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Why do we study history? What’s the big deal?.

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Presentation on theme: "Why do we study history? What’s the big deal?."— Presentation transcript:

1 Why do we study history? What’s the big deal?

2 1. History teaches/warns us!
George Santayana “Those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it.”

3 2. It defines us. David McCullough: “History is who we are and why we are the way we are.”

4 3. Helps us develop an appreciation for others

5 4. It inspires us.

6 5. History entertains.

7 6. History provides job skills.

8 7. Teaches the nature of mankind.
Lynchings Human Sacrifice Slavery Infanticide Holocaust Rape Genocide Killing for sport

9 Charity Love Freedom Compassion Equality Rescue

10 8. History teaches the importance of the individual… for better…
Joan of Arc Esther Clara Barton Abraham Lincoln William Wilberforce

11 …Or for worse. Stalin Nero Margaret Sanger Peter Singer
Bedford Forrest

12 9. Ideas have consequences.
Nazism “Superman” Socialism Evolution

13 10. History is God’s Autobiography.

14 Group Activity Discuss the following questions and copy your group answers into your notebook below your “Why History” notes. How do we study history, meaning what tools do we use? Does history change? Why or why not? Can history be trusted?

15 How Do We Study History? We are like Crime Scene Investigators.
Documents, letters, newspapers, art, photos, videos, s, medical records, diaries, physical evidence, bodies, blood, etc.

16 What are the tools?

17 Does History Change? Yes! Bias New Evidence Accuracy of witnesses
Agendas— “revisionism”: writing history to suit your interests

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