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Digital Integrated Circuits A Design Perspective
EE141 Digital Integrated Circuits A Design Perspective Jan M. Rabaey Anantha Chandrakasan Borivoje Nikolic Introduction
EDA Tools Layout Design Tool SPICE VHDL (synthesis and simulation)
Layout Editor (Ledit from Tanner EDA tools)
Mentor Graphics/Cadence SPICE (ORCAD which is used in Cadence design tools) VHDL ( Xilinx ISE webpack and ModelSim, used in cadence, mentor and Synopsis EDA tools)
Reference books Digital Integrated Circuits, by:- Jan.M.Rabaey, Anantha Chandrakasan and Borivoje Nikolic Principles of CMOS VLSI Design, by:- Niel Weste, Kamran Ishraghian CMOS VLSI Design, by:- Weste-Harris PSPICE using ORCAD, by:- M.H. Rashid VHDL Primer, by:- J. Bhaskar Plenty of material from INTERNET
What is this book all about?
Introduction to digital integrated circuits. CMOS devices and manufacturing technology. CMOS inverters and gates. Propagation delay, noise margins, and power dissipation. Sequential circuits. Arithmetic, interconnect, and memories. Programmable logic arrays. Design methodologies. What will you learn? Understanding, designing, and optimizing digital circuits with respect to different quality metrics: cost, speed, power dissipation, and reliability
Digital Integrated Circuits
Introduction: Issues in digital design The CMOS inverter Combinational logic structures Sequential logic gates Design methodologies Interconnect: R, L and C Timing Arithmetic building blocks Memories and array structures
Introduction Why is designing digital ICs different today than it was before? Will it change in future?
The First Computer - use the decimal number system rather
than the binary representation “store” and “mill” (execute), 2 cycle opn. used pipelining to speed up the execution of the addition operation complexity and the cost problem Working part of Babbage’s Difference Engine I (1832), the first known automatic calculator (from [Swade93], courtesy of the Science Museum of London).
Digital Electronics- Era
Early digital electronics systems were based on magnetically controlled switches (or relays). They were mainly used in the implementation of very simple logic networks. Examples of such are train safety systems, where they are still being used at present. The age of digital electronic computing only started in full with the introduction of the vacuum tube. While originally used almost exclusively for analog processing, it was realized early on that the vacuum tube was useful for digital computations as well.
ENIAC - The first electronic computer (1946)
- vacuum tube based computer - UNIVAC I (the first successful commercial computer) Integration Density: 80 feet long, 8.5 feet high and several feet wide and incorporated 18,000 vacuum tubes. - Reliability problems and excessive power consumption made the implementation of larger engines economically and practically infeasible.
The Transistor Revolution
invention of the transistor at Bell Telephone Laboratories in [ Bardeen], followed by the introduction of the bipolar transistor by Schockley in 1949 [Schockley] First transistor Bell Labs, 1948
The First Integrated Circuits
Bipolar logic 1960’s ECL 3-input Gate Motorola 1966 - TTL had the advantage, however, of offering a higher integration density and was the basis of the first integrated circuit revolution. In fact, the manufacturing of TTL components is what spear-headed the first large semiconductor companies such as Fair-child, National, and Texas Instruments. - The family was so successful that it composed the largest fraction of the digital semiconductor market until the 1980s.
Ultimately, bipolar digital logic lost the battle for hegemony in the digital design world for exactly the reasons that haunted the vacuum tube approach. The large power consumption per gate puts an upper limit on the number of gates that can be reliably integrated on a single die, package, housing, or box. Although attempts were made to develop high integration density, low-power bipolar families (such as I2L—Integrated Injection Logic [Hart72]). The torch was gradually passed to the MOS digital integrated circuit approach.
MOS Device issues The basic principle behind the MOSFET transistor (originally called IGFET) was proposed in a patent by J. Lilienfeld (Canada) as early as 1925, and, independently, by O. Heil in England in 1935. Insufficient knowledge of the materials and gate stability problems, however, delayed the practical usability of the device for a long time. Once these were solved, MOS digital integrated circuits started to take off in full in the early 1970s. The complexity of the manufacturing process delayed the full exploitation of these devices for two more decades. The first practical MOS integrated circuits were implemented in PMOS-only logic and were used in applications such as calculators. The second age of the digital integrated circuit revolution was inaugurated with the introduction of the first microprocessors by Intel in 1972 (the 4004) and 1974 (the 8080).
Intel 4004 Micro-Processor
First 4Kbit MOS memory :1970 1971 1000 transistors 1 MHz operation Handcrafted These processors were implemented in NMOS-only logic, which has the advantage of higher speed over the PMOS logic.
