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Children’s Developmental Progress

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1 Children’s Developmental Progress
from 1 to 5 Years Children’s Developmental Progress Dr. Athl Humo

2 At 15 month Gross motor Fine motor & vision Hearing & speech Social
Walks alone; crawls up stairs, Kneels unaided or with support. Gross motor Makes tower of 2-3 cubes after demonstration; imitates to-and-fro scribble with crayon. Fine motor & vision Jargon; follows simple commands; may name a familiar object (e.g., ball), say 2-6 words. Hearing & speech Indicates some desires or needs by pointing; hugs parents, Pushes wheeled toy, Attempts to hold spoon. Social

3 At 18 month Gross motor Fine motor & vision Hearing & speech Social
Walks well, Runs stiffly; squatting and rises to feet using hands as support, sits on small chair; walks up stairs with one hand held, Creeps downstairs Gross motor Makes tower of 4 cubes; imitates vertical stroke Fine motor & vision 10 words (average); names pictures; identifies one or more parts of body Hearing & speech Explores environment energetically, imitates simple, everyday activities such as brushing floor. Social

4 At 2 years Gross motor Fine motor & vision Hearing & speech Social
Runs well, Walks upstairs and downstairs holding on to rail or wall, two feet to a step.; open doors; climbs on furniture. Gross motor Makes tower of 7 cubes; imitates horizontal line Fine motor & vision Use ≥ 50 words, puts 3 words together. Hearing & speech Handles spoon well; helps to undress; listens to stories when shown pictures, may verbalise toilet needs, engage in simple make believe activity Social

5 At 2.5 years Gross motor Fine motor & vision Hearing & speech Social
Goes up stairs alternating feet, and downstairs holding rail, two feet to a step, Can jump with two feet together. Gross motor Makes tower of 9 cubes; makes vertical and horizontal strokes, imitates circular stroke Fine motor & vision Refers to self by pronoun “I”; knows full name, uses ≥200 words Hearing & speech Pretends in play, active and curious with little notion of common dangers Social

6 At 3 years Gross motor Fine motor & vision Hearing & speech Social
Rides tricycle; stands momentarily on one foot, Can stand and walk on tiptoe. Kicks ball forcibly. Gross motor Makes tower of 10 cubes; imitates construction of “bridge” of 3 cubes, copies circle; imitates cross Fine motor & vision Knows age and sex; counts 3 objects correctly, recognize colours Hearing & speech Helps in dressing (unbuttons clothing and puts on shoes); washes hands, Joins in active make-believe play with other children, eat with fork & spoon. Social

7 At 4 years Gross motor Fine motor & vision Hearing & speech Social
Walks up and down stairs in adult fashion. Hops on one foot; throws ball overhand. Gross motor Copies bridge from model; imitates construction of “gate” of 5 cubes, Builds three steps with six cubes after demonstration. copies cross and square; draws man with 2 to 4 parts besides head Fine motor & vision Counts 4 pennies accurately; tells story Hearing & speech Plays with several children; goes to toilet alone. Social

8 At 5 years Gross motor Fine motor & vision Hearing& speech social
Skips, walks on narrow line Gross motor Builds elaborate models, draws triangle from copy Fine motor & vision Names 4 colors, repeats sentence of 10 syllables; counts 10 pennies correctly Hearing& speech Uses knife and fork competently, dresses and undresses alone; asks questions about meaning of words. social

9 In assessing the development of children older than 5 yr till the age of puberty is by evaluating school performance in age-appropriate class.

10 Adolescence & Puberty Adolescence: is the passage from childhood to adulthood. Puberty: changes that lead to reproductive capacity.

11 Girls: the 1st visible sign of puberty and the hallmark of SMR2 is the appearance of breast buds, between 8 and 12 yr of age. Menses typically begins 2-2.5yr later, during SMR3-4. Peak height velocity occurs early (at breast stage II–III, typically) in girls and always precedes menarche. Completion of the Tanner stages (5 stages) should take approximately 4 to 5 years.

12 Boys: 1st visible sign of puberty and the hallmark of SMR2 is testicular enlargement, beginning as early as  9.5   yr. This is followed by penile growth during SMR3. Peak growth occurs when testis volumes reach approximately 9-10 cm3 during SMR4. The growth spurt is a relatively late event; it can occur from 10.5 years old to 16 years old. Deepening of the voice, facial hair, and acne indicate the early stages of puberty.


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