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Climate Change Refers to rise in average temperature near Earth’s surface which will lead to dangerous shifts in climate and weather. Climate change.

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Presentation on theme: "Climate Change Refers to rise in average temperature near Earth’s surface which will lead to dangerous shifts in climate and weather. Climate change."— Presentation transcript:

1 Climate Change Refers to rise in average temperature near Earth’s surface which will lead to dangerous shifts in climate and weather. Climate change is a burning issue in human society today, the entire mankind is responsible for it. Human activity has increased the temperature of the surface of the earth planet this is causing climatic changes all over the world. Over the last century the temperature of our planet has increased by 1.5 deg F, it is predicted that in next hundreds the temperature will rise by anything between 0.5 to 8.6 deg F. This change in temperature is causing change in climate, rainfall pattern has changed, severe heat waves are experienced in parts of the world, oceans have changed they have become warmer and acidic. ("Basics | Climate Change | US EPA", 2016)

2 The Problem Climate Change
Global Warning: Average temperature risen by 1.5 deg. F in past century Causing changes in climate and weather. The primary cause behind the problem of climate change is the human actions and activities which causes release of carbon di oxides and green house gases. These green house gases trap the warmth in the atmosphere raising the temperatures worldwide. This increase in temperature is affecting our planet’s climate and weather. This is harmful for human health, welfare; the problem is so grave that it has the potential to threaten human existence ("Basics | Climate Change | US EPA", 2016). This therefore is an important problem which not only Americans but men and women all over the world are facing.

3 Complex Question: How can climatic changes be stopped?
The Questions Complex Question: How can climatic changes be stopped? Political Domain Are the leaders of the world willing to do something to stop climatic changes? Economic Domain What economically feasible solutions can be used to stop climatic changes? Educational What role can educational institutions play in encouraging the citizens to behave in a responsible way? One complex question which can be raised in relation to the stated problem is How can Climatic Changes be stopped. This question can further be broken down into three sub questions each of different domain. The three domain chosen for this particular presentation are political, economic and educational.

4 Political Domain Q. Are the leaders of the world willing to do something to stop climatic changes? The entire humanity is responsible for climatic changes not just one country so the solution of this problem would require the involvement of the whole world. The support for the cause will be generated by the leaders of the world. In December 2015 world leaders signed a climate change agreement in Paris, the agreement imposed restrictions on Carbon emissions. From this it can be seen that the world leaders are taking this problem seriously. (Harvey, 2015) (The element of thought used in this answer is information as well as interpretation and inference.) This question has been related to the problem on the basis of information, its interpretation. It is known that the mankind is severely damaging the world environment, the problem is therefore not related to just one country. All countries would need to be involved. From this it was interpreted that world leaders would need to be involved to generate support for the cause and to create awareness about the magnitude of the problem. Information was then sought to find out what actions are the world leaders taking to prvent further problem, it was found that the leaders have signed an agreement to restrict carbon emissions worldwide. It is inferred from this action that the leaders are taking the issue seriously and are willing to take necessary steps.

5 Economic Domain Q. What Are the economically feasible solutions to stop climatic changes? The solutions to prevent further climatic changes need to be economically feasible to be accepted and implemented by. Increased use of wind energy, solar energy can reduce Green House Gas emission. Also more fuel efficient vehicles can be invented. ("Global Warming Solutions", 2016) (Element of thoughts: Information, Assumption) Information was collected about the existing economically feasible solutions available for the problem, it is then assumed that people at large and governments will be accept these solutions to rectify the problem.

6 Educational Domain Q. What role can educational institutions play in encouraging the citizens to act against climatic change? To prevent further climatic change people in general would need to be involved, their behavior, their ideas, their values would need to be changed. Educational institutes have the influence over their students which can bring about these changes. (The elements behind the thought is information and inference) Again answer to the questions requires some basic information about the influence of educational institutes on citizens in general. Educational institutes can groom its students and instill in them good values. Then we can infer that students passing out from these institutes will behave responsibly and therefore prevent the problem.