These events were at the start of a truly astounding evolution towards ever higher integration densities and speed performances, a revolution that is still in full swing right now. In the late 1970s, NMOS-only logic started to suffer from the same plague that made high-density bipolar logic unattractive or infeasible: power consumption. This requirement, combined with progress in manufacturing technology, finally tilted the balance towards the CMOS technology, and this is where we still are today.
Intel Pentium (IV) microprocessor
year 2000 ~40 million transistors Hierarchical approach
Interestingly enough, power consumption concerns are rapidly becoming dominant in CMOS design as well, and this time there does not seem to be a new technology around the corner to alleviate the problem. Although the large majority of current ICs are implemented in the MOS technology, other technologies come into play when very high performance is at stake. An example of this is the BiCMOS : bipolar and MOS devices on the same die. BiCMOS is used in high-speed memories and gate arrays.
When even higher performance is necessary, other technologies emerge besides the bipolar silicon ECL family—Gallium-Arsenide, Silicon-Germanium and even superconducting technologies. These technologies only play a very small role in the over- all digital integrated circuit design scene. With the ever increasing performance of CMOS, this role is bound to be further reduced with time.
Moore’s Law (amazing visionary)
In 1965, Gordon Moore noted that the number of transistors on a chip doubled every 18 to 24 months. He made a prediction that semiconductor technology will double its effectiveness every 18 months * Integration density and performance of integrated circuits have gone through an astounding revolution in the last couple of decades.
Moore’s Law Electronics, April 19, 1965.
Evolution in Memory Complexity
As can be observed, integration complexity doubles approximately every 1 to 2 years. As a result, memory density has increased by more than a thousandfold since 1970.
Transistor Counts 1 Billion Transistors K 1,000,000 100,000 10,000
Pentium® III 10,000 Pentium® II Pentium® Pro 1,000 Pentium® i486 i386 100 80286 10 8086 Source: Intel 1 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 Projected Courtesy, Intel
Moore’s law in Microprocessors
1000 2X growth in 1.96 years! 100 10 P6 Pentium® proc Transistors (MT) 1 486 386 0.1 286 Transistors on Lead Microprocessors double every 2 years 8086 8085 0.01 8080 8008 4004 0.001 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 Year Courtesy, Intel
Die size grows by 14% to satisfy Moore’s Law
Die Size Growth 100 P6 Pentium ® proc Die size (mm) 486 10 386 286 8080 8086 8085 ~7% growth per year 8008 ~2X growth in 10 years 4004 1 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 Year Die size grows by 14% to satisfy Moore’s Law Courtesy, Intel
Lead Microprocessors frequency doubles every 2 years
10000 Doubles every 2 years 1000 P6 100 Pentium ® proc Frequency (Mhz) 486 10 386 8085 8086 286 1 8080 8008 4004 0.1 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 Year Lead Microprocessors frequency doubles every 2 years Courtesy, Intel
Lead Microprocessors power continues to increase
Power Dissipation 100 P6 Pentium ® proc 10 486 286 Power (Watts) 8086 386 8085 1 8080 8008 4004 0.1 1971 1974 1978 1985 1992 2000 Year Lead Microprocessors power continues to increase Courtesy, Intel
Power will be a major problem
100000 18KW 5KW 10000 1.5KW 1000 500W Pentium® proc Power (Watts) 100 286 486 8086 10 386 8085 8080 8008 1 4004 0.1 1971 1974 1978 1985 1992 2000 2004 2008 Year Power delivery and dissipation will be prohibitive Courtesy, Intel
Power density too high to keep junctions at low temp
10000 Rocket Nozzle 1000 Nuclear Reactor Power Density (W/cm2) 100 8086 10 Hot Plate 4004 P6 8008 8085 386 Pentium® proc 286 486 8080 1 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 Year Power density too high to keep junctions at low temp Courtesy, Intel
Not Only Microprocessors
Analog Baseband Digital Baseband (DSP + MCU) Power Management Small Signal RF RF Cell Phone Digital Cellular Market (Phones Shipped) Units 48M 86M 162M 260M 435M (data from Texas Instruments)
Challenges in Digital Design
µ DSM µ 1/DSM “Microscopic Problems” • Ultra-high speed design Interconnect • Noise, Crosstalk • Reliability, Manufacturability • Power Dissipation • Clock distribution. Everything Looks a Little Different “Macroscopic Issues” • Time-to-Market • Millions of Gates • High-Level Abstractions • Reuse & IP: Portability • Predictability • etc. …and There’s a Lot of Them! ?
