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Exam 2- McIntosh REACH - CRC
CIS300 Test Review Exam 2- McIntosh REACH - CRC =VLOOKUP("=<P8",A2:D176,4)
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Test Review Agenda Examples of Each EXCEL Function Extra Practice Handout Questions from Sample Test (If requested!)
Absolute, Mixed and Relative
For a formula being copied: If the reference is: It changes to: $A$1 (absolute column and absolute row) $A$1 (the reference is absolute) A$1 (relative column and absolute row) C$1 (the reference is mixed) $A1 (absolute column and relative row) $A3 (the reference is mixed) A1 (relative column and relative row) C3 (the reference is relative) This chart helps explain Absolute, Mixed and Relative References. Where we place the “$” Dollar Sign changes how a cell is referenced when a formula is copied from one cell to the next. If the dollar sign is placed BEFORE the column or row (In this case A and 1) the formula for that column or row will not change. In the first example, a dollar sign is place before “A” and before “1”, so the formula will not change when copied into C3. This reference is absolute, because nothing changes. When the dollar sign is placed only in from of the “1”, The A changes to C, but the “1” stays the same. Because the column changes but the row does not, this is called a “mixed” reference. In the final example, there is no dollar sign present, so the row and column will change when copied. This is a relative reference.
The AND function
The OR function
The NOT function
The IF function value_if_true [value_if_false]
Nested If in Excel A nested IF statement says something like...
"If the answer is yes, do this. If the answer is no do this or this (depending on...“ Syntax: IF( condition1, value_if_true, IF( condition2, value_if_true, value_if_false ))
Nested IF What was the percentage grade you got on your last test? 75% You got a C Write a formula that would go in the Yellow box to display “You got a ____” for each grade possible A through F. Assume the blue box is cell F42. =IF(F42<60%,“You got an F",IF(F42<70%,"You got a D",IF(F42<80%,"You got a C",IF(F42<90%, "You got a B", "WOW you got an A!!!"))))
The SUM function When TRUE is written inside a formula it is a logical value which is translated into 1 but when it is written in a cell, it is a text which is not translated into anything.
The SUMIF function
The ROUND function =ROUND(-1.475,2) Rounds to two decimal places
The AVERAGE function Second example: it adds 5 to the set of numbers and divide by their number
The AVERAGEIF function
The AVERAGEIF function
=AVERAGEIF(B2:B5,"<23000") =14000
The AVERAGEIF function
The AVERAGEIF function
=AVERAGEIF(A2:A5,"<95000") =#DIV/0
The AVERAGEIF function
The AVERAGEIF function
=AVERAGEIF(A2:A5,">250000",B2:B5) =24500
The COUNT function
The COUNTA function =COUNTA(A1:A8) =7
The COUNTIF function
The MAX function
The MIN function
The LARGE function Description: Remarks: Errors:
Returns the k-th largest value in a data set. Remarks: If n is the number of data points in a range, then LARGE(array,1) returns the largest value. If n is the number of data points in a range, then LARGE(array,n) returns the smallest value. Errors: #NUM! – If array is empty #NUM! – If k ≤ 0 #NUM! – If k is greater than the number of data points
3rd largest number in the numbers in columns A and B
3rd largest number in the numbers in columns A and B
=LARGE(array,k) =LARGE(A2:B6,
3rd largest number in the numbers in columns A and B
=LARGE(array,k) =LARGE(A2:B6,3)
3rd largest number in the numbers in columns A and B
List the numbers in descending order: 7 6 5 4 3 2 =LARGE(array,k) =LARGE(A2:B6,3) =5
The SMALL function Description: Remarks: Errors:
Returns the k-th smallest value in a data set. Remarks: If n is the number of data points in a range, then SMALL(array,1) returns the smallest value. If n is the number of data points in a range, then SMALL(array,n) returns the largest value. Errors: #NUM! – If array is empty #NUM! – If k ≤ 0 #NUM! – If k is greater than the number of data points
4th smallest number in first column
4th smallest number in first column
=SMALL(array,k) =SMALL(A2:A10
4th smallest number in first column
List the numbers in ascending order: 2 3 4 5 6 7 =SMALL(array,k) =SMALL(A2:A10,4)
4th smallest number in first column
List the numbers in ascending order: 2 3 4 5 6 7 =SMALL(array,k) =SMALL(A2:A10,4) =4
Mean, Median and Mode Mean- Same as AVG Function
Median-Puts numbers in chronological order, finds middle number. (If two middle numbers exist, average of the two) Mode- Number that occurs most frequently in set of numbers (Returns lowest of values if two or more numbers occur equally). If there is one of every number: Displays “#N/A”
Practice Questions What formula should be entered in cell E5 to do the following: If the driver was going LESS THAN five miles over the speed limit, show the text “No Problem” Otherwise, if the driver was speeding between 6 miles over and up to 15 miles over the speed limit, show a fine of $25 plus $10 per MPH over the stated speed limit Otherwise, if the driver was speeding less than or equal to 35 MPH over the speed limit, show a fine of $250 even Otherwise, show the text “Have Fun in Jail” Answer: =IF(D5<C5+5, “No Problem”, If(D5<=C5+15, 25+10*(D5-C5), IF(D5<=C5+35, 250, “Have Fun in Jail”))) (There are other equivalent answers)
Practice Questions What is the formula to determine the total number of employees who earn MORE than $50,000 in annual salary? What is the formula to determine the sum of the salaries of employees who earn LESS than the average annual salary for this group of employees? What is the formula to determine the sum of the salaries of employees who earn LESS than the fourth (4th) lowest salary? Answers: =COUNTIF(C4:C14,">50000") =SUMIF(C4:C14,"<"&AVERAGE(C4:C14)) =SUMIF(C4:C14,"<"&SMALL(C4:C14,4))
Practice Question Carefully examine the accompanying worksheet image. Airline passengers may have to pay a separate fee for checked bags at the time they obtain a boarding pass for their initial flight. If cell A1 contains the number of checked bags, provide a formula using only the cell references in the accompanying table that will correctly determine any baggage handling fee(s) that passengers must pay for their luggage. Note: The fee for the second bag is in addition to that charged for the first piece of checked luggage. Answer =IF(A1=B4,C4,IF(A1=B5,C4+C5,C3))
Enter a formula that will determine the average salary of employees who earn less than the average salary for all employees? Enter a formula that will determine the number of employees in the north region whose last names begin with C or D? Enter a formula that will produce a YES if the employee is a Supervisor in the South region and a NO otherwise. A)=AVERAGEIF(G4:G16,"<"&AVERAGE(G4:G16)) B) =SUM(COUNTIFS(E4:E16, "North", C4:C16, "C*"), COUNTIFS(E4:E16, C) =IF(F6="Supervisor", (IF(E6="South", "Yes", "No")), "No")
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