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Published byMagdalene Robertson Modified over 7 years ago
Preparation for Direct Care Clinical Rotations Training #3 E*Value Training for FNP & PMHNP Students only: view 1-2 months in advance of starting direct care rotations 08/10/2017 PLEASE READ ALL INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION CAREFULLY. YOU WILL BE HELD RESPONSIBLE FOR KNOWING AND FOLLOWING THE RULES AND PROCEDURES OUTLINED HERE. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS ABOUT THESE MATERIALS, PLEASE GO TO THE LAST SLIDE IN THIS PRESENTATION (TITLED “HELP”) TO GET CONTACT INFORMATION FOR PEOPLE WHO CAN ASSIST YOU. (Press F5 on your keyboard to view in Slideshow mode, press ESC to exit Slideshow mode) (Click to advance to next slide throughout this presentation)
Topics In This Training
Updating biographic fields and passport items Onboarding/credentialing at clinical sites Documentation of clinical experiences in e*value Review Your Schedule Time Tracking How to log and edit Time Tracking Entries How to verify your hours – IMPORTANT! Case Logs How to log and edit Case Log Entries Mix Report – Client Encounter Demographics Evaluations Communication with clinical evaluator about clinical placements Guidelines for NURS540/595 (FNP ONLY) Help 08/10/2017 (Click on any topic to go directly to the slide)
REMINDER: Update Your Biographic Info
08/10/2017 Our ability to get important information to YOU is dependent on you keeping a current loaded in e*value! Please review and update your biographic fields EACH SEMESTER via your E*Value home page Back to Menu
Once you have confirmed placement at one or more sites, it is your responsibility to ensure that all ‘onboarding’ or ‘credentialing’ requirements at your clinical site(s) are completed in a timely manner, well in advance of your rotation(s). Some sites require the student to only have a current WSU Graduate Student Passport. Others have additional items required beyond the Passport which the student must complete. Your clinical placement coordinator will connect you with the point of contact at your clinical site that assists students with onboarding. Your Passport must be current at all times from admission until graduation A current passport is crucial during rotations, in part to fulfill our contractual obligations with clinical sites An expired passport item can result in a registration hold, a delay or cessation of your rotation until the item(s) is updated and documented, or not being able to count clinical hours accrued during the time when a passport item is expired, and/or Notice of Unsatisfactory Performance (NUP) 08/10/2017 Back to Menu
Documentation of Your Clinical Experiences in E*Value
As soon as you start clinical rotations, you will log in and submit information about your clinical experiences in the following areas: Time Tracking-Logging of your clinical hours Case Logs of your patient encounters Evaluations-Completion of evaluations regarding your rotation This documentation is a requirement for accreditation and graduation. IT IS STRONGLY SUGGESTED THAT YOU DOCUMENT YOUR TIME AND PATIENT ENCOUNTERS ON THE DAY THAT THEY OCCUR TO ENSURE ACCURATE AND COMPLETE RECORDS. 08/10/2017 Back to Menu
Accurate completion of evaluations, time tracking and case log entries are VERY important: Student documentation is reviewed on regular basis by Clinical Evaluators to: Evaluate whether you have completed all hours and had a well rounded distribution of client encounters Assign grades Ensure you have met all graduation requirements Ensure WSU CON has met accreditation requirements/standards Assess YOUR learning and outcomes 08/10/2017 (Click to advance to next slide throughout this presentation) Back to Menu
Students are required to document Their time spent in each clinical rotation (Time Tracking) The details of their patient encounters (Case Logs) Diagnoses, Procedures, etc You MUST Log your time and case logs within 7 days of the event! Documentation is based on your schedule for the term: Your course Your Site Your Preceptor (Time Tracking) Your Clinical Evaluator (Case Logs) 08/10/2017 (Click to advance to next slide throughout this presentation) Back to Menu
Early in each term in which you are enrolled in clinical rotations you MUST review your schedule for that term. 1. Click “Reports” tab, select “Schedule Report” from submenu to bring up this screen 08/10/2017 2. Accept the default filter values and click “Next” 3. Here is your current Schedule (Click to advance to next slide throughout this presentation) Back to Menu
Review your schedule carefully. If anything deviates from the information in your actual rotation, notify your clinical placement coordinator right away (different site, preceptor, etc.) Students will be asked to correct any errors in student documentation prior to a grade being assigned NOTE: Failure to enter clinical documentation or failure to enter it correctly may result in those hours not being counted towards the rotation 08/10/2017 (Click to advance to next slide throughout this presentation) Back to Menu
REQUIRED CLINICAL DOCUMENTATION: General Documentation Tips From Students Who Have Been There
