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Front of Game Pieces Devshirme Qing Humanism Scholar-gentry Caravel

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1 Front of Game Pieces Devshirme Qing Humanism Scholar-gentry Caravel
Mandate of Heaven Kublai Khan Indentured servitude Written to protect rights of nobles in England Small, easily maneuverable trade ship used by Spain and Port. “Divine Faith” Renaissance Monopoly Magna Carta Akbar Tobacco Ptolemaic Theory Capitalism Economic system based on private ownership Key Export from the America’s to the Old World Earth is motionless Landowning class in China; produced govt. employees Spread rapidly along trade routes Devshirme Bubonic Plague “blood tax” used by Ottomans to recruit soldiers Gunpowder empires Term for the Ottomans, Safavids, and Mughals Queen Elizabeth Leonardo Da Vinci Journey of slaves from Africa to the New World Japan Martin Luther Ming Dynasty World’s first Protestant Reformer Front of Game Pieces Middle Passage Where one would find “Floating Worlds” Sponsored Zheng He’s voyages, but then suddenly stopped exploration Qing John Locke Enlightenment Thinker that discussed “Natural Rights” a Peasants legally bound to their land Suleiman the Magnificent sChinese Dynasty that was controlled by the Manchu’s Serfs Ibn Battuta Practice that inhibited upper-class women in post-classical China Primary crop grown on Caribbean plantations Gutenberg Press Phillippines

2 Helped spread ideas of Renaissance and Reformation
Chattel slavery China Sugar footbinding The epicenter of the Silver Trade Vodun Peter the Great Absorbed most of the world’s silver Bushido Absolute monarchy Syncretic belief system in the Caribbean Leader that Westernized Russia Biological exchange between E and W hemispheres Zheng He Nicolas Copernicus Columbian Exchange Led voyages to build China’s prestige in Indian Ocean Argued that Earth revolved around Sun People bought and sold as property Mercantilism South American mandatory labor system, exploited by Spanish Crops that increased Europe and Asia;s populations Economic policy focusing on gold, silver, and colonies as wealth Scientific Revolution Mita Maize and potatoes Thomas Hobbes Constitutional Monarchy Spanish colonial governor Sufis Angola Viceroy Front of Game Pieces Sub-Saharan kingdom that will come to be dominated by the Portuguese Mystics who spread Islam into India and SE Asia Monarchy that was limited Revival of learning and art in Europe starting in the 1400s Instituted the Church of England King Henry VIII Shogun Indulgences Renaissance Held political power in feudal Japan Jean-Jacques Rousseau 95 Theses Shia kingdom in modern day Iran Encomienda Sikhism

3 Front of Game Pieces Mestizo Champa
Grants of land and native laborers in Spanish colonies Mestizo Champa Luther’s complaints against the Catholic Church Safavid Empire Syncretic faith blending elements of Hinduism and Islam Neo-Confucianism Trade centers on East African coast Fast-growing rice from Vietnam, caused pop. Boom in China patriarchy peninsulares Arose as a response to the spread of Buddhism in China Swahili icity-states Ottoman Empire Mughal Empire Smallpox Established after conquering the Abbasid and Byzantines Large Islamic Empire built in India Decimated the native populations in the Americas Person of European and native American descent creole Movement that applied reason to understand society, led to many revolutions Catholic missionaries sent to Asia and the Americas Full blooded Spanish, but born in the Americas Mulatto Enlightenment Jesuits mosque Queen Nzinga Period of feudal rule in Japan Manchus Ottoman Empire Tokugawa Shogunate Front of Game Pieces Sunni kingdom that conquered the Byzantines and formed in modern day Turkey Formed the last dynasty in China (Qing) Angolan ruler who attempted to resist the Portuguese Established hegemony after the Seven Years’ War Traditional Japanese belief based on veneration of nature and ancestors Shinto Galileo Tribute payment England Able to disprove traditional scientific teaching with the telescope Islam Daimyo polytheism Samurai monotheism

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