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Presentation on theme: "INTERNATIONAL RIVALRIES AND CRISES IN THE BALKANS"— Presentation transcript:


2 International Rivalries in Europe
Bismarck realizes Germany’s emergence as a powerful nation upset the balance of power established at the Congress of Vienna Fears that Frances intends to create an anti-German alliance Makes a defensive alliance with Austria-Hungary in 1879 Italy joins in 1882 and the alliance is known as the Triple Alliance Bismarck maintains a separate treaty with Russia and tries to remain on good terms with Britain - has isolated France

3 1890 Emperor Wilhelm II fires Bismarck and starts a policy dedicated to enhancing Germany’s power
Drops treaty with Russia when it comes up for renewal This brings Russia and France together and they form a military alliance in 1894 Over the next ten years Germany’s policies abroad, especially concerning the desire for a large navy and foreign empire, causes Britain to draw closer to France 1907 Triple Entente formed by France, Russia, and Great Britain Europe now dangerously divided into two opposing camps

4 New Alliances Triple Alliance Triple Entente
European nations hoped these alliances would keep the peace Instead it causes smaller conflicts to turn into much larger global wars Germany Austria-Hungary Italy France Great Britain Russia

5 The Moroccan Crisis First Moroccan Crisis (1905) – Germany sends navy ships to France’s colony of Morocco Demands the colony and calls a Congress of European nations to decide the matter The only nation to side with Germany is Austria-Hungary Second Moroccan Crisis (1908) – Germany sends a warship to Morocco and demands the colony and the French Congo as well Forced once again by other European nations to back down France is angry since Germany has tried to steal their colonies twice

6 Crises in the Balkans Over the 19th century the Balkan provinces of the Ottoman Empire gradually gained their freedom By 1878 Greece, Serbia, Romania, and Montenegro become independent states Bulgaria is placed under the protection of Russia and Bosnia-Herzegovina under the protection of Austria-Hungary In 1908 A-H annexes Bosnia-Herzegovina Serbia is outraged – this dashes their hopes of creating “Greater Serbia” Wanted to create a large Serbian kingdom that would unite all Serbs living outside the current borders

7 Serbia begins to prepare for war
Serbia’s ally Russia also opposes the annexation They start preparing for war to back the Serbs Germany demands that Russia accept Austria-Hungary’s annexation or face war with Germany Russia, weakened by defeat in the Russo-Japanese War, backs down However they vow revenge and state they won’t back down next time Tension is high in Europe over the Balkan problem Serbs blame A-H for their failure to create “Greater Serbia” Two short wars in the Balkans

8 Two short wars in the Balkans
1912 = Bulgaria, Serbia, and Greece declare war on the Ottoman Empire 1913 = Serbia, Greece, Romania, and the Ottomans go to war against Bulgaria


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