08/10/2017 E*Value is a beast at first. Find someone from a previous cohort to mentor you on completing your Time Tracking and Case Logs. It’s super easy to make mistakes. Pay attention to directions. Don’t put off doing your entries. Do them as soon as you can after your rotation day. Some students do all their entries at the end of the day before leaving the clinical site. (Click to advance to next slide throughout this presentation)
Time Tracking Verifies that you have completed the required clinical hours Links hours to preceptors so they can receive credit for their time precepting students While logging entries, select your preceptor’s name (NOT YOUR CLINICAL EVALUATOR) from the ‘Supervisor’ dropdown, ensuring the preceptor gets credit for the hours. (NOTE: Many Preceptors have dual roles and serve as both Preceptor and Clinical Evaluator. In this case, the person will have either “Faculty” or “Preceptor” appended to their last name; i.e., Joan Smith Faculty or Joan Smith Preceptor. For Time Tracking purposes, you should always select their “Preceptor” persona. If your preceptor does not appear in the dropdown menu, contact the E*Value Coordinator or your Clinical Placement Coordinator Your clinical evaluator will actually review and approve time tracking entries in E*Value on behalf of your preceptor, so it is important that they know your preceptor’s name. WSU CON will provide preceptor hours verification at the end of each semester to each preceptor 08/10/2017 Back to Menu
Select the “Time Tracking” tab here or…
How to Log Time Tracking There are two ways to begin logging your rotation hours: 08/10/2017 Select the “Time Tracking” tab here or… Select “Log Time” here Back to Menu
How to Log Time Tracking
When you open Time Tracking, E*Value will automatically default to the current month and day. To select a different month, click here 08/10/2017 To select a different day, click on it. Back to Menu
How to Log Time Tracking
Next, set up the information that will be included in your entry. Select your task (usually “clinical hours”) 08/10/2017 Select your course Select your Site Select your PRECEPTOR (not Clinical Evaluator) Select your start and end times Back to Menu
Your selections for the course, site, and/or preceptor ABSOLUTELY, POSITIVELY MUST MATCH those on your official rotation schedule for the term. If you are not sure of your selections, contact the E*Value Coordinator (contact information available on the last slide in this training) If one or more of them are not available in a drop down, DO NOT SELECT something or someone else as a placeholder. You must contact your Placement Coordinator for assistance in having additions or changes made to your schedule BEFORE entry in your Time Tracking log. Remember that you are to select your PRECEPTOR as supervisor, not your clinical evaluator. Non-compliance with these rules may result in hours not being counted towards your rotation. 08/10/2017 Back to Menu
How to Log Time Tracking, continued
Check your entries to be sure they are correct. 08/10/2017 Then click the date of the rotation for which you entered the information Back to Menu
How to Log Time Tracking, continued
Your log entry appears here in the big calendar. 08/10/2017 How to Log Time Tracking, continued Back to Menu
How to Log Time Tracking, continued
If you click on the underlined “Task” item you can bring up all the information contained in the entry for review If you click on the underlined “Task” item you can bring up all the information contained in the entry 08/10/2017 How to Log Time Tracking, continued
How to verify your hours – important
How to verify your hours – important! Do Not use the Calendar view to verify your hours – see example below However, notice that the month of April 2017 has 30 days, and in this example time entry logs were made on March 27th, the 1st & 5th of May These hours are being counted in other calendar months as well, essentially double totaling those entries when calculating for the month! This could end up giving you a false total of your clinical hours See the next slide to see how to run a report to verify your hours However, notice that the month of April 2017 has 30 days, and in this example time entry logs were made on the 1st & 5th of May BUT the totals show on last week of April, as well as on the first week of June – essentially double totaling those entries! This could end up giving you a false total of you clinical hours E*value Totals your hours for each week 08/10/2017 The monthly total is incorrectly calculated by E*Value. E*Value totals all the hours on this calendar view, EVEN IF the date fall in the previous or following month note the hours logged on March 27th, May 01 & May 05 are calculated in the April totals – as well as in the totals for March & May. Back to Menu
How to verify your hours – important
How to verify your hours – important! Run the Time Tracking Supervisor Verification report 08/10/2017 In E*Value, navigate to the Reports tab Under Time Tracking Reports, choose ‘Time Tracking Supervisor Verification’ On the next page, fill out the search criteria (choose the start and end dates for the current semester) E*Value will display all your time tracking entries and the total hours at the bottom of the report Back to Menu
