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The Big Vertebrates Quiz

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Presentation on theme: "The Big Vertebrates Quiz"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Big Vertebrates Quiz

2 Round 1 General Knowledge

3 Name 4 of the 5 classes of vertebrates.
1. Name 4 of the 5 classes of vertebrates.

4 Vertebrate bodies are divided into which 3 sections?
2. Vertebrate bodies are divided into which 3 sections?

5 Vertebrates have which type of symmetry?
3. Vertebrates have which type of symmetry?

6 Fish use what organ to breath?
4. Fish use what organ to breath?

7 5. What do you call an animal whose body temperature depends on the environmental temperature?

8 Round 2 Name That Vertebrate

9 Example Class – Order – Common name Amphibian – Anura – Frog

10 1.

11 2.

12 3.

13 4.

14 5.

15 Round 3 Anagrams

16 Amalmms 2. Usovoemn 3. Merhlotkiipo 4.Pivivuosapr 5. Leteksondeno

17 Round 4 Descriptions

18 1. An animal that is capable of maintaining its own body temperature by producing internal heat through metabolism

19 The limbs of aquatic vertebrates
2. The limbs of aquatic vertebrates

20 Animals in which the embryo develops inside the mother womb
3. Animals in which the embryo develops inside the mother womb

21 The hard, bony shell of a turtle
4. The hard, bony shell of a turtle

22 This organ allows fish to stay afloat in the water
5. This organ allows fish to stay afloat in the water

23 Round 5 Label the Parts

24 1 2 5 4 3

25 Round 6 Invertebrate or Vertebrate






31 Round 7 Quickfire

32 Are snakes poisonous or venomous?
1. Are snakes poisonous or venomous?

33 What is unique about bird bones that allows them to fly?
2. What is unique about bird bones that allows them to fly?

34 What do human’s opposable thumbs allow for?
3. What do human’s opposable thumbs allow for?

35 Which class of vertebrates is capable of breathing through their skin?
4. Which class of vertebrates is capable of breathing through their skin?

36 Which class of vertebrates moults their skin?
5. Which class of vertebrates moults their skin?

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