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Tropical Forest The Amazon Rain forest

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1 Tropical Forest The Amazon Rain forest
By the Tropical Monkey Ninjas

2 Our Logo

3 Map of Tropical Forests
Amazon Rain Forest

4 Amazon Rainforest info
The climate is hot and humid with year round rainfall and never dropping below 64 degrees but the average is About 77. It also as lots of trees.

5 Shelter To build a shelter in the Amazon Rainforest we would use strong roots that can be cut by a machete to tie things. Loose branches on the ground or ones we can cut down to make a frame of a shelter. For the ridge pole you want a thick sturdy branch. A boulder to "rest" your shelter against and provide another wall. Then palm leafs to go over it so we will be somewhat protected by the rain. Dried leafs for another layer of protection or a cover on the ground and moss for camouflage.

6 Fire To build a fire the materials that we would use would be wood, birds nest, dry material, rocks, roots, sticks, and branches. To make the fire, we would start by tying a root to a strong stick. Then we would put another stick vertical on a piece of wood. Another piece of would be put on top that to hold it, then we would rub the bow back and forth on the stick to create friction and a spark. At the end of the spindle or stick that is rubbing against the wood, we would put the dry material or birds nest in hope of one of the sparks to catch it on fire.

7 Edible Plants There are a huge list of edible plants that can be found in the Amazon rainforest. The Fruit that can be found in the amazon are oranges, lemons, limes, grapefruits, tangerines, Bananas even Squash and Cucumbers. Spicy peppers can also be found for example cayenne peppers, sweet peppers, paprikas, and jalapenos. Nuts like Cashews, and peanuts also can be found in the Amazon. Some other plants are Vanilla and allspice. Plants that can be found year round are the Carambola (The star fruit) and the Black Sapote Tree. Plants that can be replanted or pronated are Apricot Tomatoes and the coffee plant. Carambola Black Sapote Vanilla plant

8 Edible Animals Edible animals that we can find and eat in the amazon rainforest are the anteater, the toucan and harpy eagle for its eggs, the sloth, fish, and the capybara. The anteater and sloth are very slow and easy to catch. We would climb in trees to get the eggs of the toucan and harpy eagle and then put them in our pot over a fire. We would use the machete or build spears and nets to catch the fish. For the capybara we would build a trap to catch them. An animal that can be found year round in the amazon is the Tapir. We would also build a trap for them. For more information on the Anteater… Toucan Eggs Tapir Capybara Sloth

9 Water sources To get water, we would leave are pot out to collect water because it is constantly raining in the Amazon. But to get a bigger water source, we could get it from the Amazon river but we would make sure to boil it to get out all of the bad bacteria out of it. We could probably find water anywhere because it is always raining in the Amazon rainforest. For example, we could get water that would drip of the leaves.The Amazon would never run out of water sources because the constant raining. All of these water sources are available year round

10 Hazardous Animals Some animals that live in the Amazon are hazardous. For example, one of the most hazarist animals are The poison Dart Frog. To identify a dart frog look for bright colors. The poison comes out of their pores and if the poison touches a open wound, you can die if you don’t get the medical attention that you need. Another dangerous animal is the Anaconda. The Anaconda can reach up to twenty-one feet in length. It squeezes its prey, this suffocates and kills the prey. Another dangerous animal is the Mosquito. Even though the Mosquito is a small organism it can carry deadly diseases such as dengue fever, malaria, and yellow fever. For more facts about the poisonous frog... 1Dk2e0HN0WXAc0usZgEmyUZhLyQhu4X3uQPmtywnak/edit Poison dart frog Mosquito Anaconda

11 Hazardous Plants The carare plant, the Strychnos plant and the Angel’s Trumpet plant can also be hazardous. If the carare plant is a poisonous vine filled with alkaloids that if gets into your bloodstream can kill you. Angel's trumpet plant produce lucid dreams, and large amounts can be deadly to humans. Strychnos plant has oval leaves with an unpleasant smell and red fruit that is as big ad a apple. It creates a poisonous arrow that kills it victims with contact to the blood. The symptoms are muscle spasms, suffocation, and rapidly changing blood pressure. Strychnos Angels trumpet Carare poisonous vine

12 Biotic and abiotic Biotic
The amazon consist mostly of biotic features like the trees,the plant, and the animals. The only abiotic things in the amazon would be the rocks and water Biotic ABIOTIC

13 The End

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