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Revelation Part 2 Lesson 11.

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1 Revelation Part 2 Lesson 11

2 Review 1-3 John saw Jesus, messages for the churches
4-16 John saw seals, trumpets, and bowls 17-20 John saw judgment of the harlot, a 1,000 year period, and judgment of the dead 21-22 John saw the Lamb’s bride – the holy city, and the new Jerusalem

3 Revelation 19 Theme: Lamb’s Marriage Supper: Lord’s Coming: God’s Great Supper Verses “After these things” – the fall of Babylon Praise in heaven BECAUSE of Babylon’s fall Blood of Bond-servants is avenged 6:9-11 Setting: God’s throne in heaven The Almighty Reigns vs. 6 Rev. 4:11 Creator is worshipped Rev. 5:9 Lamb is worthy to be worshipped Rev. 11:17 The 24 elders said, “You have taken Your great power and have begun to reign”

4 Revelation 19 Verses 6-10 John hears more praise in heaven
Marriage of the Lamb has come vs. 7 Bride has made herself ready vs. 7 Her clothes are the righteous acts of the saints vs. 8 Rev. 3:5 Jesus’ message to the church at Sardis: Overcomers/conquerors, all believers, will be clothed in white garments Those invited to the Lamb’s marriage are blessed Blessed: “makarias” To be envied. When God extends His benefits. Describes a believer in enviable position. (1:3;14:13;16:15;20:6;22:7 & 14)

5 Revelation 19 Verses 11-16 Another white horse, but its rider is called: Faithful and True and Judge No one knows the name written ON Him except Himself (unknown name to us) The Word of God King of kings Lord of lords Like the rider on the first seal, the King of kings comes conquering He judges and makes war IN righteousness He battles those gathered at the 6th bowl: The beast, false prophet, 10 kings and kings of the earth (17:14)

6 Jesus and His army Rev. 1:7 Coming in the clouds Rev. 5 Worthy Lamb
Rev. 1:16; 2:12;19:15 Sword out of His mouth Armies in heaven follow Him. Clothed in fine linen, white and clean Rev. 3:5 Overcomers clothed in white garments Rev. 3:18 ….white garments to clothe yourself Rev. 4:4 The 24 elders clothed in white garments Rev. 7:9 Great multitude…clothed in white robes Rev. 7:14 Those who come out of the tribulation.. Rev. 17:14 Called the Chosen and Faithful

7 Revelation 19 Verses 17-21 Assemble for the great supper of God
Beast and False Prophet deceive those who dwell on the earth into thinking they can win the war Beast and False Prophet thrown into the Lake of Fire The rest are killed with the sword Birds eat their flesh at the great supper of God Flesh of: kings, commanders, mighty men, horses, those who sit on the horses, free men, slaves, small and great.

8 Revelation 20 John saw what happens AFTER the war
Devil thrown into the abyss for 1,000 years He cannot deceive the nations during this time Souls who don’t take the mark; the beheaded, are resurrected and reign with Christ for 1,000 years Rev. 2:26 He who overcomes and he who keeps My deeds until the end, to him I will give authority over the nations. (also 3:21) Rev. 20:5 “The rest of the dead did not come to life until the thousand years were completed. This is the first resurrection.” Are these “dead” saved or unsaved?

9 Revelation 20 Rev. 20:6 “Blessed and holy is the one who has a part in the first resurrection; over these the second death has no power, but they will be priests of God and of Christ and will reign with Him for a thousand years.” The dead in verse 5 are NOT saved Rev. 20:12 And I saw the dead (vs. 6), the great and the small, standing before the throne…..judged AFTER the 1,000 years: Christ rules the earth AFTER heaven and earth are gone vs. 11 Only the spiritually dead, unbelievers, are judged according to their deeds vs

10 Punishment and Deeds Rev. 22:12 Jesus will render each person for what he has done Rom. 2:5-11 The unrepentant store up God’s wrath for themselves. His judgment is impartial Matt. 7 Those who practice lawlessness will NOT enter the kingdom of heaven Matt. 10 and 11 It will be more tolerable for Sodom, Gomorrah, Tyre and Sidon (Gentile cities) than for unrepentant cities of Israel which rejected the gospel preached to them Matt. 12 and Luke 11 Nineveh, because she repented, will condemn those who did not Mark 12 Scribes and Pharisees will receive greater condemnation because they knew the Scriptures

11 Revelation 20 Verses 12-15 The dead were judged before God’s throne
The sea, death and Hades gave up their dead All judged according to their deeds Death and Hades were thrown into the Lake of Fire – the second death. (no need for them anymore) All whose names NOT in the book of life are thrown into the Lake of Fire 19:20 Beast and False Prophet are there 20:10 Devil is there forever (after the 1,000 yrs) 20:15 Anyone not found written in the book of life

12 Book of Life – Lamb’s Book
Ex. 32 Whoever sins against God is blotted out Ps. 69 The righteous ARE recorded in it Rev. 3:5 Overcomers’ names will NEVER be blotted out of this book Rev. 13:8; 17:8 “Those who dwell on the earth” are NOT in it. Those whose names are written before the foundation of the world ARE Rev. 21:27 Only those in the Lamb’s book of life will be in the new Jerusalem Names blotted out of the book of life would be those who die physically and are not in the Lamb’s book of life because they were never saved.

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