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Meta Moment.

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1 Meta Moment

2 Triggers are signals that something we value may be at stake.
We get angry when we see injustice, jealous when we fear we will lose someone we love, and anxious when we’re not in control of our future. Emotional triggers can be a result of a thought, a person’s action, a place, or an event.

3 What are your… What is happening in your… How are you Expressing yourself ? Thoughts ? Behavior/Expression Body ?

4 I CANT I CAN Thoughts ? When we experience an emotion, our thoughts often change. Our attention focuses on the event that caused the emotion. Anger shifts attention outward to an obstacle. Sadness shifts attention inward to a loss. Emotions also change how we perceive the world; were more optimistic (we thinking more positively) when happy and more pessimistic (think negatively) when sad.

5 Body ? When we experience an emotion, experience various bodily functions. When we are afraid or anxious our heart rate increases and we sweat more. When we are sad, our heart rate slows down. These changes prepare our bodies to respond to the event that caused the emotion. For instance, when we are afraid our heart rate increases to move blood more quickly to the limbs, enabling a “fight” or “flight” response.

6 We express emotions though our faces and bodies.
Anger brings a furrowed brow and clenched fists; happiness brings a smile and raised cheeks. Our facial expressions and body language allows us to communicate with other what we are feeling. For example, slumped shoulders and a downward gaze communicate sadness.



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