7 Intellectual Standards
Q. Are the leaders of the world willing to do something to stop climatic changes? The entire humanity is responsible for climatic changes not just one country so the solution of this problem would require the involvement of the whole world. The support for the cause will be generated by the leaders of the world. Political Domain Information Interpretation Inference Some basic information about the problem and the primary reason behind it is required for answering booth the complex questions and the three sub questions. The information needs to be interpreted or understood to understand if the steps the leaders are taking can help prevent the problem. It was then inferred if the leaders are willing to act against the problem. The solution to this problem would require some basic information, one would need to know the cause behind the problem in order to rectify it. Hence information needs to be used here, the information has to be understood and interpreted, in this case the information that human actions are responsible for global temperature change which is in turn causing a change in climatic condition has been used. From the information it can be inferred that if human actions can be changed then climatic change can be stopped. Since global leaders can influence the behaviour or their citizens it is therefore important to know if they are willing to support the cause.

8 Intellectual Standards
Q. Are there economically feasible solutions to stop climatic changes? The solutions to prevent further climatic changes need to be economically feasible to be accepted and implemented by . Economic Domain Information Assumption For the solution to this problem the information taken is that people, governments and businesses would accept economically feasible solutions, the solutions should not cause any economic loss. It is assumed further that the humans will be motivated enough to implement these solutions. Also information about the existing economically feasible solutions was collected.

9 Intellectual Standards
Q. What role can educational institutions play in encouraging the citizens to act against climatic change? To prevent further climatic change people in general would need to be involved, their behavior, their ideas, their values would need to be changed. Educational institutes have the influence over their students which can bring about these changes. Educational Domain Information Inference Similar to the question within the political domain the answer to this question also employed information, Following information were used – The actions and activities of people at large influence climactic change it is therefore inferred that if these activities are changed then the problem of climatic change can be resolved. From the information one inference was drawn. Another piece of information which is used is the fact that educational institutes can have significant influence on human behavior, ideas and values. From the information inferences are being made to find out possible solutions. Another inference was drawn when it is suggested that educational institutes will influence the value system of its students which would change their behavior this will in turn ensure that humans would act responsibly against global warming and thereby stop climatic change.

10 Types of Questions Domain Question Question Type Political Domain
Are the leaders of the world willing to do something to stop climatic changes? Judgment Questions Economic Domain Are there economically feasible solutions to stop climatic changes? Educational Domain What role can educational institutions play in encouraging the citizens to behave in a responsible way? Classification of questions help in triggering a thought to figure out the reasoning behind a question. Figuring out the question type helps in finding out appropriate solution for the question. Question of facts require one right answer while questions of preference will have multiple answers depending upon the preference of the one who is replying. Judgment questions require evidence and reasoning within multiple systems.

11 Explanation Domain Explanation Political Domain Question
The issue requires collection of evidences & reasoning . There can be multiple answers to the question. Economic Domain Question Similarly economic question also requires collection of evidences, interpretation and reasoning. Educational Domain Question The answer to the question would require evaluation of information and reasoning within multiple solutions. All of the three sub questions requiring information gathering, interpretation and reasoning. Also there was no single solution possible for the questions, each answer could have multiple solutions. This is because source of information would wary from one person to another also importantly the way information is interpreted would also lead to different solutions.

12 Conclusion The problem: Climatic Changes Worldwide
Complex Question: How can climatic changes be stopped? To Find Solutions to this question the following elements of thoughts were applied – Information, Interpretation and Inference The problem chosen for this assignment was climate change, which has significant influence on the society. For the purpose of analysis on this topic one complex question pertaining to the problem was raised, this was further analyzed by raising three sub questions in relation to this question. For answering these question information gathering was important, the collected information was then interpreted, based on the interpretation inferences were drawn. Thus all of these elements of thoughts were used to evaluate and discuss the chosen problem. From this exercise I learnt that the problem is grave but will be difficult to solve. It would require involvement of the entire humanity, this support can be gathered by the influence of world leaders, educational institutes and by ensuring that economically feasible solutions are available.

13 References Basics | Climate Change | US EPA. (2016). Retrieved 31 August 2016, from Harvey, F. (2015). Paris climate change agreement: the world's greatest diplomatic success. the Guardian. Retrieved 31 August 2016, from 13/paris-climate-deal-cop-diplomacy-developing- united-nations Global Warming Solutions. (2016). Retrieved 31 August 2016, from ent/global-warming/gw-solutions/

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