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Aim: Regents Review Latin America

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1 Aim: Regents Review Latin America
Do now: 1) Name the 3 ancient civilizations of MesoAmerica. 2) Identify their accomplishments 3) How do these civilizations compare and contrast?

2 Major Pre-Columbian Civilizations

3 The Mayans

4 Lands of the Mayans The Yucatan Peninsula

5 Chichen-Itza - Pyramid

6 Chichen-Itza - Ball Court

7 Mayan Cultivation of Maize
Chac, God of Rain -->

8 Overview of Tikal (Guatemala)
Temple of the Masks

9 Mayan Glyphs sky king house child city Mayan Mathematics

10 Mayan Glyphs

11 The Aztecs

12 Lands of the Aztecs

13 Aztec View of Tenochtitlan

14 Ruins of the City Center, Tenochtitlan

15 Tenochtitlan: The “Venice” of the Americas

16 Aztec Chinampa or Floating Garden: 15ft. to 30ft. wide

17 Tenochtitlan - Chinampas

18 Aztec Writing Aztec Math

19 Aztec Sun Stone -- Calendar

20 The Aztecs Were Fierce Warriors

21 Aztecs Sacrifice Neighboring Tribes to the Sun God

22 Heart Sacrifice on an Aztec Temple Pyramid

23 Wall of Skulls, Tenochtitlan

24 The Incas

25 Lands of the Incas

26 Cuzco: Ancient Capital of the Inca (11,000 ft. above sea level)

27 Machu Picchu

28 Machu Picchu

29 Incan Suspension Bridges

30 Incan Terrace Farming

31 Over 100 Different Types of Potatoes Cultivated by the Incans

32 The Quipu: An Incan Database

33 How were the conquistadors able to conquer the indigenous people of South America?
Superior technology & equipment * horses, armor, and guns Alliances with conquered peoples Had a common enemy. Helped fight with the Spanish. Disease  smallpox brought to South America.

34 Conquistadors Hernando Cortes Francisco Pizarro
Conquered the Aztecs – 1519 Moctezuma  Aztec leader who was killed. Motives  religion & wealth Francisco Pizarro Conquered the Incas – 1532 Captured Incan Emperor Athualpa. Incas collapsed with no strong leader. Spain takes Inca gold.

35 How did Spanish Conquest impact Global History?
Encomienda system Disease kills a large number of the indigenous population The Columbian Exchange Slaves in sugar mills in Brazil Introduction and influence of the Roman Catholic Faith and Church Social Structure



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