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Edited by Professor Keith Ewing, John Hendy QC and Carolyn Jones

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1 Edited by Professor Keith Ewing, John Hendy QC and Carolyn Jones
A Manifesto for Labour Law Towards a comprehensive revision of workers’ rights Who we are: Network of academics, lawyers and trade unionists Developing pro trade union ideas for past 28 years! On election of Jeremy Corbyn, IER asked to draft some proposals to inform Workplace 2020 Conversation. Result = Manifesto for Labour Law. Published in June 2016 – already won support of LP leadership (JC, JmcD, IL) LP NEC; TUC (thanks to UNISON motion), UNITE NEC and 10 other trade unions So, what does it say! Before we look at our solutions, lets look at the problem! Edited by Professor Keith Ewing, John Hendy QC and Carolyn Jones

2 What’s the problem? We are the world’s fifth largest economy, and yet:
3.2m (1 in 10 workers) in insecure employment The UK has the second highest level of inequality in the G7 Total pay for the CEOs of FTSE 100 firms now 128 times that of the average Most people in the UK who live in poverty are also in work 1 in 4 children live in poverty 22% of vacancies are left unfilled because the workforce does not have the right skillset Largest productivity gap with G7 on record Insert screen shot of quiz perhaps? How can we play the quiz as part of the presentation? Maybe a question per slide? Or go onto website and run through it?

3 What is the cause? Labour Law
“Workers” have fewer rights than “employees” and “self-employed” even fewer Qualifying period for unfair dismissal extended Tribunal fees for access to justice Anti-trade union laws have made it more difficult for unions to protect members Fewer than 20% are now covered by a collective bargaining agreement compared with over 80% in some of Europe’s strongest economies (Germany, Norway, Sweden, Denmark) Workers are relying on statutory minimums, which provide a floor for employers to aim for… Insert screen shot of quiz perhaps? How can we play the quiz as part of the presentation? Maybe a question per slide? Or go onto website and run through it?

4 Sport’s Direct CEO Mike Ashley:
“I don’t set the minimum wage” Businesses incentivised to compete on a “race to the bottom” on employment rights, rather than through research, innovation, and training A study of the 10 countries with the most successful industrial policies since WWII, the UK was the only one to have seen falling R&D spend since 1990 Insert screen shot of quiz perhaps? How can we play the quiz as part of the presentation? Maybe a question per slide? Or go onto website and run through it?

5 Workers need a voice To address the imbalance of power between employers and workers Protect from race to the bottom Reduce wage gap Encourage business to compete on R&D, and training Taylor review Trade Union Act Industrial strategy mentions businesses 356 times and does not mention trade unions Insert screen shot of quiz perhaps? How can we play the quiz as part of the presentation? Maybe a question per slide? Or go onto website and run through it?

6 What we propose (in the workplace)
Move away from statutory minimums to collectively agreed wages and conditions Sectoral Employment Commissions Enterprise level Stronger statutory rights Universal status of “worker” Workers’ representatives on company boards Labour Inspectorate Repeal of the Trade Union Act Insert screen shot of quiz perhaps? How can we play the quiz as part of the presentation? Maybe a question per slide? Or go onto website and run through it?

7 What we propose (in the economy)
Ministry for Labour National Economic Forum Insert screen shot of quiz perhaps? How can we play the quiz as part of the presentation? Maybe a question per slide? Or go onto website and run through it?

Dave Prentis, General Secretary, UNISON “It would mean fair terms and conditions for workers and public contracting, if it continues, would be on the basis of quality and not a race to the bottom on wages." TUC UNITE GMB PCS ASLEF RMT UCU NUT BFAWU NUJ FBU CWU TSSA POA

9 Support us Sign up to the IER newsletter
Visit to find out about project development fund Share our pages We believe our proposals offer a vision of industrial relation and labor law that is popular and can win Labour Party votes. We now have a project development meeting with all 15 experts and others – others have joined the team – drill down into detail to draft legislation. 18 November John McDonnell said this at TUC fringe event. Become a Manifesto supporter by contributing to our Project Development Fund and get your name on our website hub-page Become a Manifesto Ambassador – take the arguments and proposals out to your workplaces Education packs and videos currently in development stage – use them! Commission IER to translate these proposals into specific materials for your members.

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