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Ch 19 Elements Metals, Nonmetals, Metalloids

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1 Ch 19 Elements Metals, Nonmetals, Metalloids
Alkali and Alkali Earth Metals Ionic Bonding, Metallic Bonding, Covalent Bonding Bellwork: List 8 ways that elements are important in your life. (Write on your packet.)

2 What are we going to learn today…
Use the periodic table to identify the characteristics and properties of metals, nonmetals, metalloids

3 Metals Describe the properties of a typical metal
Identify the alkali metals and alkali earth metals Differentiate among three groups of transition elements

4 Metals Good conductors of heat and electricity
Reflect light – shiny (luster) Solid at room temp (except Mercury Hg is a liquid at room temp) Malleable – can be hammered or rolled into sheets Ductile – Can be drawn into wires

5 Bonding in Metals – Ionic Bonds
Generally have 1-3 valence electrons in outer shell Metals tend to give up electrons easily because of strength of charge of protons in nucleus Metals + Nonmetals Atoms of metals lose electrons to atoms of nonmetals Both atoms become more chemically stable when they form ions Take on electron structure of nearest noble gas

6 Bonding in Metals – Metallic Bonding
Positively charged metallic ions are surrounded by a cloud of electrons Outer-level electrons are not held tightly to the nucleus of an atom Electrons move freely among many positively charged electrons Electrons form a cloud around metal ions Explains many properties of metals1 1. Malleable, ductile – metal does not break because ions are in layers that slide past one another without losing attraction to electron cloud 2. Good conductors of electricity because outer-level electrons are weakly held

7 Nonmetals Recognize Hydrogen as a nonmetal
Compare and contrast properties of the halogens Describe properties and uses of the noble gases.

8 Nonmetals CHNOPS – biologically important elements
Usually gases or brittle solids at room temp Not malleable Not ductile Not shiny Most are not good conductors of heat or electricity Most of the human body is made up of Oxygen, Carbon, Hydrogen, Nitrogen Calcium (metal) makes up 4% of body Phosphorus, Sulfur, Chlorine CHNOPS – biologically important elements

9 Bonding in Nonmetals Ionic Bonds Nonmetals + Metals
Nonmetals become negative ions Metals become positive ions Potassium Iodide (KI) Nonmetal I becomes neg (I-) Metal K becomes pos (K+) Covalent Bonds Nonmetal + Nonmetal Atoms share electrons Ammonia, NH3 Carbon Dioxide , CO2

10 Alkali Metals Li, Na, K, Rb, Cs, Fr
Softer than other metals Most reactive – react violently with oxygen and water Don’t occur in nature in elemental form (stored under oil or gas) One electron in outer shell Electron is given up when bonded Alkali metal becomes positively charged ion Ionic forms of sodium (Na+) and potassium (K+) are critical to human health Lithium (Li) treats bipolar disorder Radioactive element – nucleus breaks down, gives off particles and energy Francium (Fr) very rare and radioactive

11 Alkaline Earth Metals Be, Mg, Ca, Sr, Ba, Ra
Combine so readily with other elements that they are not found as free elements in nature Two electrons in outer energy level Electrons given up when bonding to nonmetal Becomes positively charged ion (Ca2+) Magnesium (Mg) – Fireworks, light but strong metal, chlorophyll is a Mg compound Calcium (Ca) – makes bones strong, muscle contraction, nerve transmission Barium (Ba) – used in diagnostic medical testing of digestive system

12 Transition Elements Groups 3 - 12
Iron Triad – Iron (Fe), Cobalt (Co), Nickel (Ni) – create steel Coinage Metals – Gold (Au), Silver (Ag), Copper (Cu) – coins, jewelry, copper wiring, photographic film Zinc (Zn), Cadmium (Cd) – coat or plate other metals for protection, rechargeable batterie Mercury (Hg) – silvery, liquid metal at room temp Thermometers Bioaccumulates in fish and can cause mercury poisoning in people

13 Inner Transition Metals
Lanthanides Actinides Lanthanum (La), cerium (Ce), praseodymium (Pm), samarium (Sa) compound used expensively in the motion picture industry Radioactive, unstable Thorium (Tm) – used for making glass in high-quality camera lenses because it bends light without much distortion Uranium (U) – nuclear reactors, weapons, photographic toner

