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The Balkans crisis 1912-1913 LO/ To be able to explain the importance of the Balkans to different countries Name the Balkan countries Explain why Austria-Hungary.

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Presentation on theme: "The Balkans crisis 1912-1913 LO/ To be able to explain the importance of the Balkans to different countries Name the Balkan countries Explain why Austria-Hungary."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Balkans crisis LO/ To be able to explain the importance of the Balkans to different countries Name the Balkan countries Explain why Austria-Hungary and Russia were interested in the Balkans To analyse why this led to tension in Europe

2 Where are the Balkans?


4 The Balkans is an area in south-eastern Europe.
It gets its name from the Balkan Mountains that run through Bulgaria into Serbia.

5 So where exactly are the Balkans?
Is made up of the following countries: Serbia, Bulgaria, Bosnia, Albania and Greece Label the Balkan counties onto your map

6 Control of the Balkans For many centuries, up until the start of 20th Century, Turkey controlled most of the Balkans But Turkey was weakening and its control of the Balkans lessened As a result many of the Balkan people revolted against the Turks Both Austria-Hungary and Russia wanted to extend their influence in this region They tried to use these disruptions to their advantage

7 Activity: What did the Ottoman Empire lose. What was created
Activity: What did the Ottoman Empire lose? What was created? Give examples. Looking at the map what could these new countries be arguing about?

8 Alliance System in 1914: Outbreak of World War I
= Triple Entente = Triple alliance. A slav country Who were Serbia’s natural allies? Why would Austria-Hungary Fear a strong Serbia? Who are the two most powerful Countries in the region? Serbia A slav country A-H HAD MANY SLAV PEOPLES LIKE The SERBS Who wanted independence.

9 Russia’s interest in the Balkans
A new movement emerged called PAN SLAVISM Pan Slavism wanted all Slavs under Russian leadership Opportunity for Russia to gain more control in Europe Russia encouraged the new Balkan states to look to them for help

10 Austria-Hungary’s interest in the Balkans
Alarmed by Russia’s growing influence in the Balkans The Austro Hungarian empire ruled over many different nationalities who wanted to be independent including many Slavs Austria-Hungary was looking to strengthen and extend her empire This situation would bring her into conflict with Russia

11 German Interests in the Balkans
Oil from the Middle East. Wanted to see its friend Austria Hungary to extend its influence.

12 Situation in the Balkans
Many of the national groups that made up Turkey and Austria-Hungary wanted to become independent nations Whilst already independent nations wanted to be bigger Serbia wanted to contain all the Slavs In 1908, Austria-Hungary annexed (took over) Bosnia, which upset the Serbs Russia was too weak to help at the time But promised to help the next time

13 Can you remember what the problem was in the Balkans?
Who are the characters? What are they fighting over?

14 Activity Complete your worksheet using the information sheet
Try to attempt the extension activities if you can

15 Fruit machine questioning
Name me two countries in the Balkans Give me one reason why Austria was interested in the Balkans Give me one reason why Russia was interested in the Balkans What did Serbia want?

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