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Maintenance inspection design software for full-scale industrial systems Nov 2010 David Randell, Philip Jonathan, Michael Goldstein.

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Presentation on theme: "Maintenance inspection design software for full-scale industrial systems Nov 2010 David Randell, Philip Jonathan, Michael Goldstein."— Presentation transcript:

1 Maintenance inspection design software for full-scale industrial systems
Nov 2010 David Randell, Philip Jonathan, Michael Goldstein

2 Introduction and motivation: Large Systems
Research: galaxy evolution, climate change Environmental: ground, water and airborne monitoring Commerce: financial, transactional, software Manufacturing: fouling, corrosion, fatigue

3 System Characteristics
High dimensional (>1000 variables) Dependent variables Evolving (e.g. in time) Observed with error Observing complete system prohibitively costly

4 Overall objectives Inspection software to be able to
Model system state Update system knowledge using observational data Forecast system (into the future) Design efficient inspection schemes Software in two parts MATLAB module for Bayes linear modelling of data from corroding systems, for implementation within Shell’s current inspection software BLIP-L MATLAB software for general-purpose multivariate modelling and forecasting, and demonstration of value compared to current methods.

5 Illustration – corrosion circuit

6 Illustration – inspection design

7 Data Characteristics Minima: over whole component observed
Short time series: data per component is limited, but large number of components Irregular inspections: inspections are carried out when possible often several months or years apart. Incomplete inspections: complete systems rarely inspected

8 Updating System knowledge: Bayes Linear Approach
If we wish to update beliefs about B using observational data D we can compute the adjusted expectation; The adjusted expectation can be used as an updated estimate for B provided we know cov(B,D), var(D) E(D). These are estimated using simulation.

9 Illustration – Bayes linear learning


11 Illustration – discrepancy

12 Illustration – Inspection Design

13 Illustration – correlation matrix
Distance Matrix Feature Featur e

14 Broadening experience: Extreme Waves
Extremes Waves Scale-effects, MCMC Student mentoring Case study paper

15 Optimisation under uncertainty
Monte Carlo simulations to estimating refinery CO2 allocations Prediction of future CO2 under abatement programs Matching of Shell refineries to competitors


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