14 Nonmetals - Hydrogen 90% of all atoms in universe are Hydrogen
Most is found in compound H2O Hydrogen = “water forming” Diatomic molecule – consists of two atoms of the same element in a covalent bond Highly reactive – single electron shares in covalent bonds Hydrides - Can gain an electron when it combines with alkali metals and alkali earth metals Sodium Hydride NaH

15 Nonmetals - Halogens F, CL, Br, I, At
Halogen lights – Br, I Very reactive in elemental form Fluoride - toothpaste, water F most chemically active Etch glass, frost lightbulbs Chlorine – water disinfectant I sublimates 7 valence electrons Halogen + Metal = Salt (Ionic Bond) NaCl Gaseous State – reactive diatomic covalent molecules Colorful At has no known use

16 Nonmetals Noble Gases He, Ne, Ar, Kr, Xe, Rn
Isolated atoms Stable – outer energy level full No naturally occurring compounds known Some created in lab Stability makes them useful Blimps, balloons, neon signs, electric lightbulbs, lasers

17 Mixed Groups - Metalloids
Distinguish among metals, nonmetals and metalloids Describe the nature of allotropes. Recognize the significance of differences in crystal structure in carbon. Understand the importance of synthetic elements.

18 Mixed Groups - Metalloids
Group 13 – Boron Group Group 14 – Carbon Group Group 15 – Nitrogen Group Group 16 – Oxygen Group Group 17 – Halogens Contain metals, nonmetals and metalloids

19 Properties of Metalloids
Can form ionic and covalent bonds with other elements Have metallic and nonmetallic properties Semiconductors – some metalloids can conduct electricity better than most nonmetals, but not as well as some metals Located along the stair step…except for Aluminum (Al) which is a metal

20 Boron Group 13 - B, Al, Ga, In, Tl
Borax – water softener and laundry detergent Boric Acid – roach powder Aluminum Most abundant metal in earth’s crust Soft drink cans, foil wrap, cooking pans, siding Strong and light – used in airplanes

21 Carbon Group 14 – C, Si, Ge, Sn, Pb
Carbon - nonmetal Coal - elemental C Many organic and inorganic compounds CO2 – inorganic – plants use CO2 and sunlight it to make C6H12O6 Organic C compounds are the building blocks of life All organic compounds contain carbon, but not all carbon compounds are organic.

22 Carbon Group 14 – C, Si, Ge, Sn, Pb
Silicon (Si) – metalloid Sand (SiO2), rocks, soil Structure similar to diamonds Allotropes – different forms of same element, different molecular structures Main component of semiconductors – elements conduct electric current under certain conditions Electronics, computers

23 Carbon Group 14 – C, Si, Ge, Sn, Pb
Germanium (Ge) – metalloid also used in semiconductors Tin (Sn) – metal - coats other metals to avoid corrosion (tin cans) Bronze, pewter Lead (Pb) – metal - used in paint years ago but toxic

24 Allotropes of Carbon Diamonds – clear, hard crystal - each C bonded to 4 C’s in tetrahedron in strong, crystalline structure Graphite – black powder – hexagonal layers of C atoms that slide over each other – each C bonded to 3 C’s and 4th electron weakly bonded to next layer Buckminsterfullerene – buckyballs – soccer ball shaped – used to make nanotubes (1 billionth of a meter in diameter)

25 Nitrogen Group 15 – N, P, As, Sb, Bi
Share electrons, covalent bonds Nitrogen (N) - Nitrates, ammonia in fertilizer Fourth most abundant element in body 80% air you breathe is diatomic N2 Don’t use in N2 form… must be combined into compounds like amino acids

26 Nitrogen Group 15 – N, P, As, Sb, Bi
Phosphorus (P) – nonmetal, three allotypes Water softener, fertilizer, matches, fine china Arsenic (As) - toxic Antimony (Sb) – metalloid - Bismuth (Bi) – metal, Pepto-Bismol

27 Oxygen Group 16 – O, S, Se, Te, Po
Oxygen (O) – nonmetal, makes up 21% of air Diatomic O2 – living things on Earth need it for respiration Ozone O3 – protects Earth from sun radiation Sulfur (S) – nonmetal Selenium (Se) – nonmetal – multivitamin

28 Synthetic Elements Some created by smashing existing elements with particles accelerated in a heavy ion accelerator Nuclear reactors, bombs Americium in smoke detectors Transuranium – anything over 92 protons – not metal, nonmetal or metalloid Synthetic, unstable, disintegrate quickly, radioactive Flerovium #114 – only 90 atoms, over 30 sec which is pretty long…#112 only lasts sec

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