Tips From Students Who Have Been There
TIME TRACKING Tips From Students Who Have Been There 08/10/2017 Remember to select your preceptor and the right site for your time tracking entries! Side note: It’s really nice to recognize your preceptors in some way if you can. At the very least, a card. If you spend a lot of time with them and can afford it, a restaurant gift certificate is nice. How to Log Time Tracking, continued (Click to advance to next slide throughout this presentation) Back to Menu
Documentation of your client encounters
CASE LOGS Documentation of your client encounters 08/10/2017 This information is used to: Ensure you have a broad range of client encounters across the age span Track both diagnoses and procedures (FNP Students Only) Track Diagnoses Only (PMHNP Students) This information can also be compiled in a report and then used by the student for employment purposes (Click to advance to next slide throughout this presentation) Back to Menu
Your CLINICAL EVALUATOR will review and approve your Case Log entries
Diagnoses, procedures, patient characteristics, medications, etc. are recorded in your case logs It is important to remember to NOT use any patient identifiers in your Case log documentation The selection of Procedures and Diagnoses items has been updated to conform to the new ICD-10 codes. To make selecting the appropriate codes easier, spreadsheets with the available selections for FNP and PMHNP students can be found on your E*Value Home Page. Your CLINICAL EVALUATOR will review and approve your Case Log entries A Case Log should be completed for every client encounter 08/10/2017 How to log Cases (PxDx entries), continued Back to Menu
WARNING! As with Time Tracking, it is absolute mandatory that the information entered into the course, site, and clinical evaluator fields match that of your schedule for the term you are logging. If something is missing from a drop down, you must contact your Placement Coordinator immediately to correct your schedule. Your Case logs will be reviewed by your Clinical Evaluator for completeness and accuracy. 08/10/2017 How to log Cases (PxDx entries), continued (Click to advance to next slide throughout this presentation) Back to Menu
MORE WARNINGS! It is also mandatory that your Case Logs correspond to your Time Tracking logs: Dates should match; you should not have a case log entry on a date where you do not have a time tracking entry, and vice versa It is understood that your total time with patients will not equal the time tracking hours for that rotation, but your number of patient encounters should be appropriate to the time tracking hours logged for the day For ex: if you log 10 hours in time tracking, Clinical Evaluators would expect you to have several client encounters logged in that time 08/10/2017 How to log Cases, continued (Click to advance to next slide throughout this presentation) Back to Menu
How to Log Case Entries Click “Case Log” icon or…
08/10/2017 Click “Log New Case Entry” Back to Menu
How to log Case entries, continued
Complete the “Main” Section mandatory items: Date, Course, Clinical Faculty, Age, Gender, Ethnicity, and Time With Patient fields. 08/10/2017 How to log Case entries, continued Back to Menu
How to log Cases, continued
Complete the record for your diagnosis(es) Enter a key word Enter a key word then select the diagnosis you want 08/10/2017 How to log Cases, continued If this is a diagnosis you will use frequently, you can save it as a “bookmark” for future use If this is a diagnosis you will use frequently, you can save it as a “bookmark” for future use Select your role in this encounter Save your entry by clicking “Add Diagnosis” Back to Menu
How to log Cases, continued
To add additional diagnoses for the SAME ENCOUNTER, select the new diagnosis, enter your role and click “Add Diagnosis” 08/10/2017 How to log Cases, continued Back to Menu
How to log Cases, continued
FNP ONLY: Follow same general steps to complete the “Procedures” portion of your encounter record PMHNP student can disregard as you do not log procedures 08/10/2017 How to log Cases, continued When your encounter record is complete, click “Save Record” Back to Menu
How to log Cases, continued
To review and manage your case logs, Click the “Case Logs” tab, select “Case Log Management:” To review and manage your case logs, Click the “Case Logs” tab, select “Case Log Managment:” 08/10/2017 Select your filter parameters if desired How to log Cases, continued Use the links to edit or delete your Case Log entries Back to Menu
Mix Reports – Client Encounter Demographics
A goal of the program is to ensure students have a broad range of client encounters across the lifespan, genders and ethnicities. As you begin your rotations, this information will be tracked through the case logs you submit. Faculty will be reviewing your overall case logs stats to ensure you have a balanced mix, and future placements may be more prescriptive if you are low in a specific area (an example would be if you have very few hours with peds). It is highly recommended that YOU monitor this information throughout your clinical experience Use this information to help you in prioritizing experiences at your clinical sites that boost your client encounters in areas where you are low, or to alert you that you may need to make site requests for upcoming semesters to round out your close gaps. In E*Value, navigate to Reports and choose ‘Case Log Mix’ and enter the search criteria on the next page Detailed instructions can be found on the E*Value homepage, here. 08/10/2017
