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Linear Regression.

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Presentation on theme: "Linear Regression."— Presentation transcript:

1 Linear Regression

2 Example data and scatter plot

3 Regression Line Best fitting straight line that minimizes the sum of the squared errors of prediction The colored lines show the amount of the error of prediction

4 Parts of the regression equation
Y = (slope times X) + intercept

5 Measure 2 variables, plot results
Data for Scots Pine Logically a tree with zero diameter would have a zero crown size. If a linear relationship exists, it should pass through the origin. This makes the formula Y = slope times X

6 Find out if relationship exists and how good the fit is
y = mx + b In Excel…

7 Regression and Correlation
The relationship between the value of X and it’s corresponding value of Y can be inverse or negatively correlated (higher values of X result in lower values of Y). Example might be X equals poison ingested and Y is survivors. It can be positive where higher values of X result in higher values of Y. Example might be x equals fuel added and Y equals heat given off by a fire. If you plot your data points and the line is flat, that means regardless of the level of X, Y stays the same. This means there is no correlation between X and Y. So the closer your line is to horizontal the weaker the correlation. Can you imagine a situation where this would occur?

8 Correlation Coefficients

9 Problems with linear regression
Outliers, typos Non-linear data Curvilinear Point cloud

10 Multiple Regression Taking simple linear regression one step further
Predicting the value of a dependent variable based on the value of 2 or more independent variables. Y = intercept + (coefficient1 X Variable1) + (coefficient2 X Variable2)…

11 Polynomial Regression
Intercept = constant +/- (coefficient1 X variable1) +/- (coefficent2 X variable1 squared)

12 Polynomial Curve fitting used in forestry

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