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Das ist simon. Er spitzname ist simo Das ist Kelsey. Ihre spitzname ist kels.

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Presentation on theme: "Das ist simon. Er spitzname ist simo Das ist Kelsey. Ihre spitzname ist kels."— Presentation transcript:

1 Das ist simon. Er spitzname ist simo Das ist Kelsey. Ihre spitzname ist kels

2 We will just remind you the meaning of these few words. Adjective/adj: Small, Big, Fat, Slim, Hot, Cold. German translation: Klein, Groβ, Fett, Schlank, Heiβ, Kalt. Adj = a describing word. Verb: jumping, Running, Sleeping, Eating. German translation: Ich : Springe,Laufe, Schlaufe, Esse. Verb = a doing word. Plural: cats, dogs, mice, fish. German translation: Die: Katze, Hunde, Maus, Fische. Plural = more than one


4 NOW.... We shall teach you about the Nominative Case. German Genders: Masculine: der Feminine: die Neuter: das Plural: die The nominative case in German and in English is the subject of a sentence. All German nouns have one of three possible genders: masculine (der), feminine (die) or neuter (das). The nominative plural of any gender is always die (pronounced like DEE not like DYE). How do you know what the subject of a sentence is? The subject of the sentence is the person or the object that is doing the verb. For example James is cooking a barbeque. James is the object because he is the person who is doing the verb (cooking ) the subject of the sentence is always the nominative case.


6 NOW.... We shall teach you about the accusative Case. In English the accusative case is known as the objective case (direct object). In German you can tell that a noun is in the accusative case by the masculine article, which changes from der/ein to den/einen. (Since the accusative only changes in the masculine gender, you don't need to worry about the feminine, neuter or plural.) How do you know what the direct object of a sentence is? A direct object is a noun, pronoun, or noun phrase that receives the action of a TRANSITIVE (action) verb. In German this is called the accusative case. A basic example of a direct object is the word "ball" in the sentence the dog pushed the ball," in which "ball" receives the action of the verb pushed.

7 How immature, right?

8 HERE YA GO: All words in red are the subjects of the sentence, therefore they are in the nominative case. All words in navy are the direct objects of the sentences, therefore they are in the accusative case. The dog hears the woman.The dog is the subject & is nominative. the woman is the direct object and is accusative. The lizard sees the cat.The lizard is the subject and is nominative. the cat is the direct object & is accusative. The lion is the king of the jungle.The lion is nominative because it is the subject. The king of the jungle is nominative aswell. EXAMPLES!


10 MORE Examples! Masculine:Ich mag den Hund.Ich habe einen Hund. I like the dog.I have a dog. Feminine Ich mag die Katze.Ich habe eine Katze. I like the cat.I have a cat. Neutural Ich mag das Pferd.Ich habe ein Pferd. I like the horse.I have a horse. PluralIch mag die Fische.Ich habe keine Fische. I like the fish.I have no fish. All the words in red are in the accusative case, because they are the direct object. And all the words in purple are in the nominative case, because they are the objects.



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