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The Dancing Bird of Paradise

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1 The Dancing Bird of Paradise
Imagine It! Word Study kimono phonograph startled internment barrack sweltered ascend donned soloed enrich blistering poised agent The Dancing Bird of Paradise

2 kimono – a loose robe that is tied with a sash

3 phonograph – an instrument that reproduces sound from records

4 startled – excited by sudden surprise of alarm

5 internment – confined or impounded, especially during a time of war

6 barrack – providing temporary housing: very plain and uniform

7 sweltered – past tense of swelter: to suffer, sweat, or become faint from heat

8 ascend – to climb

9 donned – past tense of don: to put on

10 soloed – past tense of solo: to dance or perform alone

11 enrich – to make better by adding something

12 enrich – to make better by adding something

13 blistering – extremely intense or severe

14 poised – balanced or steady

15 agent – someone who comes representing someone else

16 Day 1 – Line 1 - move watch letters share
Preparing to Read Day 1 – Line 1 - move watch letters share These words are multiple meaning words. For instance, “share” has multiple meanings – you can have a share of something (n) or you have to share something (v) “share” has more than one meaning, but both meanings have the same origin Day 1 – Line 2 – blistering/sweltering grateful/appreciative let/allowed These words are synonyms. Let’s find an additional synonym for each of the word pairs.

17 Preparing to Read Day 2 – Line 3 – unfair unpleasant ungrateful unbalance What does the prefix “un” mean? What is the base word in each word? What are the parts of speech for each word? Day 2 – Line 4 – enrich encourage endear endanger The prefix “en” means “to put into” or “to cause to be” or “thoroughly.” Knowing this, what does each word mean?

18 Preparing to Read Day 3 – average express interest force
Let’s find two meanings for each word. Day 4 – tiresome/tedious disaster/calamity feeble/frail Let’s define the word pairs. Let’s add a third synonym to the pairs.


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