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Conductor or insulator

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1 Conductor or insulator
NAME _____________________ DATE _____________ WHO CAN RESIST? Type in the following website: ,or go to Bb and click on “Who Can Resist”. Read the introduction and fill in the answers to number 1 and 2 ___________________________ are materials that allow electricity to flow through them. ___________________________ resist the flow of electricity. Click “play the game”, build the open circuit, and answer question number 3. 3. List the three main items used to play the game. ___________________________ _______________________________ ________________________________ Fill in the Prediction column, writing a C for conductor and an I for insulator. Complete Step 3 and place an X under the correct column in the chart below ITEM PREDICTION Conductor or insulator CONDUCTOR INSULATOR Bread Penny Tree branch Lemon slice Candle Eraser Key Pickle Wooden block Pencil lead Plastic bottle cap Metal bottle cap Porcelain cup Wool yarn Paper clip After you finish testing your items, click OK and then read the paragraphs on the next screen. Answer the questions on the back of this sheet.

2 1. Metal, watery substances, especially those with salts and acids are good
_________________________________________, 2. List 5 good conductors ______________________________ _______________________________ 4. Can a good insulator conduct electricity if it gets wet? Yes or No 5. Why did the tree branch conduct electricity, but not the wooden block? _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________

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