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Overview STU1033 Aquatic Science and Daily Life

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1 Overview STU1033 Aquatic Science and Daily Life
Semester 2 2016/2017 Department of Aquatic Science, Faculty of Resource Science and Technology (FSTS) Universiti Malaysia Sarawak ( UNIMAS )

2 1.0 Lecturer Lecturer : Dr. Farah Akmal Idrus (course coordinator), Dr. Roslianah Asdari and Dr. Teng Sing Tung

3 2.0 Lab/Lecture Lab 1 lab for Aquatic Science Research Experience
Week 12 Compulsory

2.0 Lab/Lecture Lecture From Week 1 until Week 11 (Wednesday, 8.00 am – am) (Wednesday, am pm) Week 13– Mini Project presentation (video) ATTENDANCE LESS THAN 80% WILL BE BARRED FOR FINAL EXAM!

5 3.0 Course Schedule (1) Week Date Activity 1 22 Feb
Course Introduction, Teaching-Learning Contract, Ice Breaking Session 2 1 March Lecture 1: INTRODUCTION TO AQUATIC HABITATS AND WATER AS AN ENVIRONMENT 3 8March Lecture 2:INTERACTION BETWEEN AQUATIC ORGANISMS AND THEIR HABITATS 4 15 March Lecture 3:WAVES, WATER DYNAMICS AND TIDES 1 5 22 March Lecture 4: WAVES, WATER DYNAMICS AND TIDES 2 6 29 March * Mini Project (Report) Submission (on Morpheus) * 29 March 2017 * Mid Semester Examination (7.30 – 9.30 pm, at…place TBA soon…) 7 Mid Semester Break (1 -9 April 2017) – 15 or 22 april 2017  field visit TO PANTAI TBC ….(BEACH AWARENESS PROGRAM) 8 12 April Lecture 5: IMPORTANCE OF AQUATIC RESOURCES TO HUMAN 1 9 19 April Lecture 6: IMPORTANCE OF AQUATIC RESOURCES TO HUMAN 2 10 26 April * Field Visit Personal Reflection (Report) Submission (on Morpheus) Lecture 7: PUBLIC AWARENESS 1, 2 11 3 May Lecture 8: PUBLIC AWARENESS 3, 4 12 10 May * Aquatic Science Research Experience (Aquatic Lab, FRST) 13 17 May * Mini Project Presentation (video : 10 minutes) Revision Week 27th May-4th June 2017 * Final Examination Week 5th June – 22rd June 2017

6 3.0 Course Schedule (2) Lecture :: 3 hours per week (8-9 lectures) Lab :: 3 hours (1 lab) Online activity :: regularly checking on the Morpheus Mini Project :: 1 group project Max. 5 students per group (selection group on Morpheus) members MUST come from different faculties or departments Field Visit :: 1 field visit (beach awareness program) Personal reflection report (individually-prepared report) Test/Exam :: 2 tests/exams MID-TERM EXAM FINAL EXAM

7 3.0 Course Schedule (Mini Project)
DURATION : 22th Feb to 29th March 2017 Visit to either one of the following (must not be the same as your field visit location): selected wet market ( e.g. Stutong, Kubah Ria (Satok), Kota Samarahan, Kota Sentosa, or others) urban recreational area (e.g. Friendship Park, Reservoir Park, Waterfront) ornamental / aquarium fish shop prawning/fishing shop or street vendors any other suitable places Activities may include: observations, capturing relevant photographs, face to face interviews (owners, customers/visitors), recording all aquatic organisms exists in the areas in terms of common names, local names and scientific names (if possible) and other relevant information.

8 3.0 Course Schedule (Mini Project)
ONE hard copy of the group writing report (10-15 pages, font Times New Roman 12 with appropriate margins). Due date: 29 March 2017, Report submission on Morpheus; no late submission will be accepted. *17 May Video Presentation (10 minutes presentation + 5 mins Q & A) – upload your video on YouTube. *depends on your group instructor*

9 3.0 Course Schedule (Field Visit)
Date: 15 or 22 april 2017  field visit TO PANTAI [to be confirmed] (BEACH AWARENESS PROGRAM) Personal reflection paper (3 pages, individually-prepared report) Due date: 26th April2017 on Morpheus. Guideline to reflection paper will be published on Morpheus.

10 4.0 Assessment No. Activities Marks (%) 1
Aquatic Science Research Experience (laboratory) (Participation) 2 Personal Reflection (Report) Field Visit 8 3 Mini Project (Group Report & Video Presentation) 4 Online Activities (e.g. quiz, case study, etc.) 5 Mid Semester Examination 25 6 Final Examination 40 TOTAL 100

11 5.0 Course Synopsis This course covers general knowledge on Aquatic Science field that is applicable in daily life: e.g. various aquatic habitats, an environment, ecological interactions in aquatic habitats and major processes occurred in the ocean. Identification of fish/seafood species, evaluation of quality and freshness of fish/seafood and food safety issues. Awareness on the impacts of destructive fish catching methods and human activities to aquatic ecology.

12 6.0 Resources References Bremner, H. A. (2005). Safety and quality issues in fish processing. Woodhead Publishing Ltd., England. Dodson, S. I. (2005). Introduction to Limnology. 1st ed. McGraw-Hill, USA. Coyle, D. M. (2008). Computers are your future, 10th edition. Pearson Prentice Hall. Gabriel, O., Lange, K., Dahm, E. , T. (2005). Fish Catching Methods of the World. 4th ed. Blackwell Publishing, Oxford, UK. Thurman, H. V. , A. P. (2004). Introductory oceanography. 10th ed. Pearson Prentice Hall, New Jersey. National Geographic Magazine -selected articles

13 For further information (lecture slides, project details, etc
For further information (lecture slides, project details, etc.), please refer Morpheus for this course

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