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Chapter 24 Section 1 War in Europe..

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1 Chapter 24 Section 1 War in Europe.

2 Causes of the War Nationalism: France v. Germany
Many European nations had rivalries with others that led to conflict. (mistrust). France v. Germany The Balkans (Pan Slavism) Britain- the worlds former superpower.

3 Imperialism. Domination of Africa.
France and Germany argued over Morocco a territory in AFRICA. This led to more rivalries between Europe’s powers. Study this map of Africa. who controlled the content? What can you interpret from this map?

4 Militarism: How did militarists see war? They saw war as romantic, heroic, honorable. Young men saw a chance to become heroes. Governments expanded their armies and navies. The biggest rivalry became between the Navy’s of Britain and Germany.

5 A system of alliances was in place that entangled most of Europe.
This would increase the likelihood of a HUGE conflict. In the box provided, use the map and list the coutries that map up the two alliances PRE-World War 1. Triple Entente- Green. Triple Alliance – Brown.

6 War Breaks Out. The Balkans.
-Known as the Powder keg of Europe. (what’s a POWDER KEG?) All that was needed was a SPARK for the ‘keg’ to go off.

7 Assassination in Sarajevo
Gavrilo Princip (a Serbian national and member of the ‘Black Hand’) assassinates the prince of Austria- Archduke Francis Ferdinand.

8 Austrian Demands 1. In response to the assassination Austria –Hungary makes demands on the tiny nation of Serbia (located in the Balkins). 2. Serbia must submit to A/H control, could no longer protest against A/H. 3. A/H will be in charge of the punishment of the members of the Black Hand.

9 Austria uses this as an opportunity to declare war on Serbia.

10 Russia comes to the aid of Serbia and declares war on Austria Hungary.

11 Germany declares war on Russia once they know Russia is Mobilizing for war.

12 France begins to MOBILIZE their army to come to Russia’s aid so Germany declares war on France.
Germany Decides to invade through Belgium. ( The Schliffen Plan)

13 The major players go to war.

14 Trench Warfare. Germany is now faced with a two front war.
What choices do they have in fighting this? What suggestions do you have for Germany?

15 This organizer (front and back) goes with the power point
This organizer (front and back) goes with the power point. Have the students draw arrows on each map to indicate who declared war on whom.

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