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Internet of Things (Part 1)

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1 Internet of Things (Part 1)
ROBOMO Craig Walters 8/5/2017

2 IOT is About Making Devices Talk to Each Other
Will be intrinsic to our life in 10 years About ½ way between a Machine and a Robot Share information about what a device is doing “Headless” – No UI Network-connectivity Typically with at least 1 wireless leg Internet is typically involved

3 The Collection Model Uses an IoT Gateway
Data sent to/from embedded device to a central server Home appliances Health monitoring Cars Closely related to “Big Data” Amazon Web Services, Azure, Oracle have SDKs Cell Phones Uses an IoT Gateway NOTE: Generational differences on acceptance

4 The Interaction Model Data sent between embedded devices to coordinate activities Self-driving cars Cars (Vehicle to Vehicle – V2V) Over 50 processors in a typical 2017 model The NTSA proposed a rule (Dec 2016) that would require automakers to include V2V technologies in all new light-duty vehicles. The rule proposes requiring V2V devices to “speak the same language” through standardized messaging developed with industry. SmartHome Uses an IoT Gateway Drones ( Robots ( (

5 Starts with a “Thing” Has Features Has computational intelligence
Computation is not its primary purpose Has valuable information to share Connectivity (Maybe) Can benefit from information other “Things” have Special Purpose Device

6 Use Off-the-Shelf Components
Applications written in different languages HTTP or HTTPS and ReST or SOAP MQTT and Kura Publish Subscribe model ROS CoAP (Constrained Application Protocol) and Californium HTTP over UDP Some Critical Components Sensors RFID/Bar Codes (old-school RFID) JSON Often based on Web Servers or derivatives Works like a Web Page Closely related to Service Oriented Architecture (SOA)

7 HTTP(S) & MQTT Dominate

8 The IOT Robotics Architecture
Be Careful about overloading the Arduino with messages from the Pi Controls the sensors and devices IoT Gateway Wireless connection Could control devices too

9 How does a Browser Get a Web Page?

10 What a Network Looks Like

11 Open Source APIs Eclipse IOT API (
Spring Boot ( Requires Java 1.8 Microservices Pi4J ( RoS

12 CoAP with Californium

13 Example with MQTT and Kura

14 Installing Kura on Raspberry Pi

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