Complexity outpaces design productivity
Productivity Trends Logic Transistor per Chip (M) 10,000,000 10,000 1,000 100 10 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 100,000,000 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1,000 10,000 100,000 Logic Tr./Chip 1,000,000 10,000,000 Tr./Staff Month. 100,000 1,000,000 Complexity 58%/Yr. compounded 10,000 (K) Trans./Staff - Mo. Productivity 100,000 Complexity growth rate 1,000 10,000 x x 100 1,000 x x 21%/Yr. compound x x x Productivity growth rate x 10 100 1 10 2003 1981 1983 1985 1987 1989 1991 1993 1995 1997 1999 2001 2005 2007 2009 Source: Sematech Complexity outpaces design productivity Courtesy, ITRS Roadmap
Why Scaling? Technology shrinks by 0.7/generation
With every generation can integrate 2x more functions per chip; chip cost does not increase significantly Cost of a function decreases by 2x But … How to design chips with more and more functions? Design engineering population does not double every two years… Hence, a need for more efficient design methods Exploit different levels of abstraction
Design Abstraction Levels (black box)
SYSTEM MODULE + GATE CIRCUIT DEVICE G S D n+ n+ Cells are reused as much as possible to reduce the design effort and to enhance the chances for a first-time-right implementation. ‘DESIGN COMPLEXITY’ can be reduced.
The crucial concept here is abstraction.
At each design level, the internal details of a complex module can be abstracted away and replaced by a black box view or model. This model contains virtually all the information needed to deal with the block at the next level of hierarchy. For all purposes, it can hence be considered a black box with known characteristics. As there exists no compelling need for the system designer to look inside this box, design complexity is substantially reduced. For instance, an AND gate is adequately described by its Boolean expres- sion (Z = A.B), its bounding box, the position of the input and output terminals, and the delay between the inputs and the output. This is analogous to a software designer using a library of software routines such as input/output drivers. Someone writing a large program does not bother to look inside those library routines. The only thing he cares about is the intended result of calling one of those modules. (CAD) frameworks for digital integrated circuits; without it the current design complexity would not have been achievable. Design tools include simulation at the various complexity levels, design verification, layout generation, and design synthesis.
The preceding analysis demonstrates that design automation and modular design practices have effectively addressed some of the complexity issues incurred in contemporary digital design. This leads to the following pertinent question. If design automation solves all our design problems, why should we be concerned with digital circuit design at all? Will the next-generation digital designer ever have to worry about transistors or parasitics, or is the smallest design entity he will ever consider the gate and the module? The truth is that the reality is more complex, and various reasons exist as to why an insight into digital circuits and their intricacies will still be an important asset for a long time to come :
• First of all, someone still has to design and implement the module libraries. Semiconductor technologies continue to advance from year to year. Until one has developed a fool-proof approach towards “porting” a cell from one technology to another, each change in technology—which happens approximately every two years—requires a redesign of the library. • Creating an adequate model of a cell or module requires an in-depth understanding of its internal operation. For instance, to identify the dominant performance parameters of a given design, one has to recognize the critical timing path first.
• The library-based approach works fine when the design constraints (speed, cost or power) are not stringent. Unfortunately for a large number of other products such as microprocessors, success hinges on high performance, and designers therefore tend to push technology to its limits. At that point, the hierarchical approach tends to become somewhat less attractive. To resort to our previous analogy to software methodologies, a programmer tends to “customize” software routines when execution speed is crucial; compilers—or design tools—are not yet to the level of what human sweat or ingenuity can deliver. • Even more important is the observation that the abstraction-based approach is only correct to a certain degree. The performance of, for instance, an adder can be substantially influenced by the way it is connected to its environment. The interconnection wires themselves contribute to delay as they introduce parasitic capacitances, resistances and even inductances. The impact of the interconnect parasitics is bound to increase in the years to come with the scaling of the technology.
• Scaling tends to emphasize some other deficiencies of the abstraction-based model. Some design entities tend to be global or external. Examples of global factors are the clock signals, used for synchronization in a digital design, and the supply lines. Increasing the size of a digital design has a profound effect on these global signals. For instance, connecting more cells to a supply line can cause a voltage drop over the wire, which, in its turn, can slow down all the connected cells. Issues such as clock distribution, circuit synchronization, and supply-voltage distribution are becoming more and more critical. Coping with them requires a profound understanding of the intricacies of digital circuit design.
• Another impact of technology evolution is that new design issues and constraints tend to emerge over time. A typical example of this is the periodical reemergence of power dissipation as a constraining factor, as was already illustrated in the historical overview. Another example is the changing ratio between device and interconnect parasitics. To cope with these unforeseen factors, one must at least be able to model and analyze their impact, requiring once again a profound insight into circuit topology and behavior. • Finally, when things can go wrong, they do. A fabricated circuit does not always exhibit the exact waveforms one might expect from advance simulations. Deviations can be caused by variations in the fabrication process parameters, or by the inductance of the package, or by a badly modeled clock signal. Troubleshooting a design requires circuit expertise.
