Government and Politics AP Psychology General Psychology (PSY 1010 –College Credit Plus –Must test) Psychology Sociology Contemporary World Issues 12th Grade Social Studies Options

12 World Language, Fine Arts, and/or Business Requirement
A student must complete one credit from one of these academic areas in order to graduate. The 1.0 credit can be a combination of a half credit from 2 different areas. World Language, Fine Arts, and/or Business Requirement

13 Physical Education and
Health ½ credit required Physical Education ½ credit required, 2 semesters Foundation of Physical Activity (This class is the prerequisite for all other P.E. Courses) Competitive Team Games Fitness for Life Leisure / Individual Activities Weightlifting, Speed and Agility Training A & B Electives Sports Management Pre-Medicine Health Honors Physical Education and Health

14 World Language Options:
French German Spanish 2 years of a World Language is recommended for college preparation Students who struggle with reading may struggle in these courses.

15 Business Courses Business Foundations Financial Accounting
Fund. Of Business/Administrative Services Human Resources Management International Business Strategic Entrepreneurship Introduction to Business Technology Desktop & Cloud Design& Publishing Integrated Marketing Communications Honors, Management Principles, and Professional & Technical Sales (DECA) Business Courses

16 Fine Art Electives Prep ART COURSES MUSIC COURSES
Band (Concert, Symphonic, Wind Ensemble) Orchestra (String, Symphony Honors) Choir (Women’s Chorale, Concert, Chorale, Show Choir) Some of these courses are determined by audition. Music Appreciation – From Bach to Rock Music Exploration – Teacher recommendation only Music Theory I & II ART COURSES Art I & II Beginning Printmaking Ceramics I & II Digital Photography Drawing and Design Painting AP Art History AP Studio Art Art Exploration Fine Art Electives Prep 1 full credit (2 Semesters) of a Fine Art is recommended for college prep

17 Industrial Technology Electives
Architecture Design* Drafting and Design I & II* Home Maintenance & Repair Metals I & II Survey of Industrial Technology Technology Innovations Video Technology* Woods I & II * Fine Art Credit Industrial Technology Electives

18 Family & Consumer Science
Food and Culinary Fundamentals Human Growth and Development Leadership and Community Engagement Nutrition and Wellness Transitions and Careers Family & Consumer Science

19 Special Programs Project Lead the Way Air Force JROTC
Intro to Engineering Design Principles of Pre-Engineering Digital Electronics Page 60 in the Program of Studies Special Programs Air Force JROTC Survival Skills & Principles of Management Page 58 in the Program of Studies

20 Students who participate on a school sports team, take AFJROTC or marching band are able to waive the PE requirement. This means no credit and no grade. A P.E. Waiver link is on the SHS Guidance Webpage…You MUST inform us that you are intended to opt-out of your P.E. Requirements. Students must complete two seasons in order to fully waive all of the PE requirements. PLEASE CHECK WITH YOUR COUNSELOR TO MAKE SURE BOTH PE WAIVERS HAVE BEEN TURNED IN AND THIS GRADUATION REQUIREMENT HAS BEEN FULFILLED!!! P.E. Waiver

21 Credit Flexibility allows students to earn credit by demonstrating academic and skill level performance through a variety of educational options. All subjects are available as well as P.E. Credit and grades are awarded for credit flexibility, but all students choosing this option must be approved prior to beginning the credit. Forms are available on the guidance web site. Credit Flexibility

22 MAKE SURE YOU SELECT five classes each semester
Sample 12th Grade Schedules SEMESTER II 1 Lit & Film 2 MATH 3 SCIENCE 4 Study Hall 5 Study Hall/Lunch 6 AP Psychology 7 Astronomy 8 Release MAKE SURE YOU SELECT five classes each semester SEMESTER I 1 Survey of Brit Lit 2 MATH 3 SCIENCE 4 Study Hall 5 Study Hall/Lunch 6 Sociology 7 Journalism 8 Release Students are NOT able to pick the periods of their courses, teachers or lunches.

23 If a student earns less than 2
If a student earns less than 2.0 GPA, the student will be put on an Academic contract At SHS, students must pass 5 classes (not including PE) the quarter preceding the season Athletic Eligibility

24 Get high school and college credit at the same time
Students must apply and be accepted by the Post-Secondary Institution (includes placement test/ACT/SAT) Both student and parents are encouraged to attend one of these meeting on February 9, or February 15, 2017 (conference nights) at 6:30 pm SHS Auditorium Intent to participate forms are due to Guidance by March 31, 2017 Choose College Credit Plus under Electives when scheduling College Credit Plus

25 Students must earn 18 points
 Students will earn points on seven end-of-course exams for the following courses: - English 9 & 10 - Algebra 1 & Geometry - Physical Science or Biology - U.S. History & U.S. Government Students can earn from 1-5 points for each exam, based on their performance. (5-Advanced, 4-Accelerated, 3-Proficient, 2-Basic, 1- Limited) Students must earn 18 points Required Testing

26 Online Registration Instructions
Will be done at home Open February 3, through February 16, 2017 Go to Click on Grades in the upper right corner Log into your PowerSchool account Click class registration Click in the box to select your classes. Don’t forget to click Okay after each class. Click submit after all classes have been selected See anyone in guidance for login information If you do not see the class you would like, it could be because the teacher did not recommend you for the class or you did not complete the prerequisites, failed a class, want to retake it, look for it in electives If non of these are true, see your guidance counselor for help. Remember February 16th is the last day to register

27 College and Career Readiness
Naviance Username = SCS Example Password = Student id and initials Example js Can assist you in selecting courses helpful towards future college majors Can assist you in exploring future career options based on personal interests College and Career Readiness

28 College and Career Readiness
What you should be doing now Take the SAT or ACT (All 11th graders will be taking the ACT in APRIL) Begin developing your college list through Naviance Start your college visitations. College and Career Readiness

29 The End!


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