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How to read the icap Your best friend!.

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1 How to read the icap Your best friend!

2 iCAP Interactive Curriculum & Academic Progress
iCAP is a degree audit that can be run through TopNet An iCAP can be run to check completion of Colonnade requirements, major/minor requirements, or a What-If major/minor

3 iCAP Diagrams to help understand overall progress.
GPA is important to note. Must have a 2.0 to graduate If a transfer student, you must have a 2.0 GPA from your WKU specific classes as well. Make sure you major is correct. When overall requirements are in good standing, or fulfilled within your iCAP they are green, versus when they are not and are in red.

4 icap As will be noted late in the PowerPoint, you need 120 total hours (minimum) to graduate. This section of the iCAP will help you keep track of that. You also have to take a total of 42 hours UPPER LEVEL. 300 or 400 level classes. Please watch out for this! This can keep many here another semester. Note that IP means In Progress (classes currently enrolled in)

5 Icap This iCAP is for an Organizational Leadership major.
iCAP breaks down each section of requirements for you. A minus sign besides a number means that it is not complete. A plus sign means that you have fulfilled that section. Each will tell you how many hours you need, and then give you a list of choices for classes. If you click on the blue class (for ex. LEAD 325), it will give you the class name and description and whether it requires any prerequisite classes (classes you must take first).

6 icap The Colonnade Program is a the bottom of your iCAP.
It is broken down by requirements. Again, this follows the same design. Plus sign – complete, Minus sign – not complete. Please note your choices. For Organizational Leadership as your major, you can take Math 109 as your math, or Match 116 (please note that if you want to take statistics, Math 116 is needed).

7 icap The next sections of Colonnade.
Please review these carefully and make sure you follow the requirements. Some people suggest taking all your general education classes first, before beginning major requirements. I do not suggest that, but it is up to you. To meet your Upper Level requirements without taking extra classes, you do need to do some of your Colonnade requirements in Upper Level classes.

8 icap Connections courses are another section without the Colonnade program. You must have taken 21 hours of Foundations and Explorations coursework or have Junior standing to take these classes. Please note that LEAD 450 counts as both a Section 2 connections course and for our major (you kill two birds with one stone, so to speak). Classes with a red circle around them can also count as an elective for your major.

9 icap Your World Language Proficiency must be meet by junior standing.
If you decide to take a different language than what you had in high school (so you had Spanish in high school but now want to take French), you must take 101 and counts toward the requirement, not 101. If you do the same language, you can enroll into 102, without 101. Your general electives will show here. These classes did not count towards your major, minor, or Colonnade. You should try to have very few general electives. Finally at the bottom is courses without submitted grades, which should be whatever you are currently enrolled in.

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