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Colours By Yana Dyachuk.

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Presentation on theme: "Colours By Yana Dyachuk."— Presentation transcript:

1 Colours By Yana Dyachuk

2 White [waιt] - білий Black [blæk] - чорний

3 Red [red] - червоний

4 Yellow [‘jelәu] - жовтий

5 Green [grι:n] - зелений

6 Blue [blu:] – синій light blue [laιt blu:] - блакитний

7 Orange [‘Ɔrιnʤ] - помаранчевий

8 Violet [‘vaιәlιt] - фіолетовий

9 Grey [greι] - сірий

10 Pink [pιŋk] - рожевий

11 Brown [braun] - коричневий

12 Rainbow [΄reinbƆu] - райдуга

13 Вставте пропущені літери : wh…te, b…ack, r…d, …ellow, gre…n, bl…e, or…nge, pu…ple, gr…y, pin…, bro…n

14 Yellow Yellow is a star. Yellow is the sun
Yellow Yellow is a star. Yellow is the sun. Yellow is the moon, When the day is done. Orange Orange is an orange. Orange is a carrot. Orange is the colour of the beak of a parrot. Blue Blue is the ocean. Blue is the sky. Blue are the blueberries I put into the pie.

15 Green Green is grass, String beans and peas
Green Green is grass, String beans and peas. Green are the branches on Christmas trees. Red Red is an apple. Red is a cherry. Red is a rose. And a ripe strawberry. Purple Purple are grapes. Purple are plums. Purple is a violet. And the bruise on my thumb.

16 The Colour Song Red, red, red, touch your head
The Colour Song Red, red, red, touch your head. Blue, blue, blue, tie your shoe. Brown, brown, brown, touch the ground. White, white, white, take a bite. Black, black, black, touch your back. Purple, purple, purple, draw a circle. Pink, pink, pink, give a wink. Gray, gray, gray, shout hurray!

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