Design Metrics How to evaluate performance of a digital circuit (gate, block, …)? Cost Reliability (Noise) Scalability Speed (delay, operating frequency of micro processors) Power dissipation Energy to perform a function (mobiles)
Cost of Integrated Circuits
NRE/fixed (non-recurrent engineering) costs design time and effort, mask generation one-time cost factor, independent of the sales volume, the number of products sold Recurrent costs/variable silicon processing, packaging, test proportional to products volume proportional to chip area
NRE Cost is Increasing
Die Cost Single die Wafer Going up to 12” (30cm)
Cost per Transistor cost: ¢-per-transistor 1 Fabrication capital cost per transistor (Moore’s law) 0.1 0.01 0.001 0.0001 1982 1985 1988 1991 1994 1997 2000 2003 2006 2009 2012
Defects a is approximately 3
The smaller the gate, the higher the integration density and the smaller the die size. Smaller gates furthermore tend to be faster and consume less energy, as the total gate capacitance which is one of the dominant performance parameters often scales with the area.
Some Examples (1994) Chip Metal layers Line width Wafer cost Def./ cm2
Area mm2 Dies/wafer Yield Die cost 386DX 2 0.90 $900 1.0 43 360 71% $4 486 DX2 3 0.80 $1200 81 181 54% $12 Power PC 601 4 $1700 1.3 121 115 28% $53 HP PA 7100 $1300 196 66 27% $73 DEC Alpha 0.70 $1500 1.2 234 53 19% $149 Super Sparc 1.6 256 48 13% $272 Pentium 1.5 296 40 9% $417
Reliability― Noise in Digital Integrated Circuits
v ( t ) V DD i ( t ) Inductive coupling Capacitive coupling Power and ground noise
DC Operation Voltage Transfer Characteristic
V(x) V(y) V OH OL M IH IL f V(y)=V(x) Switching Threshold Nominal Voltage Levels VOH = f(VOL) VOL = f(VOH) VM = f(VM)
Mapping between analog and digital signals
V IL IH in Slope = -1 OL OH out V “ 1 ” OH V IH Transition Width (TW) Undefined Region V IL “ ” V OL
Definition of Noise Margins
Robust, insensitive to noises "1" V OH Noise margin high NM H V IH Undefined Region NM V L Noise margin low IL V OL "0" Gate Output Stage M Gate Input Stage M+1
Regenerative Property
1 2 3 4 5 6 Regenerative Non-Regenerative After passing a no. of stages The difference is due to the gain char. Of gates
Regenerative Property
1 2 3 4 5 6 A chain of inverters Simulated response
A gate has Regenerative property
VTC should have a transient region with gain greater than 1, bordered by two legal zones where the gain should be less than 1. V IL IH in Slope = -1 OL OH out
Fan-in and Fan-out N Fan-out N M Fan-in M
The Ideal Gate R = ¥ R = 0 Fanout = ¥ NMH = NML = VDD/2 g = V V i o
An Old-time Inverter (V) out V 5.0 NM 4.0 3.0 2.0 V NM 1.0 0.0 1.0 2.0
H 1.0 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 V (V) in
VOH=3. 5 V ; VOL = 0. 45 V VIH = 2. 35 V ; VIL = 0. 66V VM= 1
VOH=3.5 V ; VOL = 0.45 V VIH = 2.35 V ; VIL = 0.66V VM= 1.64 V ; NMH = 1.15 V ; NML = 0.21 V
Delay Definitions tp: propagation delay of gate tp= (tpHL+tpLH)/2
Assignment-1 (due on August 10th)
tp= (tpHL+tpLH)/2 Find the propagation delay of an inverter PMOS: W=15u L=2.5u ; NMOS: W=5u L=2.5u - Vdd=5Volts Input at the gate is a pulse with following specifications: initial voltage=0; peak voltage=5 V; initial delay time=0; rise time=5ns; fall time=5ns; pulse-width=48ns; and Period=120ns, Consider Level 2 MOSFET model Consider load capacitance CL=100 fF at the output. Submit your assignments via to:
A First-Order RC Network
v out in C R tp = ln (2) t = 0.69 RC Important model – matches delay of inverter The time to reach the 50% point is easily computed as t = ln(2) t = 0.69 t. Similarly, it takes t= ln(9) t = 2.2 t to get to the 90% point.
Power Dissipation Instantaneous power: p(t) = v(t)i(t) = Vsupplyi(t)
Peak power (supply line size): Ppeak = Vsupplyipeak Average power (Battery Size): Pave : Static and Dynamic
Energy and Energy-Delay
Power-Delay Product (PDP) = E = Energy per operation = Pav tp The PDP is simply the energy consumed by the gate per switching event. Energy-Delay Product (EDP) = quality metric of gate = E tp
A First-Order RC Network
v out v in CL
Summary Digital integrated circuits have come a long way and still have quite some potential left for the coming decades Some interesting challenges ahead Getting a clear perspective on the challenges and potential solutions is the purpose of this book Understanding the design metrics that govern digital design is crucial Cost, reliability, speed, power and energy dissipation
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