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English Open Class for Senior Middle School

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1 English Open Class for Senior Middle School
Designer: Charles Address: Dalian No. 48 High School

2 Lead-in Pre-reading Unit 21 Body Language While-Reading
Posting-Reading Activity

3 Unit 21 Body Talk

4 We use body language every day.

5 Lead –in Facial Expressions Body Language Gestures

6 Can you tell how he is feeling only by his facial expressions


8 What do the gestures mean?
Good-bye , Bye-bye or See you later Ok , No problem “We’ll certainly succeed” or “We want peace instead of war”

9 Pre-reading: 1. Can you guess what someone is thinking or looking at his or her body language? 2. Do people from different parts of the world use different body language? What about people who live in different parts of China ? 3. How do you communicate the following with body language? Thank you! No. Yes. I don’t know.

10 Pre-reading How do you communicate the following with body language?
All right! 2. Well done!/Good! 3. I love you 4. Keep quiet 5. Money Well done 7. That’s incredible! I can’t believe it. 8. Number 8 9. That’s crazy! Come here

11 Japanese French Making a circle with one’s thumb and index finger Zero

12 Step 1 Pre-reading Match the two columns
Body Language Waving one’s hand Shaking one’s head Nodding Putting up one’s hand Kissing Holding up one’s head Hanging one’s head Waving one’s arms Touching one’s stomach Cupping one’s ear Meaning in China Love Not afraid/proud Feeling sorry for having done something wrong Feeling very happy Hello!/Hi!/Goodbye! I’m full./I’ve a stomachache Disagreement Agreement May I ask a question? I can’t hear you.

13 ___________________________.
Step2 Reading Task1: Topic sentence Your guess:__________________________. Theme/Main idea: ___________________________. Body language varies from culture to culture.

14 Read the passage quickly and summarize the main idea of each paragraph.
The same body language has different meanings in some different countries. Para1 A We communicate with people not only by words but also by body language B Para2 Body language varies from culture to culture C Para3 Smile is the best example of universally understood body language. Para4 D Para5 E Some gestures are universal.

15 Task2: Scanning Part1 Part2 Part3
Find the main idea of each paragraph and divide them into several parts. Para1: Para2: Para3: Para4: Para5: Part1 Both words and body language can express how we think and feel. Gestures, a kind of body language, have different meanings in different countries Part2 The way people in different countries show the same idea in different ways. Some gestures seem to be universal. Part3 Smiles may be the most commonly understood facial expression in the world.

16 Read the article carefully and decide if the following are true or false. Write “T” if the sentence is true. If it is false , write “F” and correct the error F 1. Thumbs-up gesture is to say “ Great” or “good job” all around world 2.Shaking one’s head means “Yes” but nodding is to say “No” in some countries. T 3. We can get information about a person’s feelings and thoughts only by words. F 4.There are many different interpretations of our body language. T T 5.A smile can help us get through difficult situations and find friends in a world of strangers F 6. Patting his or her stomach usually means “ I am full” 7. If one of our friends is feeling down or lonely, we should laugh at him and comfort him. F

17 True or False : 1.We use only body language to express out thoughts and opinions. ( ) 2.Moving the index finger in a circle in front of the ear means “crazy” in Brazil. ( ) 3.Shaking one’s head means “no” in all countries. ( ) 4.Smile is a kind of universal body language in the world. ( ) 5.We can smile at ourselves in the mirror to make ourselves feel down or lonely. ( ) F F F T F

18 Work in pairs, complete the chart below.
Meaning Gesture in the US Gesture in China No, no, don’t do that. Moving the index finger from side to side. I don’t know. one’s shoulders Well done! Thumbs up That’s incredible! I can’t believe it! Rolling one’s eyes Money. Rubbing the thumb and fore finger together That’s crazy! He/she is crazy! Moving the index finger in a circle in front of ear. Good luck . Crossing the fingers on both hands Come here. Moving the index finger for forwards and backwards Waving one’s hands Shrugging Shaking one’s head or hands Thumbs up Open one’s eye and mouth wide Rubbing the thumb and fore finger together No Chinese gesture No Chinese gesture Moving one’s hand up and down with palm facing down.


