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AP English Language and Composition

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1 AP English Language and Composition
Henry David Thoreau AP English Language and Composition


3 Thoreau’s Legacy Author, poet, philosopher, abolitionist, surveyor, and naturalist His lasting contributions are his writings on natural history and philosophy, where he anticipated the methods and findings of ecology and environmental history, two sources of modern-day environmentalism Lectured throughout his life against institution of slavery and the Fugitive Slave Act Defended radical abolitionist, John Brown Influenced political thoughts and actions of Gandhi and Martin Luther King, Jr.

4 Most Notable Works Walden (reflection on living simply in natural surroundings) “Civil Disobedience” (advocated for peaceful resistance to government when government becomes unjust) *You will be reading excerpts of both

5 Timeline of Thoreau’s Life
1817 – 1862 Born in Concord, Massachusetts Family was cultured and free-thinking but relatively poor Family made a living producing homemade pencils

6 1837- Graduated from Harvard College (studied rhetoric, the classics, philosophy, math, and science). College grads could go into medicine, law, business, or the church (none interested Thoreau) Taught at a grammar school but resigned because he didn’t want to inflict corporal punishment Opened his own grammar school with his brother in Concord in Introduced several progressive concepts including nature walks and visits to local shops

7 Early 1840s Exposed to Transcendentalism movement through his friendship with Ralph Waldo Emerson, a prominent philosopher, essayist, and poet Thoreau lived at Emerson’s house ( ). Served as children’s tutor, editorial assistant to Emerson, and maintenance worker/gardener He also worked as a surveyor during this time and in the family pencil factory

8 July 4, 1845 He moved into a cabin he built on Walden Pond (Emerson’s land) He lived there two years and wrote Walden His isolation during this period is slightly exaggerated

9 July 1846 On a trip to Concord, he was imprisoned for not paying a poll tax (a tax incurred to vote) He refused to pay the poll tax because the government was using the money to further the Mexican War and expand slavery He wrote about the experience in a famous essay entitled “Civil Disobedience”

10 1850s Thoreau took a vocal role in the Abolitionist movement (lectured and wrote essays) He personally assisted fugitive slaves on the Underground Railroad Became increasingly fascinated with natural history

11 1862 – Death Contracted tuberculosis in Suffered on and off with disease. Became ill with bronchitis in Struggled with health for three years before eventual death

12 20th and 21st Centuries His work continues to impact American culture
Thoreau influenced the sentiments of the counterculture movements during the Vietnam War and Civil Rights era Thoreau’s works inspired young Americans to express their disavowal of official U.S. policies and declare independence of ideas, even at the risk of arrest “Civil Disobedience” is still practiced today (peaceful protests)

13 Walden (or Life in the Woods)

14 Actual Site of Cabin

15 Replica of Thoreau’s Cabin

16 Inside the Cabin

17 Walden Pond

18 Composition of Walden Structure of the Book – Thoreau spent 26 months at Walden Pond (2 years, 2 months, and 2 days); however, his novel begins in early summer and commences the following spring, thus creating a cyclical structure (summer, fall, winter, spring)

19 Composition of Walden Publishing of the Book – Walden took 7 years to write, including 8 complete revisions before a publisher agreed to publish the work

20 Main Ideas of Walden Man, made to be free, has not only been enslaved but has enslaved himself The path to individual freedom arises from self-reliance gained through simplifying life Health and happiness can best be achieved through living in close contact with nature Truth should be valued more than love, money, or fame

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