Tips From Students Who Have Been There
CASE LOGS 08/10/2017 Before starting clinicals, go into procedure codes and get familiar with them. Only use the most common procedures. The ‘Drug list’ is for what you managed during the visit, not the total list of medications that patient takes-just enter the one’s that you educated or managed with the patient during the visit. Stay as generic as possible for diagnosis. Instead of using group filter, put a key word in the diagnosis field and options will pop up that you can choose from. You can set up a favorites list, by adding a commonly used diagnosis to your bookmarks. The age dropdown menu only allows you to select an age range. You can add the actual age to the notes field so that you can track this. (Click to advance to next slide throughout this presentation)
Evaluations Four different evaluations go out via for every rotation Preceptor of Student 1 evaluation will be ed 2 weeks before the end of the semester Student of Preceptor Clinical Evaluator of Student 3 of these are ed at intervals throughout the semester Clinical Evaluator of Site The Clinical Evaluator will complete this at some point in the semester when they perform their site visit Please ensure the completion and submission of an evaluation by each of your preceptors 08/10/2017 Back to Menu
Communication with Clinical Evaluators
08/10/2017 Each semester students will be assigned a clinical evaluator (sometimes referred to as Clinical Faculty) Ongoing communication with your clinical evaluator about your rotation is very important and key to your success Be sure to communicate with your clinical evaluator before starting your rotation(s) You will need to coordinate with your clinical evaluator regarding scheduling a site visit All NURS540/595 placements must be approved by your clinical evaluator (FNP ONLY) Back to Menu
Guidelines for Internship Credits
08/10/2017 Now that you are beginning rotations, you will want to start thinking about how you will complete your internship credits. For FNP/DNP students, 4 internship credits of NURS 540 of NURS540 are required. Each credit =60 clinical hours (slide 36 & 37 for FNP only – PMHNP can skip to slide 36) Back to Menu
(Guidelines for Internship Credits, continued)
Here are some guidelines for FNP students to help you in planning your NURS 540/595 credits and clinical experiences: Students begin NUR 540/595 credits in the semester after completing NURS514. The schedule for completing these credits is based upon your plan of study. All NURS540/595 placements need to be approved by your clinical evaluator. NURS540/595 credits may be more prescriptive in certain situations, such as when case logs indicate a student is low in client encounters within a certain population focus or age range. An example would be that the student needs to acquire more hours/exposure working with peds clients. NURS540/595 is an excellent opportunity to obtain experience in specialty settings such as dermatology, cardiology, endocrinology, ER, etc. Students request specialty settings based on an interest they have, or when they feel they need to further develop their skillset in a specialty area in preparation for their role as a primary care provider. Once an FNP student starts clinical rotations, they will need to be continually enrolled in a clinical course until graduation The process for submitting your NURS540 site requests is the same as for making site requests for your core clinical courses. 08/10/2017 Back to Menu
Getting Started With Your Preceptor
08/10/2017 Prior to the semester they will be precepting, the Clinical Placement Coordinators will send all preceptors a welcome letter. This letter outlines preceptor and student expectations. The student will be cc’d on the letter. The letter includes basic information about expectations. See the “Preceptor Letter” in the Appendices of the Graduate Student Clinical Handbook ( has more detailed information about clinical placement expectations. It is important to familiarize yourself with the expectations in the preceptor letter and student handbook.
HELP! Help Need Assistance with Passport Items in Spokane? Contact: Rychelle Wagner Program Assistant, Graduate Program SNRS Room 154 Office Phone: Fax: Need Assistance with Clinical Placements in Spokane or Tri-Cities? Contact: Joanie Christian, RN Clinical Placement Coordinator, SNRS Room Office Phone: Cell Phone: 08/10/2017 Need Assistance with Passport Items in Vancouver? Contact: Kathleen Fias Office Support Supervisor VLIB 210 Office Phone: Fax: Need Assistance with Clinical Placements in Vancouver? Contact: Katie Larson Clinical Placement Coordinator, VLIB Room 210 Y Office Phone: Need E*Value Assistance? Contact: Gerry Manfred IT Program Coordinator SNRS Room 339 Office Phone: Back to Menu
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