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CS1: Wireless Communication and Mobile Programming

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1 CS1: Wireless Communication and Mobile Programming
Mapping the Mobile Computing Space Dr. Khaled Mahmud Laurentian University International Global Experience Program June–July 2014

2 Agenda What is mobile computing? Networks for mobile computing
Mobile computing functions Networks for mobile computing Middleware and gateways Application and services Developing mobile computing applications Standards Stakeholders (c) Khaled Mahmud

3 Reference Chapter 1 [TEL] Web references (c) Khaled Mahmud

4 What is Mobile Computing?
Can be defined as- ‘Computing Environment of physical mobility’ Expected to have the 3 basic features: Mobility Connectivity Computing (c) Khaled Mahmud

5 Various Views of Mobile Computing
Anywhere, anytime information Virtual home environment Nomadic computing Pervasive computing Ubiquitous computing Global service portability Wearable computers (c) Khaled Mahmud

6 Variants of Mobility Mobility What moves (changes) User Mobility
User’s physical location can change Network Mobility User’s network can change Network itself may move and change anchor point in infrastructure Session Mobility Same session continues when other factor(s) changes Agent Mobility Same agent can be used when other factors (device) change Host Mobility IP host changes connectivity point Device Mobility Device change Bearer Mobility Bearer (Dialup, WAP, SMS, etc.) service can change (c) Khaled Mahmud

7 Mobile Computing: Functional Model
Application server Content Server Devices Application Framework User with device Networks and gateways Middleware framework Database Content (c) Khaled Mahmud

8 Mobile Computing: Functional Model
Application server Database Devices Application Framework User with device (B) (C ) (A) (c) Khaled Mahmud

9 Mobile Computing Components
Smart Phone, Tablets Laptops Radio/TV User with device 3G/4G, WiMAX, WLAN Router/Switches, Home router/Modems, APs, BlueTooth Firewall, proxies, NAT Network Media gateways, Signaling gateways, IVR Application layer gateways SIP servers, H323 gatekeepers Gateway Transcoding servers Conferencing servers Security middleware Middleware Static content, dynamic content, database-connected Search/news Streaming, video/audio, gaming Content (c) Khaled Mahmud

10 Networks Supporting Mobile Computing
Cellular backbone, WLAN distribution system ISP (xDSL, fibre, cable) Home network, powerline network Wireline networks 3G/4G, WiMAX WLAN, BlueTooth Wireless home network WiFi offload of LTE Wireless networks Personal Area Network (WPAN) on BT Peer to peer WLAN, Virtual AP Tethering by Smartphones Adhoc network Cellular bearer LTE offload VPNs Bearers (c) Khaled Mahmud

11 Middleware and Gateways
Communication Middleware Interfaces between dissimilar services Transaction Processing Middleware Maintains state or session Behavior Management Middleware Formats the contents for context-ware rendering Communication Gateway Basically networking devices, interfaces/translates communication protocol (c) Khaled Mahmud

12 Mobile Computing Environment
End Device Bearer NW (Access) (Core), GW Bearer NW Middleware GW Content/ Service APP Router Access Point Smart phone Transcoder APP server Access Server WiMAX CPE/BS Content Transformation Engine Content Engine Tablet Multiservice Switch Laptop/Tablet Base Station Media/ Signaling GW Content Distribution EO/LE, MSC EO/LE- End Office/ Local Exchange MSC- Mobile Switching Center (c) Khaled Mahmud

13 Content: Application and Services
Unlimited categories and numbers All facets of society All ages Business and non-business Stationary and mobile Free or charged (c) Khaled Mahmud

14 Some Application Categories
Personal Perishable Transaction-oriented Location-specific Corporate Entertainment News (c) Khaled Mahmud

15 Developing Mobile Applications
Developing new mobile applications Efficient Flexible Can use newer technology and tools Most effectively optimized to requirements Making legacy applications mobile Works as add-on Needs a lot of interfacing between old systems and new technologies Lesser options for developers Can be eventually costlier than developing new from scratch (c) Khaled Mahmud

16 Security in Mobile Computing
With more dimensions of mobile, various security challenges arise Identity issues Data protection/privacy issues Billing and inter-operator transaction issues Models Operator-controlled system Service, content, security- all integrated Open-system with user-controlled security Network operator only gives bearer service (c) Khaled Mahmud

17 Standards Why standards?
Standards are critical to interoperability of equipment and services Can be used for market dominance! Standard vs. Proprietary Patents (Intellectual Property or IP) in Standards Khaled Mahmud

18 Standardization Bodies Related to Mobile Computing
ITU International Telecommunications Union ITU-R ITU-Radio ITU-T ITU-Telecommunications (CCITT) ISO International Organization for Standards IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers IETF Internet Engineering Task Force ANSI American National Standards Institution ETSI European Telecommunication Standards Institute W3C World Wide Web Consortium OMA Open Mobile Alliance 3GPP (2) Third Generation Partnership Project WiFi WiFi Alliance WIMAX Forum Worldwide Interoperability of Microwave Access Forum (c) Khaled Mahmud

19 Stakeholders in Mobile Computing
International Regional National/local Regulatory authority International Regional National Standardization Bodies Universities Government research institutions Vendor/operator’s research labs Research Organizations Terminal vendors/manufacturers Infrastructure vendors/manufacturers Equipment Vendors OS vendors Application Framework vendors Platform Vendors End-user application developer Infrastructure software developers Developers Land/Mobile operators Internet Service providers Operators End users Corporate/business users Users Trend setters Media Predictors/Thinker Social Leaders

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