20 Task3: Skimming Fill in the Chart
Gestures Countries Meaning Eye contact Some countries Other countries Most countries OK Japan Money Zero Brazil/Germany Thumb up US Rude Germany/Japan Brazil You have a phone call A way to show interest Rude or disrespectful A circle with one’s thumb and index finger France Rudeness “Great” or “good job” Nigeria The number one Moving the index finger in a circle in front of the ear Crazy

21 Step3: Practice and Consolidation
Task1: multiple-choice 1 How do people send each other message? Only by words Only by body language By neither words nor body language By both words and body language 2 In which country does nodding mean “yes”? Iran B. China C.Bulgaria D. Parts of Greece 3 People in France often greet each other with _____ A kiss B.a firm handshake C. a loving embrace D. a bow 4 If a person is hungry, perhaps he will _____ Press his palms together B. Rest his head on the back of his hand Rub his stomach before a meal D. Rub his stomach after a meal 4 Which can be used as another title for the text? A. Body language B. Gestures C. Smiles D. Movements D B A C A

22 6 Which of the following gestures seems to be universal?
Pressing one’s palms together and resting one’s head on the back of one’s hand while closing the eyes. B. Moving the hand in circles over the stomach C. Smile D. All of the above 7 What does the word “down” mean in the last sentence of the passage? From a higher place to a lower place From an earlier time to a later time From an inland place to the coast (being) beaten in the struggle of life 8 From the text we can conclude that ______. We should use body language as often as possible We should be careful about body language We should never use body language Body language is more important than words D D B

23 1.What will you do when you are in a different country?
A.When in Rome, do as the Romans do. B.Look before you leap. C.Practice makes perfect. D.No pains, no gains. 2.We use _______to express how we think and feel . A.only spoken language B.only written language C.either spoken language or written language D.spoken language , written language and body language. 3.It is necessary for __to know different body languages. A. a teacher B. an organizer C. a traveler D.a student

24 thoughts express opinions feelings communicate shouting listening
words and body language opinions feelings communicate shouting listening

25 rude money zero a way to show interest rude or disrespectful Japan
France Brazil & Germany rude

26 US rude great & good job Nigeria Germany & Japan number one Brazil
“crazy” gesture Brazil Phone call

27 universal gestures I am tired I am full I am hungry press palms /rest your head on … /eyes closed Move hand in circle pat stomach

28 Cool smile Lovely smile Pleased smile Successful smile Funny smile
Mysterious smile Pleased smile Successful smile Funny smile

29 Function of Smile ★Help us get through difficult situation
★ Find friends in a world of strangers ★ Open doors and tear down walls ★ Express almost any emotion

30 Step4: Discussion 1 The smile is considered as a universally understood body language.Why? 2 What can you learn after you reading this text? 1 There are both cultural and regional differences in how we communicate what we think and feel with our bodies. 2 Learning a foreign language requires more than knowledge of its vocabulary, grammar and useful expressions. It also requires understanding of its gestures and facial expressions since they can differ so much from culture to culture. 3 Manners make the man. When in Rome, do as the Romans do.

31 Discussion Work in group of 4, try to discuss the following questions?
Can you guess what someone is thinking or feeling by looking at his or her body language? Can you give some examples. Sometimes we say one thing but our body language says something different. Why does this happen? Can you think of any examples?

32 Example Example: I can guess what someone is thinking or feeling by looking at their body language. For example, when I see someone holding their nose, I can see they are smelling something terrible.

33 Step5: Game One student acts out the following words , and the other
student turn around and guess the word Score: Group1: swimming crying jumping lying Group2: happy confused angry tired Group3: frightened dancing sad singing

34 Thank you ! Goodbye! Step6: Assignment
1 Imagine that you are traveling alone in France, and how will you communicate with Frenchman with body language? Make a plan 2 Mark some difficulties in this text. Thank you ! Goodbye!

35 Dumb play Requirements: Activity1
1.Work in group of 4, try to make a dumb play. 2. You should use your facial expressions and gestures as many as possible. 3.The dumb play must be a story. 4.It is better if the story is funny and humorous.

36 Conclusion Besides words, body language can help person to communicate with each other as well. It is one of best waysto find out what is going on inside one’s head. Body language varies from culture to culture. So it is very important to know body language of every country or we may be misunderstood. At the same time, some gestures have come to be accepted in general, for example, handshake is the most common gesture that goes with a greeting. The best example of universally understood body language is smile. A smile can help us get through difficult situations, tear down walls and comfort us when we are feeling down or lonely.

37 Today’s quotation: A beautiful form is better than a beautiful face; a beautiful behavior than a beautiful form Emerson 美丽的外形胜于漂亮的脸蛋优雅的举止胜于美丽的外形。 ——爱默生

38 Homework Keep the new words and useful expressions of this unit in your mind. Rewrite the article.

39 Thank you very much

40 Bye-bye

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