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Psychology Ch. 1 Review.

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Presentation on theme: "Psychology Ch. 1 Review."— Presentation transcript:

1 Psychology Ch. 1 Review

2 Psychology Ch. 1 Review Give an example of a field of Psychology – include the topic of study for that field.

3 Psychology Ch. 1 Review Give an example of a field of Psychology – include the topic of study for that field. Developmental Psychology- conception to death Physiological Psychology- physical influences of behavior, gender, heredity, and brain research. Experimental Psychology- mental processes: learning, memory, perception, motivation, etc. Personality Psychology- individual differences, anxiety, sociability, etc. Clinical Psychology- diagnosis and treatment Counseling Psychology- therapy Social Psychology- influence of people on each other Industrial & Organizational- Ψ in the workplace

4 What is the Scientific Method?
Psychology Ch. 1 Review What is the Scientific Method?

5 Psychology Ch. 1 Review What is the Scientific method? -An approach to knowledge that relies on collecting data, generating a theory to explain the data, producing a testable hypothesis based on the theory and testing those hypothesis empirically.

6 Psychology Ch. 1 Review Compare and Contrast- *note- this means do more than define the term. You need to not only define, but demonstrate your knowledge by sharing the similarities and differences between two topics.

7 Elaborate, Clarify and Explain- Do you understand what is being asked of you?

8 Psychology Ch. 1 Review Potential Essay Topics Structuralism What is the key idea? Who is the founder?

9 Psychology Ch. 1 Review Potential Essay Topics Functionalism: What is the key idea? Who is the founder?

10 Why is Wundt such a big deal?
Psychology Ch. 1 Review Why is Wundt such a big deal?

11 Psychology Ch. 1 Review What is the difference between sex and gender? How are individuals influenced by Gender stereotypes?

12 Psychology Ch. 1 Review What is the difference between Race, Ethnic Group and Culture? Why is Human Diversity important in Psychology?

13 Psychology Ch. 1 Review How do Psychologists use the Scientific Method for research?

14 Psychology Ch. 1 Review Compare the research between Pavlov, Watson and Skinner. What school of Psychology do they all support?

15 Psychology Ch. 1 Review What are the advantages and disadvantages to using case studies in Psychological Research?

16 Psychology Ch. 1 Review Describe the impact Sigmund Freud made on Psychology.

17 Psychology Ch. 1 Review What was the Cognitive Revolution? Who was involved?

18 Psychology Ch. 1 Review What is the difference between a Psychologist and a Psychiatrist? Think education, training and treatment.

19 Psychology Ch. 1 Review How would you research the topic: The average Teen is strongly influenced by images of sex and violence in the media (television, movies and video games).

20 Psychology Ch. 1 Review What is the difference between conditioning and operant conditioning? Can you give an example of each from everyday life?

21 Psychology Ch. 1 Review Elaborate on Psychoanalysis. How does the “talking cure” work in therapy?

22 Psychology Ch. 1 Review Clarify what William James meant by “Consciousness is a continuous flow.” Relate this to the concept of Voluntarism.

23 Psychology Ch. 1 Review Get organized Review the sample multiple choice Any other topics you are a bit curious about? This the last chance for questions-

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